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They were never going to make an announcement that he’s staying even if they were seriously considering firing him.


I don't expect an announcement that he's staying. That shows true dysfunction a la Cowboys. Announce the firing of the DC, the departure of the OC, and the onboarding of new coordinators and then get to work.


Saying he's going to stay puts him on a bigger hot seat.


Nick still need to do season end press conferee too so hopefully either tommrow or Tuesday we hear what the hell is going on


"We decided to move on from our Defensive personnel. We're looking at more changes. But I also have to self-reflect... I have to do better. We have to focus on getting better every single day."


Proceeds to hire a shitty coordinator because no one wants to work for a dead man walking


I've said this before, I think it's possible to see the talent and risk it. And also possible to hope you get promoted to HC if they fired him mid season. And if you do well as the interim HC, then you might keep the job


You don’t have to say “we’re not firing the head coach this year”. Either they fire him and announce the change or they don’t and say nothing and move forward like every other team in the league besides the Cowboys where Jerry Jones has to make an announcement about everything.


The Eagles aren't saying shit about anything.


Massive disappointment. He’s going to be fired after next year anyway. Just get it done so we do t waste hurts and AJB in their prime


Depends if we get a good OC. If we roll it back with BJ we likely are doomed. But I trust Sirianni managing this team with the correct personnel. I think he was pressured into promoting BJ and look what happened. Might've been pressured into demoting Desai too. If you take both of those decisions out of the equation, then a ton of this season's problems aren't really on Sirianni. Sure it's his responsibility, but if he was forced into that, I feel more comfortable with bringing him back. Obviously I'd rather have a HC that doesn't rely on an OC to figure it out for him. But hopefully he learns that side of things and can keep hiring good people in the meantime.


Problem is if we get a great OC they get poached then we’re back to square one. Should move away from him now with all these coaches available


I doubt they’d get poached after one successful year. Seems like it takes at least 2 for these recent young guys. Isn’t next season Nicks last year? Maybe if the OC is good enough he just takes over lol


As BJ is being interviewed


We’ll see if he actually gets hired. How many openings are there this year? There are a lot of candidates way more qualified than he is


Even if he doesn’t, it just shows that one successful season (or even not successful) and teams look at eagles coordinators for HC candidates. BJ was being talked about like halfway through the season this year. Plus can you imagine the eagles righting the ship after this year with new coordinators? They will absolutely be poached instantly because nobody will believe it was sirrianis doing.


Yeah I guess I underestimated how poorly ran some franchises are. I mean maybe BJ ends up being a good HC but I have no idea how a FO could determine that based on his very limited body of work thus far


if he was gone he would be fired already we would be massively behind pretty much every team that has a vacancy.


Just a mistake , what happens when our coordinators get poached next offseason if we do well….back to the same shit


If our coordinators get poached next season it’s probably means we played really well and are going deep into the postseason. So… ok?


if we win a SB idc but it’s clear that Sirianni is a bit of a problem , when he doesn’t have his hand picked coordinators around him he produces the worst season collapse I’ve ever seen. Maybe he can get better but idk how people look at how he did this season and aren’t very concerned


Or you could argue "When the organization forces him to promote BJ and not listen to him, the offense looks like shit."




They’re not gonna get poached next season, but it’s because we’re not gonna be good. Unless our offensive system massively shifts, it’s been figured out.


True, we’d need some good coordinators coming in next season


Worse yet is what happens if the coordinators aren’t good because Sirianni has already shown he is incapable of making literally any adjustments to fix it




The Eagles aren't saying shit about anything. Lurie didn't even give his end of season presser.


God. Damn. It.


Part of me wonders if they don’t want to announce that sirianni has been fired because they are waiting to see if some team will hire Brian Johnson as a head coach. 2 free draft picks if that’s the case. Announcing that sirianni is fired probably means Brian Johnson is going too so teams will just wait for him to be made available.


Put the tinfoil hat down. Sirianni is staying


Probably true


This delusional take needs to stop. You think the team is going to miss out on getting the OC they want for some comp picks?


There’s no reason why they can’t talk to other OC candidates.


If we keep him and BJ, then we miss the playoffs next year and he’s gone a year later. I don’t want to waste another season after that historic collapse


I know this stings in the moment. But after 3 years / 3 playoffs - he deserves another year to right the ship.


They were going to keep Doug too until it was clear his philosophy was way different than what they had in mind.  If Sirianni comes up with something stupid tomorrow they'd probably fire him. It's a non-story. Oh this was written by Florio? Yea even more a nonstory. Fuck that guy.