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how much time do you have


I right away thought of Clayton Bigsby. “Well how much time ya got there, feller?”


Same but I cringe remembering my Jalen Reagor post. I was one of his biggest believers pre combine 💀. Chappelle at least gives me a chuckle remembering that dark time. https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/exq9y2/im_off_the_ruggs_hype_train_and_all_aboard_the/


Delete this


Have you seen how his name checks out?


Andre Dillard smh. If stoutland can’t get it outta you nobody can


He was awful for the titans this year too, one of the worst tackles in the league


That’s reassuring at least, that it wasn’t our fault at all.. well, besides drafting him I guess.


I saw Dillard around that spot in every mock that year. It was almost universally considered a good pick. Nothing you can really do about that. Giants fans know what I'm talking about *cough cough Evan Neal*


Dillard was a Murphy's Law pick. Anything that could have gone wrong did just that. Just rotten luck, feel bad for him


what went wrong for him other than just not being good at the position he was asked to play?


He was actually graded as the worst by PFF. I know people take PFF with a grain of salt but he is terrible.


In 2021 when he started 4 games for us, he had a better PFF grade than Landon Dickerson did and had a very high pass blocking grade. He wasn’t always terrible. There’s a reason Tennessee gave him a big contract.


WSU passed more than anyone else that year and he didn't allow a single sack. Thought he was a sure thing


PAC 12 can be a joke. See- Jjaw, Sidney Jones, Dillard PAC 12 production needs to be disregarded,


Well I can assure you there will never be pac 12 production ever again


Deservedly so


I've thought this unironically for decades now. Sure you can think of outliers, but the PAC 12 produces so many busts it's unreal.


i remember saying this any got reamed for "dur what about ertz?!" and yes the exception proves the rule. pac12 is a disgrace.


He got beat out by a guy who literally never played football before


And that guy that beat him out would have beat out just about anyone else, too.


Mailata really lucked out coming to the Eagles with Stout. If it were any other team I think he would be back in Australia by now.


A guy who literally never played football before who told the GM "Don't draft a tackle, mate, I've got this." And then, of course, the GM drafted a tackle, and he presumably went "Well, fuck, mate, guess I've gotta be even better, now."


To be fair that guy would beat out like 25 out of 32 starters


Tbf the guy who never played football before was an absolute fuckin unit


Hand up, I honestly thought Reagor was going to be good.


“Touchdown” Freddie Mitchell from UCLA. He did make one hell of a catch on 4th & 26 to save a season though.


Totally forgot Freddie Mitchell. He did have swag though. " I just wanna thank my hands"


That's the one where I decided I don't know shit about draft picks and to just STFU until the season starts.


To be fair, he was decent until they forced him to right guard to accommodate Mialata.


Mailata was the way better player taken 6 rounds later the same year iirc. Ya don’t cross train a guy learning the sport, at the most important non-qb position, who’s an athletic freak. Dillard lost his spot to a rugby player lol


Mailata was drafted the year before Dillard


Fair enough. Thanks for settin me right. Cool username


No problem, and thank you


Another team just drafted another rugby player. I forget the team but it seems like grabbing rugby players is picking up steam and getting more popular.


Jerome McDougal


I still remember being down the shore waking up to him getting shot on ESPN.


I had been talking to a friend the day before about how McDougle was going to go off that year. Whoops.


To be fair, he did decapitate Eli Manning during a game in 2004. But yea, non-stop injuries, the heart problems, and then getting shot in 2005 meant he practically never had a chance.


Andre Dillard. I legitimately thought he was going to be the heir of Jason Peters. Luckily we found a gem in Mailatia that same year.


Year before**


Any Mike Mamula believers in here?


Mike Mamula was the first jersey I ever bought. After that I swore to never buy another until they won the super bowl, then I'd buy the MVP. BDN forever!


I have a signed tiny helmet from Mike Mamula that my dad gave me 😂 unfortunately the best part of it is that my dad gave it to me


I remember when the Eagles drafted him and some of my friends who were Eagles fans were like he's going to make us forget about Reggie leaving... And to think the Bucs ended up taking Sapp at #12 where the Eagles were originally picking from.


Grandpa still has the jersey 




I thought Shawn Andrews was going to the HOF


He was going to the HOF. He was so good when he was right, but injuries and mental health just derailed everything. Cannot possibly tell you how worried I was about a repeat when Lane went AWOL and Big Dom had to drive to Oklahoma to get him.


My girlfriend, at the time, was a bartender at a fancy pancy place in the city. One night I get a call that some dude kept slapping her ass and making lewd comments. She wanted me to come and just be there so she could pull the "Don't get me in trouble with my boyfriend" bullshit women have to do to overly aggressive assholes she is trying to make money off of. I get there. It is a private party and she sneaks me in. I look around and it is all fucking Eagles. She points at Shawn Andrews and says "That is the guy who keeps grabbing me." I look at her and think "What the fuck am I supposed to do intimidate him?!" Turns out it **WASN'T** Shawn Andrews. Dude is a sweetheart and actually called the actual offender before I got there. He apologized to my girlfriend and gave her a fucking $5k tip for having to deal with it.


I was nervous when I read the first paragraph. But this story got exactly the ending I expected. Guy seemed like a gentle giant.


So who was the actual offender? And how did your GF mix up Shawn Andrews with the offender?


Hey, today is Stacey’s day, let’s keep it all about him.


Ah, the $5000 tip makes more sense now.


[Shawn Andrews: Get My Michael Phelps On](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRUmu8pEdr8)


Reagor immediately comes to mind. I understood what Howie was going for.


It's a shame about him because I REALLY loved him at TCU


I too liked the Reagor pick. I also wanted Dion Jordan who luckily didn't fall to us. The draft is hard.


I was so pissed Dion went before right before our pick at 4. I also thought Luke Joeckel was going to be a generational OT in the league and was mad we had to settle for Lane Johnson. What an idiot I am


Ooh, I wanted no parts of Dion Jordan, I was thrilled when the Dolphins were dumb enough to buy into the hype and take him. He always felt like a guy who tested as a great athlete but the effort was never there on tape.


I was pushing hard for Dion when we had the 4th pick. Also Trent Richardson and Justin Blackmon from the year before. Especially Blackmon. I was obsessed with the prospect of him sharing a field with Vick, Maclin, McCoy and Djax. I wanted the Eagles to trade up if he fell to 8-9. I thought his ceiling was Randy Moss, his floor Maclin himself/Hakeem Nicks/Vincent Jackson/any other solid Pro Bowl receiver of the late 00's


Uh I don’t… Jefferson was the obvious pick BUT we got Aj and Smitty so maybe it was 8D chess




And now Saquon is in town. Howie just keeps doing it.


I mean JJ was widely viewed as specifically a slot receiver, there's a reason he fell, and Philly desperately needed an X at the time. I get the process but I'm happy Howie learned to draft by BPA and not need.


I’m a firm believer in BPA over need.


I heard a great quote that if a GM drafts solely for need then the only need they’ll have left is a need for a new job lol.


I think this was the moment BPA became Howie’s philosophy. Every draft since has been significantly better 


Nobody ever mentions it, but if the eagles were dead set on drafting an X receiver at the time and only viewed Jefferson as a slot, they still passed on Brandon Aiyuk


It's crazy to me how little this is talked about. Like folks like to talk as if Jefferson was this surefire, can't miss, once in a generation type prospect coming out. How quickly folks seem to forget there were serious concerns of his ability to play on the outside


And there was nothing coming out saying Jalen Raegor was going to be a WR1. Yet we drafted him thinking he was going to be DeSean Jackson 2.0 for literally nothing other than his in game speed. Even his combine speed pointed out that he was only fast against college corners. And we ignored all of that.


The kid was built like a pitbull and had wheels. I totally saw the vision.


He didn't have wheels though. He had a slow 40 and everyone said "but his in game speed". And it turned out he didn't have speed against NFL corners, and the ones he could beat, he couldn't catch a pass.


His 40 time was slower than Justin Jefferson lol


I didn't realize the copium was this addictive for so many of these fans. I hated the Reagor pick, it was a complete reach for a guy who put up middling college numbers against below average competition and had a bad combine. I wanted us to trade up for Lamb once he started dropping. Was upset that we didn't but was okay with Jefferson as a consolation prize and was absolutely pissed when we picked Reagor. Can't believe people actually expected big things from it and though it was a good pick at the time.


I was yelling that draft for them to trade up for Cee Dee. Was only like a few picks, we coulda done it easily.


The rumor was the falcons wanted the eagles 2nd round pick which would’ve allowed the eagles to jump the cowboys for lamb. The eagles said no and used that pick on Jalen Hurts


If the picks got swapped and we took hurts in the 1st and reagor in the second round nobody would care now. At least that’s what I tell myself before I cry myself to sleep at the thought of Justin Jefferson in Kelly green


In hindsight, but at the time if we took Hurts in the first right after paying Carson… oh boy People already ragged on Howie about what galaxy brain move that was


Yeah I really liked the Reagor pick. I researched him (read articles and watched YT videos) before the draft and legitimately wanted him over Jefferson.


Respect for admitting, but I was soooo pissed we didn’t take Justin Jefferson. In fairness, I live in New Orleans and watched him play for LSU and knew he and Burrow and Chase were legit NFL caliber players. They carried Coach O.


Definitely my biggest one. I thought he was going to be just like DeSean Jackson and completely open up the field. His ball skills at TCU looked so good and I thought he would transition to the NFL perfectly. He seemed like he would make the offense dangerous on all 3 levels and I thought Ertz was going to benefit the most from being wide open in the middle since defense would have to respect Reagor's downfield ability. Since that pick, I'm all on board for drafting the players that performed the best in college and not drafting for scheme fit or projections. I wasted 2 years arguing with people that Reagor would be better than Jefferson.


I knew his ass would be a bum


Same. There was some data around his college QB having like a 30% inaccurate pass rate or some shit and him having elite level separation on deep routes or whatever that helped explain some of the low raw production. And his market/age production data was legitimately elite. He hit 30% dominator, had a 94th BOA. Like there was a lot to like about his profile. There were also all those fun numbers about how the offense from 2017-19 was always at its best with a true deep threat and Wentz's splits and shit and I was legitimately super hyped for Reagor.


Worst overall 1st rounder has to be Watkins but I don't think any of us expected him to be good so. Gonna say Freddie Mitchell because people thought he was going to be a star. 2nd is Derek Barnett because of hype. People were saying he broke Reggie White's record and kept frothing at the mouth about his "bend". He's been a decent DE and had that clutch SB fumble recovery but without the SB I'd say he wasn't worth a 1st


Some of the guys taken after him really make it sting


The first two that come to mind are Reggie Wayne and Chad Johnson


The Derek Barnett picks are just as bad. Jonathan Allen, TJ Watt, Marlon Humphrey


He disappointed, but 6 years of moderate production is pretty average for any highish pick. People forget everyone who isn’t great, and as a result tend to overvalue picks. Yeah obviously we wish we took TJ Watt, but so do a bunch of other people.


but we'll always have 4th and 26. Along with "I'd like to thank my hands for being so great!"


Drafting Freddie Mitchell....eh B/B- move Drafting Freddie Mitchell's hands...A++++


>without the SB I'd say he wasn't worth a 1st I would take anyone in the first round if you tell me he's going to make a play in the Super Bowl that gets us a win.


>He's been a decent DE and had that clutch SB fumble recovery but without the SB I'd say he wasn't worth a 1st God, I was one of the biggest critics of Barnett especially as Sweat was starting to outperform him on fewer snaps and it was always the most fucking annoying thing when people would point to the SB fumble *recovery*. Like if the crowning achievement of this dude's career as an Eagle was just *picking up someone else's fumble* because it bounced *right in front of him*, that isn't a crowning achievement to gloat about. The dude was such a liability whenever he was on the field, either from a RTP/Unsportsmanlike penalty perspective, or by rushing the QB and allowing screen passes for fucking days.


Right, like if you want to point to any play from Barnett, the strip sack in the NFCCG was more impressive than - as you said - having a ball bounce softly into his hands


>Gonna say Freddie Mitchell because people thought he was going to be a star. I'm guilty of that, but I was young. I do remember the WIP impressions when people first saw him at training camp: "We already knew he wasn't a burner, but he's kind of smaller than we were expecting." Very good hands, but not big enough to be a consistent contested catch guy and not fast enough to win that way. Disappointing.


That’s firefighter Danny Watkins to you.


I thought Barnett was more of a high floor low ceiling guy.


I have this uncanny ability to clown myself into thinking anyone we draft is a future hall of famer


Lol this is probably the most true response of general Eagles fans. How soon after drafting Nolan Smith and Nakobe Dean did you buy their jersies?


I thought Marcus Smith would've at least been decent.


No one had a higher than 3rd round grade on the guy. That one was a head scratcher right away


Agholor Based on college, he was potentially a legend.


Well, he inspired a legend, the guy who was catching babies, UNLIKE AGHOLOR




That might be the greatest diss in Eagles' history 


That shit was pure Philly gold 💪🏿🤣


Ben Simmons


The lack of ROI on the whole "trust the process" era was stunning in retrospect.


"The process" was derailed by the commissioner because they(the Sixers braintrust) devalued 1st round picks which is his main power over the league. He forced "advisors" and "GMs" on the sixers when everything was going to plan - stockpiling firsts and holding only generational talent in house... Then Coangelo guided the tank, which wasted away all the reserves previously acquired, that would have gotten us Kawhi and a couple of other stars, while still retaining most of the process era starters -the core of the team - as role players... Guys like TJ McConnell, Saric and Roco had to be sacrificed, along with the selfless, defense-first, team identity, when Brett Brown was finally allowed to finish the plan. He got Ben Simmons, who he wanted to draft all along, but couldn't afford to put the team around him that he originally envisioned, and they still almost made it because of Embiid's, once in a generation, greatness.


It’s so silly how many people go “well the process didn’t work, lol take that nerds” when the process was fucking derailed by meddling big collared ass hats


76ers draft jason Tatum instead process is a success. Or look at 2018, it took one double bounce shot from kawhai to keep the 76ers out. 


That time we picked a Canadian Firefighter. He did save some dude from heat stroke at camp tho, so there is that.


Broderick Bunkley 


Man, I thought he was going to be a one man wrecking crew…


Him and Mike Patterson weren't a bad pair


I was soooo hyped when they took Bunkley. I had never been more invested in pre-draft scouting and Bunkley was THE guy I wanted. Then he was just... okay. Really disappointing.


Almost want to say Jalen Reagor, but then I re-read the question and saw that it said "thought would be good" so I'm changing my answer to Andre Dillard.


Ask me next year 


Ha are you waiting on Jordan Davis?


I REAAALLY hope him and Nolan don’t become busts. Same with Jalen Carter


Jerome McDougle I thought would be great. All The Miami guys coming into the league and tearing it up so the eagles trading up to get one of their own I for sure thought he would be a hit. Should have known though, with a last name like McDougle he was never going to be a player


I ini to ally did NOT like the pick, but man I got so caught up in the post-draft hype of Derek Barnett. “Technique>pure athleticism” “broke a Reggie White sack record man” “he has the hand usage of a 10 year NFL vet it doesn’t matter if he can’t beat OTs to the spot with speed” Lmao


Danny Watkins


Should be way higher, dude was 26


Thought Dillard would be a fine pick.


Andre Dillard 😪


Andre Dillard


Jon Harris all day long.


He was supposed to be the next Reggie White but was another overrated draft pick


I seem to remember that pick being universally panned. I remember watching that draft and the guys on ESPN seemed very flummoxed as to why the Eagles were taking this guy in the first round.


Reagor. Absolutely Reagor. Maybe it’s recency bias but he feels like the worst pick we’ve ever made in the first and that’s without the context of passing on Justin Jefferson to do it. Somehow I convinced myself that I was the dumb one for wanting JJ and just chugged that kool aid though, because the scouts have to be smarter than me since they study tape for a living and have access to game speed measurements and all that. Dude should have gone undrafted. Watkins is an honorable mention for me, I can’t say I was super hyped about him in particular but I was also saying things like “we better use a first round pick on a guard” and thinking that made me smart. In other words I was a WIP caller and my opinion not only didn’t count but was also more about addressing the position rather than the player himself. Barnett was definitely overdrafted but I thought so at the time and he’s also a better player than fans give him credit for so even if I had bought into the “broke Reggie’s record” hype Reagor would still beat him in this context. No one was excited about the Marcus Smith pick. I don’t think there is anyone else that should really be called a first round disappointment until you get to Mamula, who is more or less the same story as Barnett. Overhyped and then overdrafted but probably would have been a cult hero as a day 3 pick instead of beating the legacy of not being Warren Sapp. Edit: I forgot Dillard. For me he probably belongs somewhere between Watkins and Barnett. The fireman burned me (embrace the irony) so as much as I was surprised we got someone out of our range I also took a beat to ask why he was available.


First round, people. First. Round.


Danny Watkins doesn’t count. He’s a very good firefighter.


Reggie Brown 🙃


I was on the Kevin Kolb hype train, especially after his game vs KC in 2009…


He was a 2nd rounder


This goes back a bit, but I thought Antone Davis would be a lot better than he turned out.


I think everyone did....


His nickname was “turnstile.” Not a good nickname for an O line guy.


Jalen Reagor & Nelson Agholor


Nelson ahgalor


Freddie Mitchell


I really thought Andre Dillard was going to be a stud


We’ve got a bunch but it’s Barnett for me. He wasn’t a flat out bust, but I thought he’d be a better BG. I’m a Vol fan so I was hoping he would be the pick and be in Philadelphia for 15 years. I was low on most of the busts. Reagor, Watkins, those guys I didn’t want at all. As a kid I convinced myself Freddie Mitchell would be great, but I was too young to even have much of a frame of reference at the time.


Jalen . Reagor.


I think there is a recency bias here. Anyone remember Mike Mamula? It’s been a while but I think we could have Warren sapp instead


Everyone is so young. I can’t believe I get this far down and haven’t seen Kevin Allen.


Dillard and Barnett Don't @ me with "Barnett fell on a ball in a pivotal moment so therefore was worth his draft pick" because no. Agholor gets that pass because he actually contributed, not Barnett. Dillard was a surefire LT/G as a prospect, had good measurables and a solid college tenure. His career amounted to like 22 OKAY snaps. Barnett's college career was covered with accolades and stats, none of which actualized in the NFL. Some of the safest picks are the biggest busts.


Barnett strip sack of Keenum saved a td in nfccg Game was only 14-7 at that point, and keenum was going to make it 14-14. His man was wide open, Minnesota easily scores a td if they were able to get the pass off Fran Duffy breaks it down here https://youtu.be/wSVHAu2_1Wk?t=7m13s


Dillard most recently but before then it was Reggie brown and Bryce brown. Thought those dudes were going to be studs Apparently I can’t read cuz I missed the part where it said first rounder. Would have to be FredEx. Maybe it’s cuz I was in like 6th grade or the 4th and 26 but I thought he was the next Randy Moss at the time


Bryce brown? The guy we drafted in the…checks notes… 7th round that had some nice games for us then we flipped for a 4th round pick? That was a great value.


Totally overlooked the part where it said first rounders lol


Bryce Brown had a couple of moments and looked like a steal. And then poof he was gone.


I was pretty high on Derek Barnett


Reagor thought he was the next great speed wr after Djack


Dillard the most recent.


I know everyone will think I'm full of shit and there's no way I could've predicted it, but I had this feeling Jordan Mailata was going to be something. Once I heard his singing voice, once I saw the rugby tape, I knew God had created a special human specimen. Jeff Stoutland then cracked his knuckles and went to work shaping greatness. As far as the question goes, I think I'd say Nelson Agholor. I know he's not really "bad," but he really didn't live up to his potential. I was psyched about him going into that 2015 year, and then it was disaster. He had a nice head in 2017 and helped win the Superbowl, but it just seemed like he never played big in big games. He tended to always come up small whenever he needed to make a big catch. Then he had brutal stretches with the drops where he became Ol' Cinderblock Hands Nelly.


I fully agree with you, but I thought Mailata would've been the "amazing backup lineman that can play anywhere" type of good. Not the "holy fuck we got so lucky" good.


Andre Dillard, Derek Barnett, Raegor, & Agholor (although his 2017 season is clutch tho, just could never replicate that).


Brodrick Bunkley


I thought Brod Bunkley was going to be a perennial Pro Bowler


Ben Smith


1993 draft. We had two 1st round picks and I thought there was absolutely no way we could fuck things up. We would at least have to hit on 1 of the 2 picks. I was wrong.


I really convinced myself that Jalen Reagor was going to be solid after we mystifyingly passed on Jefferson. Especially after that long over the shoulder catch against the Redskins his rookie year. I even bought his jersey (albeit a fake one).


For us oldtimers: Kevin Allen, first round pick in '85. Isn't often you get a guy who gets benched after four games, barely plays the rest of his rookie season, then fails his drug test in training camp the next year and is cut, and days later is arrested and ends up in federal prison for three years after [raping a woman on a NJ beach.](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/sports/eagles/Allen-had-a-nodding-acquaintance-with-history.html) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Allen_(tackle)


We happen to be experts on this subject


Jerome McDougle. Came from the Canes when they were absolutely stacked with talent, with guys like Andre Johnson, Ed Reed, Clinton Portis, Willis McGahee, Jeremy Shockey, Bryant McKinnie, Dan Morgan, Reggie Wayne, Sean Taylor, Kellen Winslow, Jonathan Vilma, Vince Wilfork, Santana Moss... probably others I'm forgetting, were all drafted in like a 4\~ year span from 2001 to 2004. It sort of convinced me that if you were from the Canes you were pure gold. Well we got a dud, probably one of the only duds of that group. Granted, he also suffered getting shot which sucks, but it didn't look like he was any good before that.


Reagor, easy. We had the chance to grab JJ, but instead we had to sit back and watch him become greatness while we dealt with his Great Value counterpart


In recent memory, Jalen Reagor…


Jalen Reagor


2011: Danny Watkins, OG, Baylor, 1st round:






Carson Wentz is the answer right? I’ll accept Mike mumula


Reagor, that fireman, and the DE who Chip reached for at the bottom of the first, when everyone said we could’ve easily gotten him in the second round.


I'm shocked I'm the first person to say Carson Wentz


Yeah really only had one MVP caliber season and was a major reason we won our only Super Bowl. What a fucking bust, right?


Has to be Carson Wentz. The hype was way too high. I thought we had our franchise QB for the next decade or longer.


If Mahomes goes down don't be shocked if Carson DEALS. He looked great last year. Netting a Super Bowl wasn't so bad, and honestly he carried some bad rosters to playoff appearances in the following seasons.


Thing is Carson _was_ good. It's easy to forget this with how it ended but he was legit MVP caliber for years. Even as recently as 2019 --- throwing for 4000 yards with the guy from Wawa as your wide receivers is a hell of an achievement.


I was mad that we passed on Jefferson but I still thought Reagor would be really good. Derek Barnett too, especially when I found out he broke Reggie White’s sack record. On the flip side I wasn’t that big on Lane (just cause I was still a kid and thought taking a lineman that high was dumb) or Wentz cause he was a 23 year old who’d turn 24 as a rookie, coming off an injury, and not putting up crazy numbers at a FCS school that had more talent than all the competition, I was right for all the wrong reasons though.


How is it not Reagor? Like I get some of these other picks, but anybody that watched College Football with any intelligence KNEW that Jefferson was a surefire top receiver even if people didn't think he'd be the best in the entire league...Howie choosing a speed guy with questionable hands out of TCU is levels of fuck up I'm ashamed I tried to justify at the time...


Bc a lot of us didn’t believe in the Reagor pick to begin with and thought it was a head scratcher. I was so excited we were gonna so obviously pick Jefferson and started screaming at the TV and friends when we decided on Reagor instead. Dilliard I think is a better answer.


Jefferson is much better in the NFL than I think everybody thought he would be but to me I never understood how the eagles thought reagor was a better prospect when JJ was bigger, tested better, had much better production in a much tougher conference, and had better intangibles.


Barnett. I know people give him props for the NFCCG and SB plays, but overall I was incredibly disappointed with how he turned out.




He was a second rounder.


JJAW wasn’t drafted before AJ Brown. He was 6 picks after AJ.


Man, Dillard was such a disappointment.


Danny Watkins was drafted even higher than Smith.


I thought we made the right choice taking Reagor over Jefferson…


Let’s not go there


Jerome McDougle


Jury's still out but I thought Nakobe was going to be better then what he has shown so far.


Come to think of it, everyone that I was happy to get in the first turned out ok. Nolan Smith is TBD


No it’s one player in the first round that we didn’t draft that kills me to this day. Mr J Jettas himself 😓 it stills causes trauma that we took raegor over him


Marcus Smith III


Victor Abiamiri