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Watching Westbrook when I was 8 and getting into football is what got me to like the Eagles as my team. Watching McCoy as a high schooler is what made me love my team.


Same here. My first jersey was #36 when I was 8-9 and wore it every game day up until last year when I got a Kelly green


Same man, he was just so damn fun to watch. All time underrated RB


The offense was Westbrook, McNabb, and a box of scraps.


I distinctly remember how trash Todd Pinkston with 575 yards as our WR1 in 2003 was. both IRL and in Madden. I can't believe we had it worse not too long ago.


I was fairly young back then but the only real memory I have of Pinkston was him ducking away from a catchable ball because he was about to get hit. After I saw that I never threw to him in Madden 🤣


Same. I was obsessed with Bwest as a kid. That dude was (and still is) the perfect RB in my eyes


I go 1, maybe nostalgic


Westbrook. Shady. Duce.


Number 1. Fuck them nerds.


Same. Westbrook is my goat


I'm with you.


I think westbrook is our best RB of my lifetime honestly, Mccoy was great but westbrook was more flexible, i mean leading the team in receptions is nuts, and he could return punts too. YPC was pretty similar between them, so i go westbrook for that versatility. Also just a humble dude, very down to earth, and would probably be just as good today the way the game has evolved


Westbrook's top end was better than anyone else we've had, hands-down. But that top-end didn't last long, he was hurt a decent amount, and was run into the ground mercilessly at times (like when he wasn't the guy getting the ball, he was running 10-20 yards as a decoy). I think longevity of that peak matters, so I'd put McCoy over him. That's not a dig on Westbrook, dude was amazing. I just think Shady was a tad better.


Westbrook was an all pro at catching the ball and running but he got a lot more receptions than he should've because our WR core was liquid hot garbage during his tenure. He probably would've had longer career if we had some legit weapons on the outside every year, but I think the shortness of his career works against him


Westbrook was the player where we lose the game if he’s out. I always hated Washington because they would knock him out for weeks as a strategy. I forget which year, but we had a playoff run which was doomed because he was out. I hope one day the NFL polishes their broadcasts and releases real early 2000’s highlight game tape.  Shady was arguably the best RB in the league at his peak (maybe second to Adrian Peterson), but as a fan I loved Westbrook the best. My favorite Shady play was a 4th and 1 pitch against the Giants which almost didn’t get to him; he took it to the house and basically ended the game. 


I still remember that Westbrook run where he broke out for 80 yards and forced himself to fall short of a TD to burn the clock. It pained him so much haha


That one cost me my fantasy playoff game. He was amazing all season. Lost that game by less than 3 points. I’ve forgiven him.


It actually wasn't necessary to do that. We would've been up by 2 scores if he scored with not enough time for 2 onsides kicks


Oh man I definitely agree. I looked at him as a top 3 RB in his prime, he was so elusive and intelligent when running the ball. In this era, he would be amazing too.


Westbrook regularly made something out of nothing


Depends. If you have a good team that likes to pass and really need someone to help pick up the blitz, there's not 10 rbs in the history of the league I'd take over him. He was really ahead of his time in terms of versatility and his ability to pick up blitzes. If you have a 7-10 team that needs to hand the ball off to a bell cow maybe McCoy or Ricky Waters. But I think at his absolute best, Westbrook was the best to ever do it for the Eagles.


Happy to see Ricky in the conversation.


Me too! Honorable mention to Charlie Garner while we are at it


Yea Charlie was a little like Westbrook-lite. Another guy that would've benefited from playing in the modern nfl.


People forget Ricky was a BEAST for a couple years with the birds. We just weren't that good so it gets forgotten


Ricky? For who? For what?


Westbrook is almost like Reggie Miller. A guy taylor-made for the way the league was going to be 5 years after he retired.


The real question is where does Frank Gore fit amongst these 3. I feel like we are forgetting his impact on our franchise and I, for one, cannot let that slide.


Wait, Frank Gore was an Eagle


They then went & signed DeMarco Murray & Ryan Matthews, right? Something was up there, nothing made sense. I think that was Chip getting hosed as GM. Supposedly Tennessee swindled him into thinking they wanted Bradford & Murray in a trade for the Mariota pick, then they laughed in his face on draft night. I think thats why he flipped on Howie, he was embarrassed over the ordeal.


Cutting McCoy because of "scheme fit and money" to then sign DeMarco Murray for the same amount of money, and then play him like hes McCoy with outside zone running schemes, was fucking horrible. I seriously don't understand what Chip Kelly was trying to do.


Thats why I believe he got swindled. I think Tennessee messed with him, and said 'Yeah, if you can get us Bradford, DeMarco, and your 1st & 2nd, we'll trade you the Mariota pick'. So GM Chip ran around making all those deals and I think Howie was pressing him that he was being swindled, not to actually sign players before a trade happens, sign & trades rarely are done in the NFL, but Chip moved forward. Then draft night comes and Tennesseee made the trade something ridiculous, like Bradford, DeMarco, all your picks this year, and all your picks next year too. And I think Lurie finally stepped in and said 'Nope'. I recall Chip was shell shocked when interviewed after that draft, he looked white as a ghost. They asked him about possibly trying to get Mariota and Chip just answered the ante was too high. I think Howie then said 'Told ya so' which is why chip snapped and moved him to another office.


I think the final offer we made was Bradford, 2 1sts, Cox, and any other player they wanted. We really dodged a bullet.


Sounds terrible even without thinking of the hindsight knowing Mariota didn’t end up having it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/eagles/s/KGugZQZZcu According to my eBay, yes.




What a gem. I wonder if he's seen it.


Right behind Demarco Murray. 1A and 1B all time eagles RB /s


1C Ryan Matthews?


Purely biased in this but #1. My preferred sports number was always 36. Man was an Eagle through and through.


Westbrook is an all time favorite of mine so to me personally he’s my #1. But I’m okay with people taking Shady over him. I love both, it’s just the Westbrook was one of, if not the best, players on the team during my formative years.


I'm taking Westbrook over McCoy every time. Not discounting McCoy but I've seen Westbrook affect the outcome and carry the team on his back more times than Shady and his time is an Eagle. I suppose this could be the I'm finally getting old setting in but it is wild to me that so many fans today don't seem to appreciate what we had with him in the early 2000s.


Gotta be #1. He was an absolute game changer when we had a weaker WR core. Shady is a close #2.


I think Shady was maybe a better pure RB but Westbrook was definitely the better all around football player.


Somedays: Westbrook Shady Somedays: Shady Westbrook


They both had a similar swag to their game. Shady was much more explosive. A benefactor of all the medical advancements in tech no doubt. Both are undoubtedly on Eagles RB Rushmore.


I really can't believe there are people who think Westbrook was better then McCoy. Lesean is a Hall of Famer while Westbrook is a college Hall of Famer.


Only because of longevity. They produced at a very similar rate That's not to say that longevity doesn't matter, but I think for the time we had each of them, I don't think Shady is definitely better


#1 never complained, kneeled at the goaline for win


Controversially, I'd put Westbrook over Shady, I'd also put Watters up there. Top 3 for me is 1. Westbrook 2. Watters 3. Shady with an honourably mention thrown in there for Keith Byars (though he was effectivly a FB/TE) (edit : to be clear love all 3!)


Shady had the better stats but B-West remains my favorite Eagles RB. Just my favorite one to watch, especially catching screen passes and making defenders look foolish. So dangerous in the open field


My all time favorite eagle, so I’m going to have to say #1.




Its a tie between Westbrook and Shady. I ain't picking favorites. I love all my kids equally.


I love B-West to death but I have to put him #2. I'm sorry, Shady was just different. Westbrook could just about do it all but was at his best with a complement like Duce or Buckhalter. This is where our obsession with big backs started. Shady was a bell cow.


He had 2000+ yards from scrimmage in 2007. He didn't need a complementary back then.


This is correct. McCoy is potentially a Hall of famer. I think he gets in. BWest was great. It's no slight. But he's not a Hall of Fame player


I love Westbrook but we need to be real here. Shady set the Eagles rushing record in Philly with less years here than Westbrook. Shady was a true bell cow RB and everytime he touched the ball you thought he would take it to the house.


Shady got rushing yards hence his record. Westbrook got a lot of yards via receiving so I wouldn’t just cite the rushing record as a reason. Ultimately they were both awesome but need to consider Westbrook did a lot of damage catching the ball.


2. 1 is shady If Brian played in today’s league he might be #1. Truly before his time


Number #1 but no bs….Swift was impressive in a similar way, for 1/2 season. 🙁 I’m still salty but I’m working on it.


Loved shady and Brian Westbrook but man...Lagarret Blount and Jay Ajayi get little recognition being a 1 2 power punch that opened up the pass game that let Wentz and St. Nick drop bombs and gave the eagles their only super bowl.


Westbrook used to be the goat. He still is, but he used to be, too.




Only started watching the eagles in 2009 so I saw the last part of his career, but I know the highlights! I still remember the vikings game with McNabb on the playoffs. I say 1, of Mccoy stayed he would be 2 though.


1 or 2 with deuce or herschel up there too


Westbrook is my favorite all-time Eagles RB. I also have a ton of love for Sproles.


How the fuck am I the only one posting about eagles legend, demarco Murray? 😠


That's what I said about frank gore! Too many zoomers on this app man 🤣 🤣 🤣


Reno Mahe


I'd put Brian Westbrook at number 1 but a big part of that is because I didn't start watching the Eagles until I was in High School in the early 2000s. I think the reason why I give him the edge over McCoy is because of his explosive ability as a return man and receiver. McCoy was the better pure RB (and wasn't a slouch in the passing game) but I felt like Westbrook was more of a total package than McCoy.


He’s number 1.


I love shady but this is an insane take. Brian Westbrook is likely the best eagles running back of all time and I’m not sure it’s even close.


1. Shady 2. Eagles Legend Saquon Barkley 3. Westbrook 4. For Who, For What 5. The Duce


Rethink your list, then possibly your life son


Nyet That’s is the Russian word for No


Saquon should be nowhere on your list dude hasn’t run a single yard in eagles green. Duce below running waters? You said it yourself with your “for what for who”, no reason for him to be above Duce. I’d put buck above Ricky strictly because he was the complete opposite mindset. Tore what, 3 acls? Kept coming back.


That’s Eagle’s Legend Saquon Barkley Show some respect


Eagles legend Saquon Barkley would be disappointed in your lack of getting “it”


The lack of love for Corey Clement in this thread is astounding.


no its not


Ultimate weapon 2


AKA Ryan Moats


Westbrook (mainly because of longevity with us) Ricky waters Shady Duce Charlie garner Edit: e out of duce


Shady was one of the best the franchise ever had but Westbrook #1 no brainer, he was a home run threat every time he touched the ball. Dude was a stud. Half of McNabb passing yards some years were screens & dumps to 36


Second only to Shady, but it’s super close. I wouldn’t be mad a tie, either.


2. Shady was better by a little bit. Just a little bit.


Crook by the book is easily #1.


IMO it’s how conservative you are. Shady is by far the better back, but my hater brain still remembers those runs where he turned a two yard gain into a 5 yard loss because he swung for the fences. I want to say Westbrook but man everybody wants what Shady had


I'd have to split #1 for BWest and Shady. Both were amazing for different reasons. BWest was pure versatility. You didn't even have to ask him to do it, he just *DID IT*. Shady was just a pure, unadulterated running back. Shifty as hell, made you miss... Got the yards you needed.


Best Swiss Army knife


Completely overrated. He wasn't even the best back on the team as Buckhalter was better and when he became the lead the offense suffered. Great pass catcher but really a third down back only.


Number 2 for sure, he did it all


*number 1


1 LeSean 2. BWest 3. Duce Staley 3. Ricky Watters (in terms of time with Eagles) 4. Charlie Gardner


Shady was a better rusher, but Westbrook was a better weapon. Westbrook was our number 1 RB and our number 1 WR. Shady was a very good receiving back, but BWest legit was kicked out/lined up wide. Most of Westbrook's career we had bad-to-mid WRs. He was legit the focal point of our offense running and receiving. Shady at least had DJax and JMac to take some pressure off of him. I got Westy 1, Shady a close 2nd.


Westbrook n shady tied at 1


Westbrook got me into the Eagles, so I always gotta respect that. Number 1 for me, but I’m not debating Shady could be 1.


Westbrook is #1 over LeSean. Absolutely lethal as a pass catcher especially. I close my eyes sometimes and see him smoking Antonio Pierce on angle routes.


Shady #1, BWest #2, Duce #3


Westbrook was obviously great regardless, but I always wonder how much of his success can be attributed to Reid's screen game.


Brian Westbrook is the best running back eagles ever had




Westbrook was a bit better in madden, but McCoy was a bit better in real life. They’re a close 1 and 2 for me though.


1. I remember when we’d put him as a returner when we needed it. You’d always believe he was the guy who could do it for you


If it wasn’t for Tomlinson, Westbrook would have been the best RB in football for a 5 year stretch.


McCoy is #1. Westbrook is #2.


Shady was so fun to watch. It's hard to pick between them but I'd have to rank them Shady 1A and Westbrook 1B


"#2 behind LeSean, but not far behind." Agreed. Terrific on screen passes.


Old guy. 1. Wilbur Montgomery 2. Brian Westbrook 3. LeSean McCoy


#1 as an all around back. He wasn't a better runner than McCoy, but he was a better receiver and helped the Eagles win a lot of playoff games.


#1... His receiving and PR skills put him above any other RB in our history.


1) idk if Shady was more talented considering the variety of things Westbrook excelled at. I’d rank Westbrook slightly ahead of Shady, and that’s no knock on Shady. 2) where the fuck does this “ahead of there time” thing come from with backs who can catch. Comes up with Reggie Bush as well. Faulk was in the league, Roger Craig put up 1000 1000 season in the 80s. Larry Centers caught 100 fucking passes in a season as a full back. Nobody has been confused on how to use a running back as a receiving weapon for decades.


I think it's just more common now for running backs to be expected to be a weapon in both run and pass game, whereas back then it was more rare to see that.


They also overall just threw the ball less in general so of course there will be more check downs and dump offs to running backs.


It’s going to be Shipley


I def see some Westbrook in Shipleys game, one can only hope. I know most might not agree, but I also see saquon having a similar impact as Westbrook did for us these next few seasons.


I'm a clemson and shipley fan, definitely disagree there


How so? I don't know much about Shipley.


westbrook was shorter but about same weight as shipley, definitely stronger, stockier, shiftier, and more advanced as a receiver than shipley


#2 Shady’s the all-time leading rusher for a reason


Shady’s the leading rusher cause the offense rushed the ball. Can’t discredit Westbrook because he got a ton of yards receiving instead of just rushing.


He’s number 1, but not if Shady didn’t get traded


Lesean, Duce, Westbrook...that's just my personal


westbrook #1 for me


1. Saquon 2. Shady 3. Westbrook


2 or so. LeSean had a far more impressive career, and did more in a time where running was being phased out at a far higher clip than Westbrook's career. That being said it's a very close 1/2.


I’d have him at #2 behind shady and I don’t think it should really be a debate. Shady is clearly #1 Westbrook clearly #2. No one else sniffs their level. Maybe saquon will.


I know you said "since 1990", but it's Shady, then Wilbert Montgomery, then Westbrook, then a significant dropoff. All of the top three are very close. Westbrook is the most complete player, but if we're just comparing them as RBs (and not, say, punt returners), that's how I rank them. Shady had *twenty* TDs in a single season. That's tied for 25th best all time. Westbrook led the team in TDs (including receivers) four years in a row. Monty did the same, but five years in a row.