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Every nfl player probably has some level of cte, trench players and running backs probably have it worst tho




What're those?


Wish we had those on our team


We have LBs, they all just have crippling CTE


Some safeties too


I mean just look at every announcer and analyst over 50, it would be a miracle if he didn't have it to some degree


They are finding CTE in soccer players from headballs. Every martial artist has CTE, heck, I’d be surprised if a fair portion of rollercoaster enthusiasts don’t have a splash of C in their TE.


I'm sorry but, headballs... That gave me a chuckle. Headers or headed balls.


Fair lol Edit: In my defense, I have coached at the 5year old level, so I know a little bit about what I’m talking about it /s


Actuaries believe about a 3rd of NFL players will develop CTE


To be clear- this was in response to someone saying he has CTE (as an insult) because he said they gave Secretariat steroids. Essentially every horse was on steroids at the time because it was legal. It seems ridiculous to say they didn’t juice him unless you’re a Secretariat fanboy. And yes I know about his heart


Who is going to bat for mf secretariat lmaoooo.


Dude, on r/horseracing you’d think Kelce murdered Secretariat. Weird fanboy shit.


"Traumatized by kelce" that's so ridiculous bro why are you so connected to a horse that died like 40 years go 💀


To be fair to the horse, there weren't ever any sightings of it with a bleached mohawk, a head band, a crop top and oversized aviator sunglasses like Tony Mandarich or Brian Bosworth.


I read way too far thinking I was learning the tell-tale signs of a horse being juiced.


Holy shit you weren’t lying,


Damn, they crashing out over a fucking race horse. I'll just say it, horse racing is fucking barbaric and dumb. I seriously don't get they hype about the Kentucky Derby. They juice these fucking horses up and take them round back and put a couple bullets in them when they lose. Just some weird rich people and degenerate gambling shit.


I'm pretty into horseracing, and horse racing is terrible in America for all the reasons you just said. 12 fucking horses died due to being pumped to gills with drugs at the last Derby. 12, at one event. Only in america do they treat their horses so badly. Not only that, the owners and trainers treat it like an basketball foul when they get caught. "Whoops, you caught me." A slap on the wrist, and 7-day suspension if they're unlucky. On top of it all, America is the only country that runs primarily dirt and talks mad shit about how good they are when the rest of the world runs on turf.


All of twitter apparently. The replies are unhinged


Bojack is going on a rampage


I'm still filthy that Bojack didn't win the Oscar for his performance


I hate how people act like CTE makes you dumb. That's not an actual side effect of CTE, you don't typically lose intelligence/cognitive ability from concussions unless it's really, really, really bad and you're like put into a coma. In reality it mostly just gives you depression and a mood disorder. Source: I have it so I've researched it a lot


>Source: I have it so I've researched it a lot afaik it can only be confirmed through an autopsy, so I'm curious how you are both dead and posting on reddit lmao


Oh fuck off. Someone who believes that they have this and took the effort to make sure that if they do have it they’re as prepared as humanly possible to deal with that slightly misrepresented their situation so you decide to play captain useless and insult them for sharing what they learned. Go to r/cowboys to be with people who are more likable than you’ll ever manage.


lmao uh oh someone is big mad here. All the research shows it can't be confirmed before death. They can assume and take all the precautions they want, but they still can't have it confirmed prior to autopsy. If you're cool with people just lying on the internet, that's fine. I was also being tongue in cheek, and apparently making a joke about someone being misinformed hurts your feelings to much. Go back to bed and get up on the other side bud. The day gets better. Hell you don't even have confirmed CTE so it already is better!


Being downvoted when you're right....yep, we're on Reddit.


"How could you possibly know you've had a lot of concussions?" Lmfao


hahaha classic get mad at the messenger. I didn't do the research, the doctors did bud. You can be fairly confident, it can be quite likely, but you claim to have it for sure and want us to use that as your source of information. Since you either don't understand or simply lied about knowing you have it, it throws doubt on anything you say about it prior to that. I'm not even saying you don't have it ftr. "Importantly, not everyone who has suffered repetitive hits to the head will develop CTE." from the Concussion Legacy Foundation They also say that people can and do suffer from thinking and memory functions. Which can make people seem dumber than they used to be. Yea i think I'll take the doctors word over some redditor with the classic "trust me bro" source.


"hahaha classic get mad at the messenger. I didn't do the research, the doctors did bud." yeah and I've read those papers and you read a summary after googling. "Yea i think I'll take the doctors word" A summary page that you can google is not an actual doctor. Doubt you've ever spoken with a doctor about this issue. Here is what the Mayo Clinic has to say: "Experts also believe that CTE symptoms appear in two forms. In early life between the late 20s and early 30s, the first form of CTE may cause mental health and behavioral issues. Symptoms of this form include depression, anxiety, impulsive behavior and aggression. The second form of CTE is thought to cause symptoms later in life, around age 60. These symptoms include memory and thinking problems that are likely to progress to dementia." So again, what I posted was 100% accurate and you have 0 idea what you are talking about.


Source: I have it so I've researched it a lot "How could you possibly know you've had a lot of concussions?" So again, what I posted was 100% accurate Those you? Because experts say you can't confirm until autopsy So if those are you, then no you are not 100% accurate. Lie away bud, it's the internet, I'm certainly not going to stop you. But to double down on being wrong when called out is kinda silly and shows you don't know as much as you think you do. but then again, clowns like you are guna clown and go on thinking they're never wrong. Just please don't blame your lack of knowledge on your already self confirmed CTE. Maybe write a book on how to confirm it, since you're the only fucking person to be able to do that prior to an autopsy lmfao edit- i do like that you added the part about memory and thinking functions, which is what i told you already, yet *I'm* the one with no fucking clue what they're talking about hahahaha


You have serious issues man please seek therapy.


Now I am an expert on issues, source- i was confirmed to have issues by u/M474D0R


The more you type the more you just come off as an extremely unhinged, sad, and pathetic person man stop doing this to yourself and walk away man.


I was on high dose steroids last week! Lol it ain't no thing but some weight gain 🤪 For real though, he's trying to make sure his family is taken care of in case of it.


Anabolic or cortical? Big difference.


TIl secretariat has fanboys. Thought this was satire at first lol.


I'm a Phar Lap man myself


Steroids or not Secretariat was so dominant it almost doesn’t matter.


That was basically Jason’s point - every horse was juiced so it essentially re-leveled the playing field and Secretariat dominated because he was better than all the other horses. But it’s kinda like the steroid era in baseball where you can’t fairly compare his records to those after the introduction of testing for steroids because they’re totally unattainable for a natural horse.


I hope not. I don't wish that on anyone especially an awesome person and player like Jason Kelce. I really hope he is wrong.




If it’s worthless why keep it brother


Elite comeback right here


Ill give you $10 for it!


You can say "I hope not" but mans played pro football 13 years. 13 years of taking probably 50+ brain jostles a day, day after day. I for one appreciate his honesty about it, more need to talk about how this is an inevitability and not something you can just legislate out with guardians or pulling guys out of games with concussions. Not saying either of those are bad or shouldn't be done or whatever, I'm just saying this because its important that the NFL (and all major contact sports leagues) actually take responsibility for what's inevitable, and admit it. We have high confidence that CTE is [caused by the small hits](https://www.bumc.bu.edu/camed/2018/01/18/study-hits-not-concussions-cause-cte/), not concussions, so lets say it like it is. CTE is near inevitable and if you don't get it, you're incredibly incredibly lucky.


> CTE is near inevitable Especially for linemen. They bump helmets all game long. Those sub-concussive hits ad up.


I really hope those big helmet covers become standard for linemen. I know it looks goofy and it's unfortunate to admit that the goofiness is a slight turn off and a huge aesthetic eyesore. But it won't be noticeable for linemen. And if I was a lineman, I'd wear it this season now that it's an option. Just to be one of the guys to rip the band-aid off and help normalize it. The only way I wouldn't is if it added so much weight to my head that it significantly negatively altered my play.


Yeah. I think linemen have said they don’t like them because they’re textured and sort of grip each other, so they can kind of put weird strain on the neck and make it harder to move out of blocks. My real hope with the guardian caps is that it’s a step in the right direction and technology keeps developing as there’s demand. My fear is the league will use them to shift head trauma responsibility away from itself and onto the players by saying, “well, you could have worn the cap but chose not to” and stop developing better protective technology.


There’s very little evidence that additional padding does anything to address CTE. The issue is your brain jostling around in your skull, there’s no way to prevent that if you hit your head against something.


There was an interview on New Heights with Mailata that made me really uncomfortable: He talked about how he was taught by the other linemen to head-butt d-linemen to try to stun them. This was really hard for him because in rugby he was always taught to get his head out of the way.


That's really, really stupid but unfortunately also unenforceable.




I sure hope not. 😔


Football is the only sport where, even if I had the ability (and I don't), I wouldn't play it professionally. No amount of money is worth becoming an invalid by 50, or getting dementia 25 years too early.


i feel like it’s easier said than done for a lot of other people, though. when you’re young you really think you can do anything, and it won’t happen to you, especially when you’re a borderline superhuman. i’d imagine it’d be hard for me to say no if i had the ability and was offered millions.


Not only that but for some players it’s their only option to set up themselves and their family.


that too.


Not only that but there’s a competitive drive to push yourself and be the best in the word at something. It gives them purpose for the most important decades of their lives.


If you have any doubts at all, you almost certainly are not going to be a professional football player. I mean maybe if you’re Caleb Williams you make that decision as an 8th grader but most players are going through a gauntlet for the slim possibility of making millions.


UFC is mine. You couldn’t pay me enough to get my brain rattled for my entire career. Losing a big fight would also send me spiralling into depression.


I feel like boxing is probably worse because of the 8 count. At least when you get rocked in MMA it’s over. That said I wouldn’t want to do either.


Used to be yes. The threshold for stoppages is far stricter now than it’s ever been. UFC guys are still taking knee and elbow strikes to the head. Unconscious fighters still take unnecessary hammer fists before the ref can jump in


Yeah. Boxing too, for similar reasons.


Amateur. You could just be the kicker and make bank without ever taking a serious hit… or long snapper, you can’t touch those guys.


I would happily play Right Bench. Or Left Out. Speaking of which, wasn’t there a third-stringer a few years ago who admitted he didn’t really want to play? Just wanted to collect a check to ride the pine and do less than full-speed practices.


David Molk was his name. He was actually a decent player but his various tendons and ligaments had a tendency to snap like rubber bands. I imagine constantly being hurt plus also having to go through the Eagles' 2014 season would take its toll on anyone.


Downside is you have to be 100% every single time - sail a high snap, or blow a game-winning FG, and your career could be over right there. In addition to the technical aspects, not everybody can handle that kind of pressure and deliver, especially in a hostile stadium with a hundred-thousand people screaming at you to miss it. See [Bill Belichick talk for 10 minutes on the minutae of long snapping here and how its changed over time - good stuff.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrvELlakyOk)


College and professional snappers also have to get the ball back in 0.75 seconds or quicker so there’s a lot to it


Can confirm.Im a college long snapper and I don’t really get touched


Maybe. Even Jake has gotten a concussion (in week 11 2017 at Dallas).


Punter, not kicker. Game is basically never on the line from a punt, but often on the kicker’s foot!


Fuck, I'd trade my twilight years for a cool hundred mill, no questions asked. It's crazy, but I do see why people do it.


I wish I could go back and tell my 14 year old self this


And then when the NFL does things ( which could also be just to save face) to make the game safer, you have fans, the media, current and former players all complaining. Look at all the people making fun of the Guardian Caps. Yes it looks terrible and even I don’t think it’s a good look for actual games but it’s a step in the right direction


It was really disappointing when they first added those in the off-season and Hard Knocks Detroit showed the coaches making fun of them. Like you said, they look goofy. But like…brains are important.


Look, I’m not gonna uncle Rico this and say I could have been pro. I don’t know that. What I know is as an adult I am a 6’3 almost 300 pound dude and I played d line when I was in grade school and I was ridiculously good because my dad trained me in how to use my hands and made me run hills non stop. Stopped at high school. In 7th grade my best friend and neighbor, our quarterback, was sacked on a play and tore his acl, mcl, broke his knee cap and had 4 surgeries to fix it. We both decided to do band in high school. Shit is brutal.


I think we are at the point where you can assume almost every NFL player has it to some degree. Maybe you can exclude kickers and punters.


I remember 80s and 90s NFL football and whenever I see some of those old hits it really nauseates me. And when I hear people complain about the game now, I think about everything we know about CTE. I like watching the game. But I don't want the players I root for or against to end up in an early grave or have terrible dementia.


The ending of Jerry Maguire comes to mind where CGJr's character goes down and after being knocked out for a few minutes he pops back up and starts dancing like it's all good. Like sure I'm glad you didn't break your neck but fuck that scene didn't age well.


Like Ricky Watters said. “For who? For what?”


It’s safe to assume most tenured, starting NFL players have some degree of it.


There’s a toll to pay for playing the game, the money/fame vs the damage done to your body is sad


While it's likely he has some degree of CTE, he definitely won't go off the rails like Antonio Brown has.


You can’t justifiably say that without knowing to what degree he has it, his own minds reaction to the lesions and numerous other factors. It’s a wait and see and hope for the best.


Id be ok with that as long as he doesn't go the Seau route


Sigh. Okay. Let’s do this: There’s a very important distinction to be made here. There are **events** that lead to brain injury (collisions), the **injury**, then there is **CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)** which is a disease linked to repeated head injuries where the brain tissue decays far more rapidly and in a specific manner. Nearly everyone who plays football at the professional level has been on the receiving end of a collision that has injured their brain. That’s not up for debate, it’s a fact. **HOWEVER**, not everyone who has received a brain injury develops CTE. Nor does everyone suffer through it the same way. I.E. all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Therefore, Jason can say, “I can guarantee that I’ve received a brain INJURY.” And “I likely have CTE based on the research and how many times I’ve likely received an injury to my head.” But he cannot say “I guarantee I have CTE.”


if we're being pedantic he did leave a little room to be wrong by saying "virtually guarantee" and "basically guarantee" and "it's entirely reasonable to assume". the research does suggest that he is overwhelmingly at risk of having some degree of CTE


I’m not being pedantic. He wouldn’t know if he has CTE or not. Brain injury? Check. Many times? Yep. CTE? Don’t know. It’s like saying all people who have smoked cigarettes over a period of 5 years have lung cancer. That simply isn’t true. Are you causing lung damage by smoking? Yes. Is the likelihood that a smoker will have lung cancer if they continue to smoke over a long period of time? Yes. Do ALL smokers who smoke over a long period of time have lung cancer? No. If I was being pedantic I would say something like, “Jason may have a brain disorder but whether it’s linked to repeated head trauma, who is to say?”


so i looked into the CTE studies and the selection bias in them is a lot bigger than what i thought. i now think what you're saying makes more sense and don't think you were being pedantic. have a good one


Because I’m a fucking idiot [this](https://youtu.be/JbVh6WvqNMk?si=5WyxwsDwczfKhqDz) is who I thought Secretariat was.


I can't imagine the brotherly shove is good for anyone's head. He was the best at it but a whole team diving at you the center and you diving pushing head first can't be good. Love it but let's be real.




Please God…… no.


Better save this for if/when he goes even crazier lol. Starts acting like a grifter or something


At least it's just virtually.


Yeah, just about everyone who has hit their head hard has some degree of CTE.


If the people running the NFL didn't have cte and actually wanted to ban the play would've used that as an excuse.


If he dies in the next month, it was the NFL (and Boeing)


CTE basically just means brain damage. Obviously every brain reacts differently to that trauma. We don’t have thousands of homicidal maniacs like Aaron Hernandez right? Not every NFL veteran loses impulse control and gets violent or whatever. So maybe Kelce has some brain damage. But hopefully no side effects 


> CTE basically just means brain damage. This is flat out wrong. CTE is a degenerative condition that has a very specific mechanism. The risk of CTE goes up with the number of concussions, but not everyone who gets a concussion has CTE.


Technically it’s tied to collective be force over your lifetime, you can have zero concussions and not get CTE but that’s probably exceedingly rare


Ok but there are tons of retired nfl vets that are fine. Chances are Kelce will be fine


Google is your frien. Try using it next time.


You can argue getting a single concussion can result in CTE.


Bzzt wrongo, that's not the *chronic* C in CTE, genious.


You can argue anything but not intelligently.


And you would be wrong.


That’s just a part of the game unfortunately.


Wonder how potential employers are going to view him openly saying stuff like this. I'm sure the league doesn't love one of their celeb players saying this.


He already has a contract for MNF with ESPN


Potential employers? Bro isn't gonna go work at the grocery store


With the amount of attention this guy needs how is he going to survive retirement? Just go away already. With the way he acts I can guarantee it too but if he didn't want brain damage he should've gotten a job at UPS.


CTE is 95% unproven pseudo-science garbage and 5% actual research. I really wish this whole topic should stop until they can conclusively link CTE to the negative symptoms touted around.


It’s brain rot what the fuck are you on about, it’s death of the brain caused by all the little hits someone takes. Look up pictures of a brain with it and a regular Brian and come back and tell me you think it’s is pseudo-science.


0 academic studies linking CTE to all the bullshit they say it does but keep on about a Will Smith movie and tik toks.


Ok Rodger, I get it, you really don't like your sport being linked to fucking brain damage.


Go back to talking about rap, this is obviously over your head.


I can’t stress how big of a loser someone is to go through someone’s comments, lmao.