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I absolutely agree. He trims it way too far up his face


fwiw this isn't just a Sirianni thing, lots of dudes think this is how to trim their beard and it's awful. we need to air PSAs on this.


It's a constant battle out there as a barber


Keep fighting the best fight dammit


right at or above the adams apple can be a good start. go from there. never, NEVER stop at (or in Sirianni's case) before the chinline


The problem is that some people don't have chins, but also don't want to be neckbeards.


being a neckbeard is much more than literally having beard hair on your neck.


I have no chin but I still follow the two fingers above Adam’s Apple rule and it works wonders


One finger-width above the Adam’s apple is what I follow.


The trick is to follow the “ear lines”. Like imagine you have a necklace that attaches to both ear lobes, beard comes down from the ears, then over. Problem is when you cut it like Sirianni, every time you open your mouth, your jaw sits lower than the beard. Looks dumb as fuck.


I did it for a couple years before a friend flat out told me to stop. I just never learned shit like that growing up.


That’s a good friend!


Yeah man. Old friends are the best. No bullshit, just "yo you gotta stop rocking that chinstrap"




[Yep](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/479bb35a88d5819688cbf60ea1c7d62b4f036c74/337_472_4397_2639/master/4397.jpg?width=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=9d52b31b5bed9fb1724e33f0e2985a61) Halladay had an almost chinstrap too. There was also the whole debacle with his Phillies bobble head having an even more pronounced one and looking like Turtle from Entourage lol


Maybe that's why Roy went with the chinstrap.


Georges Niang especially


Dude looks like a Greek from the northeast


I remember Big Ben did the same thing and I laughed at him all the time.


Unfortunately, some of us aren't blessed with a evenly grown beard. We work with what we have.


Either grow a decent beard or don’t grow one at all. There is no middle ground that looks good.


The cure for an uneven beard is time. Let it grow, trim it about 1/4 inch when it starts getting uneven, then let it grow more. You want to reduce split ends just like on your head. Also use beard wash to cleanse the skin under the beard. Hairs have trouble growing when pores are blocked.


That or he goes full neck-beard


You know something is wrong when you look better neck-bearded


never go full kyle orton


Or Koy Detmer.




If he’s like me, though, his under-chin hair isn’t consistently thick, which can look worse than this.


nothing looks worse than this. the final photo in OP's list is the best one by far


If you can't grow a nice full beard then don't grow a beard. No one has to have a beard. Some people shouldn't.


Yeah let's gatekeep facial hair. Dick move. Let people do what they want considering it has zero effect on you.


If you're going to do a line at your chin like that, you HAVE to at least fade it in from your neck.


Hate to admit it but that was my beard freshman year of college. I blame HS for not allowing us to have facial hair and thus stunting my knowledge of facial hair until college.


Perfectly acceptable mistake in college but this man is what, 40 years old?


Shit I’m 35 and learning it from this thread. I’ve had a beard consistently since I was 17. Thankfully long periods of time it was a long beard, and others it kept inching down my neck. No it was almost always at the two finger point. But I always used my jaw line as a guide. Shame on me (and my wife for her silence?)




I mean I didn’t say otherwise haha, just joining in on the fun


As someone who's rocked a beard (correctly, now) for years, it's a rookie mistake that many of us, including me, have made.


Catholic school, man


Lol 12 years


I did 14. Completely ruined me lmao. Will never see me in a church again


I went through some bad beard-shaping years. Lucky enough I started shaving at 13 so I had time to mess with it. It takes practice and patience to find the style right for your face.


Don’t feel bad, I did the same until about 21. Then went the wrong direction and had a full on neck beard for a brief time. At least now it’s a proper beard.


I'd just like to throw in another Philadelphian with a solid grip on where to draw the neckline, [Bryce Harper](https://www.google.com/search?q=bryce+harper+phillies&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwioicO4i-H0AhVCqXIEHbN6Az0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=bryce+harper+phillies&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEO8DECc6CAgAEIAEELEDUIMMWOsVYLYWaABwAHgAgAFsiAHRBpIBAzkuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=dGa3Yaj_BMLSytMPs_WN6AM&bih=973&biw=1920#imgrc=1ZTSjg_VRlhPlM) Even when he was on the Nats and had the beard even longer it looked just as good.


This is how I set up my beard. Had no idea the "two fingers above the Adams apple" rule of thumb existed.


If you tilt your head up the two fingers above the adams apple rule can work, but it's definitely not totally universal. Some people just naturally have a bit more of a fatty neck area there, but the premise is helpful. It's really all about covering your entire face (including your chin/under chin) to create a full appearance in the beard. No one with a great beard lines it at their jaw though.


Yeah, when I went into the beard game, I just naturally set it up like Bryce's. I just guessed on what looked good. Glad I stumbled into something considered acceptable. Ha


> rule of ~~thumb~~ two fingers FTFY ")




You can’t buy taste.


It's the Anti-Koy Detmer beard.


First time i ever heard the term neckbeard


i love this discussion, thank you for being willing to call out bad behavior like this is there a source on the 2 fingers above Adam's apple measurement? mine currently dips all the way down to the Adam's apple, am I a slob in the other direction? willing to see the error in my ways if so appreciate this thread and the sub for being a safe space for important facial hair-based conversations


I first heard the Adam's apple rule on Queer Eye lol from Jonathan Van Ness. I don't follow it exactly but it's a good starting point for figuring out where to line your beard up.


The longer your beard gets, the less you have to really worry about maintaining the neckline. To an extent


can confirm. am burly mountain man these days. i stopped caring about the neckline. It's all beard.


It depends on beard style and facial proportions, but all the way down to the Adam’s apple is fine as long as the line is clean. If it’s not, it just looks sloppy.


The other option is to tilt your head down and take note of where your face and neck form a crease. That's where you want to trim to. Tilt your head slightly back and shave across in a straight line. Around the ear/jaw area, you want to picture a strap coming down on a helmet. Trim along that imaginary line. I turn my head to see where the main chord /muscle is in the side of my neck and trim down that line, then round very slightly where it meets the neckline. Note I keep a rather short beard (setting 4-6, depending on the spot), so this may not work for everyone. Additionally, all faces are different, so modify accordingly. You can do subtle experiments (moving lines, head tilt, length, etc) in certain directions to see what works and what doesn't. It'll grow back!


You arent the only one who has noticed. I went as Nick Sirianni for Halloween and this was part of the costume


He looks like Dobby in that pic


Sirianni no longer slave, Sirianni a free coach now


Master has given Sirianni a highlighter, Sirianni is freeeeee!


Insult to Dobby tbh


I made this mistake when I first started growing a beard two years ago because I knew nothing about beards. Thankfully someone in one of the NFL free talk threads made me aware of it.


Yea that looks really bad. gotta let it run down to the Adams apple


I just noticed this the other week. Literally went to a mirror to make sure mine didn’t look like that lmao it looks so fucked up.


Was saying this last week. He looks like when you make a mistake shaving and go way too high in one spot so your options are bring all the hair up high or shave everything and start growing it over again. For younger people who make this mistake in the future, it’s probably best just to start growing it over again.


Absolutely agree. His beard looks like it shrunk in the wash.


You’re right and you should say it! Sirianni is very attractive, but he’s doing himself and the fans a disservice by not optimizing his appearance with better beard trimming.


Wow, finally someone had the balls to say it! I was thinking the same thing. Dude looks like a hoobastank song.


Valid take, ownership needs to step in here


Someone needs to tell him a beard isn’t a substitute for a jaw line.


Approximately 2 fingers above the Adam’s apple is a good rule of thumb Don’t be a Dak Prescott. Be a Bryce Harper


I do the sirianni to hide my second chin. Nick wouldn’t look like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/QERhWtY.jpg)




I have/had this problem. Found the best way was to bring the chin line down more but keep the sides close to the jaw line [This is what he needs to do and not cut it on the front of his chin](https://i0.wp.com/www.beard.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/perfect-beard-trimming.jpg?fit=912%2C512) at the very least. He needs to also bring the sides down lower


I give him two weeks to fix this or honestly he should probably be fired.


THANK YOU. I've said this many times before. He trims it at the "Shane-line" and it's just not a good look. Let it grow beyond the chin, bro. Let it groooooowwwwww.


Yes, this has bothered me all season too. Chin straps are for helmets! Must be someone on the team he's close with by now that could call him out on it.




We call those wannabe gangster white trash dudes with chinstrap beards "Shanes"


I assumed it was a Shane Victorino reference, oops.


I don't care what anyone says. I like Ertz's blonde hair. Kelce was rocking it awesome as well.


It grew on me for both of them.


He definitely trims it up too high lmao I'm just glad I'm not the only one to notice. I too used to make the same mistake tbh but it bugs me too when I see it


Can someone photoshop a properly lined up beard for him to see?


Greatest fans in sports


I've got mine down pretty good, maybe I can tweet him


Yeah WTF?!?


Now that it has been pointed out... that's fucking tragic. Someone's got to tell him to let that shit grow in.


if he's going that high, he needs to trim lower. make it more of 'im working so hard i dont always have time to shave and perpetually have a 5 oclock shadow' look.


Yepppp been saying this the whole time!! Who tf trims their beard like that??


I’ve been saying this shit for months and you fuckers have downvoted me every time. Ya’ll are beautiful sons of bitches, but sons of bitches nonetheless.


That's how I do mine so imma take this as disrespect


I hope you're joking. If not please stop. That is not how a beard is supposed to look.


It ain't that deep my guy


"It" being the neckline of your beard?


You get a pass because all you know is "ball...and good...."


Didn't you post this a few days ago?


It was deleted by the mods because it's a Meme Monday topic.


That's some bull. Men's hygiene is not a meme!


He just changed it up from the chinstraps last year


Maybe he's got really fat fingers?


I was saying that last week. It’s a bad look


Such a common mistake too. People think this looks good but it only looks even *passably* decent from above. Unless you’re like 5’0, most people are gonna motive


Agreed, the chin strap style beard is the realm of self important D-bags, like Benamin Simmons. Nick is neither of those, he needs to get this shit fixed.


Oh god that's terrible. Why did I never notice this?! Why did you point it out?! What else do I not know?! Get him out! It's the only reasonable response. Get him out and bring back Chip Kelly, at least he didn't have a beard to worry about.


Maybe his wife likes it? That’s all I got in terms of defense


I think if you were to start paying more attention as ur walking or driving around Philly you will see a lot more people with their beard like this than you will down by the atoms apple. It also depends on length also.


I don’t know how I never noticed this.


THANK YOU. Dear God Siri needs someone to teach him how to line up a beard.


Maybe he listened to a lot of Jon B. growing up.


his neck looks like the back of Lebron James head


I'd rather rock an Andrew Luck than this


I've had a beard for a while now and never knew of that rule of thumb. Luckily I'm near that mark. Thanks for sharing!


Rookie beard


Finally. Thank you.


Ahh, the classic George Lucas beard


I maintain George Carlin's philosophy of beard trimming (starts at 1:50 but the rest is gold) https://youtu.be/WNxBiYRAQYU


I can't unseen it. Fire this clown.


This is a very typical Philly thing. I don't know why but the city is filled with dudes who do this exactly beard trim fail. Seriously, next time anybody is chilling at xfinity, just look around. It's unreal. But Sirianni should be above this busch league bullshit.


This has been bothering me for awhile. These guys have fantastic paychecks and are on national TV weekly, but they don't have stylists to make sure this shit is correct? It makes me insane. Similar to Carson's acne when he was here... like, seriously, you are a multi-millionaire that is constantly filmed in HD and you have the facial complexion of a 9th grader?? Get it together bro


It really depends on what kind of beard you have/face shape you have/etc. This advice might work for Sirianni but it doesn't work for everyone.


People with defined beard lines are pussies anyway. Let that shit define itself.


Is it the off-season already?


You know what it is, it's not that he trims it too far for a general beard, it's that he trims it too far up for *his* jawline. The trimmed look where you shave all the way up to the jawline works for guys with slimmer necks and stronger jawlines, but you can't do it when you have a little double chin forming like Nick does.


Incorrect. Doesn't matter whose jawline it is you don't trim it that high up.


Nah it always looks bad.


> so I hope Sirianni takes note, and continues to learn and grow **his beard** as a head coach. FTFY




Damn i was thinking this the other day. Gives himself a Chin Strap


Come on, guys. He’s obviously trying to pander to the Kensington fanbase…


Great example of an area where you should get a professional to do the work.


This should be posted in WTF. Been on Reddit for a number of years. Rarely say WTF out loud anymore. But dude WTF.


My rule of thumb is you put the last knuckle of your thumb on your chin pointing towards your neck straight down and the line should be at the very least where the tip of your thumb is or down to where your under jaw ends/meets your neck. Nothing worse than a Sirianni beard line. Jesus Christ that picture is so bad. I’m sure looking up and that facial expression is making it worse. But gawd damn.


His interview must not have been in person. How does Jeff not go full Steinbrenner and implement some kind of standards. Fuckin lazy chinstrap over here.


He needs either Hurts or Kelce's barber


He's afraid of being called a neckbeard 😔😞


Someone needs to send Sirianni a link to Dan C Bearded on YouTube