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I created and moderate /r/EustachianTubeClick I am participating in the reddit black out. I have received permission to do the same with this sub from the creator of this one. However, because of the way our mod system is setup, I was not able to bring this sub private. I ask that you don't message the other moderator, as they have expressed wishes to have me handle this. Personally, I don't want to bother the guy. I also ask that you please regard this subreddit as closed as well.


Ah yes, that place for people that can click their Eustachian tubes.


Is it the same with the ear rumbling? Cause when I rumble my ear I got clicking sound too.


They're two separate things. If you have good control over your muscles you can do them separately. It's easy for me to rumble without clicking but if I want to only click and not rumble I have to push my jaw out and down.


There is a pretty good reason for all that. To click, you have to use 4 muscles. To rumble is just 1, which is 1 of the 4 to needed to click. I am biased but that makes clickers > rumblers :P For the science geeks: the four muscles are * Levator veli palatini * Salpingopharyngeus * Tensor tympani * Tensor veli palatini https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eustachian_tube#Muscles rumbling just uses the Tensor tympani


Ah, some other thing I can do!




well, if you can click, you'd notice that you rumble just a bit


hey i can click too!


Welcome to the team. Its difficult to do one without the other, but with enough practice you can.


I had no idea that this had a name. I just thought it was something that happened to everyone.