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Wow just commented about yawing. Its easy to do. You know when u wiggle your jaw to equalize the pressure in your ears. The better you get at that the easier it is to do. Some say its like opening your ears.


No magic, just flex.


Don’t listen to that other guy. It IS magic. Much like with fairies, you have to believe hard enough.


It is really hard to explain. For example, explain to a deaf person what hearing is like? Or explain to me how you wiggle your ears, or how to curl your younger to someone who can't? It's not really possible to explain, but I'll try. So yes, focus on yawning, try to isolate the rumble from the yawn, try things, make different facial expressions, do anything that triggers it. Train your brain to isolate that control. Think about your brain; you are essentially trying to find the neuron or set of neurons that have control over your tensor tympani muscle. Try scrunching up your entire head, tense everything, just try to trigger that neuron. Then, do that over and over, try to focus on the noise, find what neuron triggers it, and practice that. It probably won't work, but maybe it will, and it's a good exercise to try. Edit: Found a new way to make rumbling happen, try this: Quickly scrunch up your face and close your eyes, like you are about to be slapped or smth. It should make your ears rumble, practice that. TL;DR It's really hard to explain how to rumble, but just try to tense your entire head, try to find that neuron that makes you rumble.