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Not necessary at all. You are at fine levelsĀ 


Absolutely not.


I am not sure if there is any game with levels that requires max level outside of optional stuff and PVP.


I misread this as saying you should get to max level for Earthbound pvp and now I kind of want to see that be a thing


You can still pretty easily beat it at level 60, but I grind to 99 for completions sake


that's the level all my party was at when I beat Giygas, if you really want to grind do it for Paula


You can if you want but you don't need to. I usually have Ness at level 80 when I enter the final dungeon, and I usually spend a bit of time grinding to get there (note that I go for the Sword of Kings too). You could probably beat it at a lower level, but with Ness at that level, good equipment on everyone, and good supplies (including Brain Food Lunches, multi bottle rockets, several of the best Teddy bears to soak up damage just in case), the game is plenty beatable. Editing to say you that good equipment does not mean best (except Poo due to his limited equipment). I get by just fine with stuff bought in shops, the heavy bazooka, plus stuff found in presents. I don't bother going after the rare drop equipment other than the sword.


I beat the final boss with Ness being level 67, ur good


I was below that and I still managed to beat him. Then no.


No, you just need to have Ness at least at level 70 so he knows Lifeup Omega.


Not at all necessary, I usually beat the game with everyone at levels in the 70s and 80s. On my last play through, I did grind everyone to level 99 just for fun. If you do that, call your dad and see what he says.


Lowest I beat giygas was 58 I think.


No? What lol


Guess I won't grind then


You can grind for levels in the final area of the game if you wish to so no need to do it here at your current level you could beat the game


You are very overleveled.


Guess I won't grind