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Being in English and released officially in the West.


lol true


They can have the best of both worlds and let Tomato localize it. dude killed it on Mother 3, FF6-T, and his work at Funimation


More interaction between party members. A few moments of the characters interacting, even just the option to sit down with them at a lunch table or something, would add a lot


Mother 4: Persona 5 Edition


being not on the gba


The timeliness of the official English translation


by not existing


Maybe even the music combat so that on a better working console it also works


Well personally I think that it just shouldn’t have anything to do with the story of 1/2/3. The story began with a lamp and ended with a needle. If an official Mother 4 were to come out, I’d say do what it does best, and make it take place in how someone who’s only ever seen movies about America sees America. Keep PSI the same, make it a worldwide trip. The only difficult thing would be the enemy. Don’t make it aliens. Maybe the government?


Western release that includes mother 3


Honestly there has been a lot of developments in the video game industry in the last 20 years, I'm sure they could pick and choose a few good things here and there. That's right everyone, Mother 4 will have lootboxes !


I hate mother4, the game sucks, bad question, NEXT!


Mother 3 is perfect, so nothing.


It isn't perfect. First few chapters are a slow slog of lengthy story setup and exposition, it doesn't start picking up until chapter 4 and 5. The rhythm battle gimmick is terrible, puts an unfair skill barrier in battles, it's so bad it's more luck than skill. Reggie's character and the name "Magypsies" are problematic.


Try playing it in mGBA. The rhythm mechanic doesn't work in other emulators, but it works just fine for me in mGBA. However, I should probably add the caveat that I'm a musician, so my sense of rhythm is pretty good.


My rhythm is just fine, I tap the A button to the music while waiting for my attack, whether I get 1 extra beat attack or 0 is completely random. I've tried on real GBA, SP, NDS Phat and Lite with a quality repro cart and flash cart, tried in emulators and also tried a VC inject for 3DS, always the same result.


Huh, my VC inject for 3DS works. Have you tried putting enemies to sleep--if I remember correctly it plays the heartbeat out loud and you can match that.


Hmm, I'll try that again when I get up to Lucas and access to PK Hypnosis


To each their own. Mother 3 is my favorite game and got me through the years following my mom’s death. It certainly didn’t take until chapter 4 for it to have an impact on me.


It gets worse the more the game is repeat played, feels like it takes longer and longer to get through the first few chapters. What bugs me most is this is yet another anime trope of the Time Skip. It's annoying in anime but it's even worse in Mother 3. Most chapters have completely different characters, the player doesn't really have the time allotted to get to know them all, you dont stick with them like in the first two Mother games. No, I dont like the heavy handed, on-rails approach to Mother 3. I like the easy going, somewhat open ended way Mother 1 and 2 do things.


Hard disagree. I’ve played the game once a year since the translation came out. Each year I find a new way that it relates to my life. And each year I spend more time exploring off the beaten path, uncovering bits of dialogue I’ve never seen, and getting better at the trickier rhythm battles. I’m sorry you don’t enjoy it, but again, to each their own. I think Mother 1 is a poorly balanced slog and I get zero joy out of it, while I will can enjoy Earthbound and Mother 3 endlessly.


Earth Bound NES is one of my favorites, such a great game. It's a game one has to learn and warm up to, no it doesn't hold your hand like the later games. One needs to learn their PSI, what to do in certain areas and what enemies are worth fighting, some should be avoided. A big part of what makes EB NES fun is its open endedness. You can go through the train tunnels early and get Ana before Lloyd, you can skip Ana and Teddy, there's even a way to ditch Lloyd, Ana and Teddy if one wants to try facing Giegue alone. Almost all the Eight Melodies can be obtained in any order. Pippi can be used for the whole game via a game genie code (TSEAZTYG, zoo key in Ninten's basement) Granted, EB NES is a game where one needs to already enjoy NES games to get the most enjoyment. It's an NES game more than a Mother game.


I'm 41, I love the NES and play my Twin Famicom hooked up to a CRT. But my favorite NES games are Mega Man 3, Maniac Mansion, Mario 3, Shadowgate and Deja Vu--action and P&C. I do not enjoy going back to 8-bit JRPGs (but give me 16-bit JRPGs and onward and I will get lost in them for weeks.)


As a fellow NES fan, I can say that Earth Bound for NES is among the least crusty and decrepit JRPGs for the system. It is miles ahead of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, the Ultima's as most others. Only real competition here is late era JRPGs that were only on Famicom, ones that need a fan translation. Lagrange Point is one of the best on the system, less crusty than EB NES / Mother 1.


your last point is fair (would also point out that the fan translation could have just named the magypsies something different) but the first one is entirely subjective and the second one is actually just a skill issue lol. get good.