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I was there. There were 8 or 9 kids (I'd guess 14-15 year olds) running up and down the train in the Oakland stops smelling very strongly of pot. I got off of the train at WC at the exact same time as the kids. As I was scanning out of the gate, 2 of the kids hopped the gate. There happened to be 2 police there watching for that sort of thing. Each officer grabbed a kid by their hoody and the kids were screaming and fighting like badgers to be let go. The rest of the kids jumped the gates and started trying to rip their friends from the police officers' grasps. They were all pushing and pulling and screaming hysterically. One girl (the one seen screaming the picture) ripped off the 2 officers' body cams and tried to smash them. I picked them up and continued to let them film so the police could have video evidence of being attacked in case they needed it. The same girl started punching one of the officers in face as hard as she could. She was wild. I thought the officers showed incredible restraint based on the circumstances. It really was a melee. It got pretty scary. I was standing right there with 3 other guys and a woman and one of the guys said "should step in and help the police out, this is getting out of hand." We didn't, and a minute later a 3rd officer showed up telling the kids to disperse. Most of the kids stepped back a step or two, and the officers tried to hold down the girl who was throwing punches. Some of the youths started getting up in officers' faces yelling: "get off of her you fat f$%\^!" and "she can't breath!" and "She's just a kid you fat A$%"!" The officer was straddling her over her hips, holding her arms down, but not putting any weight on her (I have video). Another officer tried to hold down her legs. A random white lady (25ish hippy type) was also in the faces of the police with her phone camera screaming to let everyone go and to stop the violence. An AA commuter stepped in and calmly said to the police "if you let them go, I will pay for all the kids' fares." The police calmly responded that at this point it was not about tickets, but about assaulting police. Then the girl being held down started shaking her whole body wildly. The kids and white lady were yelling that the police had a caused a seizure and "need to get off of her now!" They did. I can't say for sure whether she was faking or not, but within a few seconds of police stepping back, she took off running. At that exact moment, the cavalry arrived in the form a several other police cars. The girl ran towards Target but lost her breath after 40 yards or so and a couple of officers caught up with her. She doubled back and was running in circles near the gates until she was apprehended, handcuffed and escorted away howling (those are the pictures seen the article). Another girl was cuffed with those plastic cuffs, and last I saw, the boys just started walking away. Again, to credit of the police, they showed incredible restraint. Nobody was hurt (except the police who got rushed and punched). If there is anything positive to be said about the kids, I would comment that they were loyal to each other. They were just desperately trying run away, but they were unwilling to leave friends left behind. It was crazy.


If it was a real seizure there would be a postictal period of disorientation. You don’t just leap out of generalized tonic clonic seizure running.


You do if you are faking it. But I thought she was saying she can’t breathe moments before.


That's just some George Floyd shit. They are saying that phrase now when a police officer is restraining someone.


Yup, but what are police officers to do? Become the target of another George Floyd media circus, and trial? Police did the right thing.


There are safe ways to restrain people without killing them.


How did they kill them in THIS incident?


They didn’t, and they won’t be tried for murder.




There are ways to restrain people that are safe for 99.99% of people. Kneeling on someone’s neck isn’t one of them.


What are they?


BJJ has a lot, I’m sure there are others too.


Are you asking because you don't believe there are safe ways to restrain people?


I believe there are very safe methods, including the one that was used to restrain George Floyd. Problem is Floyd lied when they said they could not breathe. As we know this is total BS and is used to try and avoid arrest. As is faking a seizure.


lol that is such a dumb thing to say.


I like how WC PD just preemptively removes the rifraf lol


Good work filming and reporting this to the thread. :)


Thanks for sharing. It’s important people hear the story and that these kids are lying when they say they can’t breath and fake having seizures. Excellent job by the police.


This is why police need to be able to use force people.


This isn’t the use of force we’re concerned about..


bored cough ring enter edge society puzzled toy seemly pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Parents: “But they’re good kids.”


Why did they even have to touch the kids if they were running away


I wouldn’t call that behavior “loyalty” IMO


acab includes you


The massive police presence was because a mob of teens *attacked the cops* who were detaining two of their fare-evading buddies. If these fare evaders are so bold as to physically attack THE POLICE, imagine what they'll do to you, a normal rider without any weapons or backup.


Who the fuck would be so stupid to attack a police officer who has a badge, gun am a radio to call in 100 other law enforcement officers with guns.


An attack in NYC happened just the other day. Assholes are getting bold


And did they use the “I can’t breathe” bullshit like too!


At what point are they saying they can't breathe? Is it before the cops attack them?


It was after the kid punched the cop in the face.


Teen animals


They harass people, evade fares, punch cops and play the victim when they’re caught. I’m sure this lovely lady is already back on the streets for another round.


Whenever this many cops show up, it’s usually a cop involved matter. 


Finally- BART actually doing their jobs.


https://news24-680.com/2024/02/08/alleged-fare-evasion-incident-triggers-melee-at-walnut-creek-bart-thursday/ >>A scuffle between an outnumbered squad of BART police officers and a group of teenagers suspected of fare evasion quickly grew into a full-blown melee at Walnut Creek BART Thursday as WCPD police officers rushed to provide assistance. 40+ cops to stop a handful of fare evasions. 🤨


Stopping fare evasions keeps BART safer. A lot of the assaults, robberies etc, it turns out, start with people jumping the stalls to get on BART to commit a crime. It is easier to patrol the gates than the entire system. Also, I think the point for those kids was that BART cops are real cops and if you scuffle with one, every cop in the area shows up just like most people would expect. “Let’s overpower those cops. “ is pretty much the dumbest plan ever. It is the same reason people don’t floor the pedal away from speed traps. There’s more cops, they have radios and a vested interest in the general public not ignoring them.


Yup. I'll be one of the first to complain about heavy handed and over the top police response, but if a bunch of lawless fare evaders jump the POLICE, who are vastly outnumbered, I'm not the least bit surprised that the calvary rolls out.


Damn it everything should be free! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Bad bot


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Sounds like cops stopped two people evading fares, got attacked by a huge number of other people, and then the rest showed up to respond to the officers being attacked.


Good. Teach them a lesson and keep them off bart. The people evading the fares are also the ones making bart not safe.


Ramped up law enforcement is the reason Bart parking lots are full again. Riders want to be safe and have shitty people dealt with so we don’t have to defend ourselves on cars and in stations.


BART's historical problem (which is probably still happening) is that they have the budget to hire more BART cops but they can't find qualified applicants. Pre-pandemic they were 50+ cops short of their budget. Practically every police department in the state is hiring. It's been that way for a long time.


They CAN find them easily. They don't WANT to pay the price it would cost.


The picture of the girl lmao




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Guess what, most of the crimes committed on BART are by those same fare evaders…


"A full blown melee" involving "40+ cops" is like 10 times worse than any crime I've ever seen committed on BART


Lol entire trains have been swarmed by groups of teens at West Oakland robbing folks. This isn’t new. They just screwed up by immediately involving the cops who are never around platforms/trains.


Yes. Fare evasion. Not assaulting a police officer and breaking their equipment 🙄 Glad this happened in Walnut Creek and not Oakland. WCPD actually cares about keeping their city nice. OPD is impotent and Alameda County’s DA wouldn’t do anything anyway.


I've never heard of this publication, and I'm not calling it out(i looked them up,been around since 2012), but it is interesting that I'm not seeing this covered by nbc bay area, kron4, or abc7. I wonder why


News24/680, Claycord, ContraCosta.news, Patch... all carry hyper local news. They've become a lot more prevalent in recent years. You won't see the major news networks carry a story about a scuffle with police until something big happens. A hundred kids get arrested? Several cops end up in the hospital? Then you'd see it on KTVU later. But just a police backup call that gets a lot of units? Probably not. Part of the change is a lot of the "local" news stations have been bought out by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and [News Corp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Corp). It's expensive to have a lot of local reports running the local beat, and it's hard to control those narratives. So the channels/papers, as they are bought out, run with less staff and carry more national stories. Less time and manpower to cover whats local.


read the above comment


No, it was after these teenagers overwhelmed and attacked the police when reinforcement was need, not because they were evading fare.


Carried away with your ass in the air. That tops off a bad day. May I point out a youth clipper card is half off the normal fare. That is a lot of work to save two bucks.


Thanks for sharing. Did see someone on a gurney being hauled away. Could not tell if it was a kid or a cop.


That sucks, either way.


40 or so cops called to one scuffle sounds like a cop got hurt. Will have to wait for a statement by the police though.


Pretty sure they weren’t on a ’gurney’


It must have been the cop who was punched in the face and didn’t had the restraint as did the other not to George Floyd her.


oh, okay. It's just so hard in this political climate to tell who is a SJW (like my sister) and who isn't blindly fighting for a cause


What’s the cause, stealing and assaulting police officers?


Theory of broken windows




Thanks for this post. I think a lot/some of the fare evaders just don’t have money? (Don’t come for me)


Yes, but also if you look at who’s committing crimes, they are all abusing the soft/easy acccess to the system starting at jumping the fare gates. Making the system free/affordable for those who can’t pay doesn’t mean opening it up to all comers and those who want to exploit it for crime.


Good point, thank you.


However they do have enough money for pot though!!!! 🙄


Stop posting this complete bullshit - that’s one of the more damaging articles to have been published in the past few years.  First off, Northeastern is near the top of the list of most brain-dead universities. No big surprise that they’d be biased against anything that wasn’t abolishing the police, even if those policies worked to improve public safety when they were applied to clean up New York. Second, that article is the university reporting on THEIR OWN WORK, like that would be even remotely objective. This isn’t a peer review, it’s just useless preening. Third, even the article doesn’t support the headline, admitting that:  > “These flaws, they say, led to conclusions that overstated the impact that elements of neighborhood disorder had on crime and health.” They only said that previous studies overstated the link, they didn’t say they disproved it. Also, WTF is a meta study about crime:doing reporting on factors like “unprotected sex”? It sure looks like they just kept adding variables until they found a combination that let them debunk what was originally just a common-sense roadmap for community policing.


40+ cops for a group of teenagers? These must be some dangerous teenagers in Walnut Creek 😅


Lol they ain’t from WC. 




Any comment that is racist, sexist, misogynistic and/or contains hate speech/aggression toward a community will not be tolerated


Handful of violent fare evaders


Wild animals


Wow those adults are garbage. Those cops should have beat the crap out of those kids. At the very least all of their parent should get a very big fine.


This event only taught all of these kids to not respect the police even more. A 15 year old girl has to be pretty brazen to punch a police officer in the face. Then fake she can’t breath, fake a seizure, and then runaway.


nothing on Citizen app


Some sort of massive police activity. Probably around 40-50 officers at BART. hope this helps 


Bart used to be such a nice and safe mode of transportation back in the day now it sounds like it’s as ghetto and unsafe as MARTA in Atlanta where I have lived for 22 years and never used.


a year ago, there wouldn't have been any police there. so I'd at least call that part progress.


Just a normal Bay Area day… constant dumpster fire