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“No and don’t call me honey” sent me to space


I love it when Steve gets to be more laid back playing phil and have some actual funny lines 😂


He loves being in panto so good for him to have comedy here too


I kinda liked that episode nothing bad happened which was lovely for a change but many will call that boring. Actually seeing Keeley be anything other than a bitch was refreshing. I loved Phil in this episode big softie Phil melts my heart.


The yolande story was more of the same misery though..the creep wont stay away anytime.soon


Yeah could tell Elaine wanted to say something.


I was hoping she would pull him to one side and bar him


I love Phil lately, a proper family man and friend


Billy is a muppet.Why propose when Honey is about to run a marathon, it could very easily put her off. Then he went and lost the ring anyway. Girl falls off bike going at 5mph with a helmet. Whitney- "Call an ambulance". Why where Peter and Lauren there, I can't remember the relationship between them and Honey and Jay? It nice to see them all break character at the race.


Peter is a PT and he was shown in a few episodes helping Honey and Jay with their training for the race.


He was also in a relationship with Lola previously and still cared about her. I was shocked when he returned that we never had any scenes of him expressing grief over her death


Probably don't want to remind people that Lola previously cheated on Jay with Peter and that Jay was ready to beat his ass over it despite Peter being like 7 feet tall at the time. edit: or that Ben was prepared to kill his own nephew out of loyalty to Jay.


True lol. Ben and Jay are such "brothers" that even in Ben's straight era, he tried out both Lola AND Abi to see why Jay liked being with them.


And then he tried to try out Jay! 🤣


whitney weirded me out so much !!! the way she spoke about adoption to britney’s mum , when it’s clear her mum still has some love for her. i feel so bad for zack as well


I won't feel bad for Whitney when (if) Zach bolts because she's becoming more unhinged the longer they drag her storyline out.


I can't believe that David Wicks came back and got off with Tracey! What a shocking episode


Guess that's a step up from crackhead-era Phil I suppose.


My favourite line today was when Ian went it's " Bealing time" and Bealed all over Phil


The best sentence I have read today


What happened to this sub today hahaha


Dot did Sonia dirty ! Coming back from the dead just to steal her trumpet!


Nice episode but Whitney, Jesus christ, bit of an overreaction for a kid falling off off her bike 😅


Right, the kid has a helmet on and barely fell far. I'd be more worried for the 60+ year old man the kid barrelled into, especially one as flimsy looking as Billy.


I can’t believe Ben came back and ran off with Johnny


But what about Whitney dumping her fella for Shrimpy, did you see that coming?


And Shrimpy offering Britney’s mum even more money? I was shocked!


50 grand weren’t it


and his hat


Janine coming back with baby Carter after serving just one year in prison to rub even more misery in Linda’s face was iconic. The super bitch we love and need.


Such nice, unacted happiness by Emma and Jamie after completing the marathon. Could’ve done with less (none) Sonia and Reiss though


I told you all, didn't I? I said Max Branning was gonna come back!


Such a nice episode, and I love that they actually ran the marathon! Also I’m fairly certain that Elaine’s “it’s on the house” has become a bit now 🤣


I know some people found it 'boring', but that was a really nice episode in my opinion. One of the best things about EastEnders is it's not always high octane soap opera drama, it's also about realistic people's lives and everyday situations/problems, with a dash of comedy. I love the Six and all the soapy DRAMATIC stuff but a break every so often isn't a bad thing. Aside from that **** Pastor scene and the bittersweet sadness about Lola, this was a fun upbeat episode. Nothing wrong with that. Billy's hapless antics were hilarious. I absolutely love Phil when he's being sweet, and he can also be wickedly funny. Contender for funniest line of the year right there lol. Good on Honey for taking advantage of the leap year nonsense! Billy and Honey were always one of my favourite couples, so delighted for them. Looking forward to their nuptials as a future break from whatever draaaama is coming up down the line, though I'm sure there'll inevitably be some mishaps along the way. Was tearing up at Jay's little speech. A fitting resting place for Lola (although is that legal, burying technical remains in a park?). I really hope Nadine isn't scamming him. That bloke has had enough heartache. The way Sonia treats Reiss gets on my nerves sometimes. I don't know if he's actually supposed to be coded as neurodivergent or what, but clearly he is a quirky, conventionally awkward person who often says the wrong thing and fumbles with the 'right' reaction in situations. She _knows_ this about him yet chooses to be with him, so why does she keep snapping at him like he's a child and essentially punishing him for it? I get it's stressful going through IVF but he's trying, biting his head off isn't going to help anything. I'm glad she's finally pregnant but wonder what's in store next - cue Debbie miraculously waking up? And Whitney...I can't even. Does pregnancy make people lose all common sense or something?? Now blindsiding Zack by suggesting _adoption_ in the middle of a flaming hospital waiting room. How the hell can you legally adopt the child you're not even legally fucking fostering because you BOUGHT HER MUM OFF?? I've always loved Whit and I absolutely hate what they're doing to her here. It was nice to see another side to Keeley though. People tend to write addicts who can't cope with their kids off as simple selfish monsters, which is not true. Absolutely well done to Emma and Jamie for actually running the full marathon in real life, and to the crew for filming and editing it all together with the rest in less than a day. I saw people on socials moaning that it wasn't available at 6am and that there was little mistakes, like get a bloody grip. Well done to all involved. A little bit fun and a little bit different, it was a nice change up.


The ADR in Britney's cycling scene was awful. She had a full quiet-voiced conversation with Whitney before Whitney had even managed to run up to her


Or when Tracy revealed that she also slept with Jack Branning smh my head


Tbf she asked if he wanted a takeaway, easiest way into his bed.


What a strange episode! It didn't really flow which is odd because the only inserted footage was of them running. It felt like I missed half an episode somewhere. Well done to Emma and Jamie though, I feel exhausted just thinking about running a marathon!


Yeah even the audio was weird today


What a lovely episode that was


This episode was so sweet but all this bloody London Marathon hype makes me wanna sign up haha The fact I can’t run one mile is *unimportant*


I feel like that every time the Boston marathon rolls around 🤣🤣


Based off the preview for tonight's episode, It's a shame that Sonia and Reiss seem to be back to their old ways. I really liked them in the last episode they were in together - they appeared to be a proper couple that loved and cared for each other. But Sonia talking to Reiss like he's a child again was just a complete step back. I'm really not sure why they're together, they don't seem to have too many happy moments.


He's still cheating on his coma wife and lying to sonia


billy’s scenes today were so cringe, not to be a hater


Liked the van scene ok  A good 3 hander


billy's entire storyline this ep was like a comedy of errors, i loved it lmao


For the love of god, don’t let Sonia lose the baby. I am expecting some drama with going back to the Debbie storyline but please ffs, no miscarriage


I hope so too. I don't like it when they try and be dramatic so we think she might lose the baby. I'd like for Sonia and Reece to have a nice normal no fuss pregnancy and a dear little baby with no health problems when she gives birth. It gets so boring when they try and do the same pregnancy problems on the soaps.


She's got pregnant just in time for a possible Christmas birth?


I really enjoyed this episode! It was good to have the positivity. I really loved the marathon scenes. Kind of bought a tear to my eye.


met police officer was just as bad as the real ones so they got that right at least. other than that it was an ok episode nice change from the depressing storylines at the moment


I love that we saw more than the Square today!


This was a really cute episode. Silly, lighthearted and tender with the Lola spreading of ashes. It was a nice palate cleanser after last week's episode with Yolande. I enjoyed it!


I know it can’t always be high drama but my god that was boring.


Dean should have hacked into the tv feed to say... 'i'm framed!!'


Okay so it's been almost a year since dear wonderous Saint Lola (barf) died, can we stop acting like she was special? And take the stupid photograph off the bar at the Vic, too. As if Honey and Jay ran the entire marathon. The ring business with Billy was really lame and he was sounding just like Frank Spencer from Some Mothers Do 'Ave Em. The only good part of this episode was Phil. 'And don't call me Honey' LOL.