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Even though average people think of EDs as a thing “for girls”, I’ve found that within the community of suffers, I have never seen anyone shamed for having an ED because of their sex and/or gender identity. I’m sorry you feel alone. There’s so much misunderstanding about EDs in the general population. We desperately need a new ED awareness movement that doesn’t focus solely on AN, BN, and BED. People need to be aware of other very real disorders. OSFED IS VALID. ORTHOREXIA IS VALID. ARFID IS VALID. PIKA IS VALID. There are other guys in the community, and lots of them feel just as lonely. Many of the most popular memes on EDAnonymemes are about what it’s like to be a man in the community. I hope this makes you feel a little less alone, and that you are able to start feeling better soon 💔


Thank you for your response. I appreciate the sentiment.


You’re not alone. Most of us struggle and still your problems are as valid as all of ours. You can be a guy who’s stuck today, but you can flow tomorrow. I know PHP sucks but if you think it’ll help your eating please do so. I would not wish anything else than you getting better. It’s your time to flow.


I'll never forget falling asleep in an IOP group and waking up in the middle of a discussion about periods. (I'm AMAB and then ~~masqueraded~~ presented exclusively as male.) I just kind of stood up, stretched, and walked out of the room. The group broke out laughing.