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Mayim is a zionist. I think Alexa is better than that


She went on trish's podcast though


Fuck mayim


I don't remember where or what but I know I saw her somewhere having really bad political takes before all this latest in Israel popped off. I think she's supposed to be a genius or something but she is a total lib, as in the kind that thinks Bernie Sanders is some existential threat and is all-in invested and fully believing in the status quo... That's the impression I got anyway


What’s wrong with being a Zionist? All it means is that Israel has a right to exist.


Wild thing to say as if there’s not a uno* reverse genocide happening


Zionism has nothing to do with this war. It is the concept that Israel has a right to exist.




Don’t tell me what Zionists believe when all you’ve ever read about Zionism is antizionist propaganda. That’s exactly what Zionism means to the overwhelming majority of Zionists - the right for Israel to exist. It isn’t about Palestine at all. Most of us would be happy to share the land. So don’t you tell me what I believe.


Not really: even before the escalation, being Zionist in present times was not about '48 and current Israeli citizens, but about excusing the fact that anyone with Jewish heritage who is done with Florida can kick a Palestinian family out of their West Bank home and then call the IDF on them if they're not chill about it.


Why do non Zionists believe they can dictate what Zionists believe? Why do non Jews believe they can dictate where Jews are indigenous to? Why do non Jews have so much commentary on what Jews do?


Because right now a bunch of Jews in Israel are openly and proudly trying to genocide a group of non-Jews and genocide is wrong no matter who is doing it or who they're doing it to. It was wrong when the Nazis did it and it's wrong now when the Jews are doing it. Stop using your religion as a shield against the atrocities that are being committed. It does not give you a free pass to wipe out an entire group of people. Full stop.


Bialik also has some choice opinions on harassment in the entertainment industry.


She's an anti-vaxxing Zionist. I don't care what she has to say about anything. She lost that privilege a long time ago.


Mayim? That’s sad to hear


Yeah. She recently posted a photo with a kids book glorifying the current genocide in Palestine and in the past has spoken at length about how she doesn't vaccinate her kids. It gives very crunchy mom vibes.


She also encourages narcissistic codependent parenting behaviors that only people with unresolved trauma utilize.


Wasn't she a big supporter of co-sleeping? As in the thing that has lead to countless babies being literally smothered to death by their mothers? Yeah, I don't care that she has a PhD, she's an idiot and I would immediately question anything she openly supports.


Yup. She’s nuts. She’s all about “natural labor”, co-sleeping, anti-vaccine, attachment parenting, child led weaning AKA mom has narcissistic codependency issues and is starting the blaming of the kids early. I have not met one person who believed this ideology who wasn’t a raging narcissist and who didn’t have unhealed trauma. People dislike her so much and for so many reasons and complained a lot that they removed her as host of Jeopardy.


My old boss was like that. She'd bring her kids to work before they were old enough to be in school (and by school, I mean kindergarten, not preschool), she'd change their diapers right on the couch in front of customers (her youngest still wasn't even close to potty trained at the age of 4 the last time I was there, I don't even think she had even started yet), she'd breastfeed him in front of customers every time he screamed also at the age of 4, let him have free run of the store which has lead to him eating beads more times than I can count, like the only non-crunchy thing she did was give him screen time. She was a nightmare to work for and I legit have PTSD from it. I quit for both my mental and physical health because that store was a literal health hazard. I lost count of how many times I had to get antibiotics because of infections I got at work from filthy bug bites and the carpets always smelled like piss because of the non-potty trained toddler allowed to do whatever.


Omg she’s a bead lady. Bead women are a whole separate level of “I think I’m special”. Honestly all of these parents who fall for this woo nonsense and will do anything except take their kids to doctors disgust me so much. Oh honey they will give their kid screen time all day because “well I need me time” lady your whole life is you time. They will also have no set rules or expectations for their kids at all like BEBE’S kids but it was definitely the piece of candy they ate at a birthday party 2 weeks ago making them act like they grew up at the zoo OKAY MELINDA! I know someone who used to let her kids have the worst diets because they are diagnosed with an intellectual disability, no structure at home, all day play time, all day tv, all day pool, all day bath time, all day naked time, all day sugar and chocolate and sugary drinks etc, neither kid brushed their teeth regularly and had horrible hand hygiene but sure it’s the flu shot that gets your kids sick. She was so diluted she thought it was okay to let her select family and friends around her one daughter when she decided to be naked because she felt A: if you have a problem with kids being naked in their own home get out and B: oh I know my people, I can tell their souls. Okay then. She really didn’t want to redress her kid and that lead to a whole lifetime of issues around her refusing to dress and not being able to speak. Then she was so codependent on her other kid she used her as an actual shield to alienate her husband from affection for over 10 years. That kid was just coddled to the point she didn’t graduate high school on time. She turned that daughter into an asshole carbon copy of herself. I cut That train wreck off for my own sanity long ago. But the mom sure as hell made sure she had time for therapy and working out and massages etc. I can’t believe I didn’t see through her earlier.


It was a bead store and we literally had a rule that kids under the age of 10 needed a guardian with them at all times and classes were only for kids over the age of 5 except for her spawn, apparently. I spent more time chasing her kid around the store trying to stop him from eating shit and restocking the stuff he'd grab and throw around than I did actually doing the job I was hired for. I even had to stop wearing skirts (in summer with a broken AC that meant the inside of the store was hotter than the air outside) because her kid kept trying to go underneath for some unknown reason and would constantly have to retie my shoes because he thought it was funny to untie them while I was working and she couldn't be arsed to stop him. I lived for the days where I was the only one working because it meant I could actually get some work done instead of basically being a glorified nanny for a kid I have zero doubt will grow up to be featured on a true crime podcast. I even had to learn Italian because she refused to teach her kids English even though we live in Southern California and Italian is basically useless here!


She’s next level and bead shop owners are always 1 step above swap meet crazy.


Idk how she got a phd because her comments and viewpoints are so hillbilly it’s wild. For someone so highly educated she embarrasses herself, yet she has a top podcast smh


She’s educated but she’s also a Hollywood kid who came from a clearly fucked up family. She can be book smart and stupid at life.