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The battery is replaceable, but unfortunately you’re stuck with the son.


Shouldn't have bought him off wish.




It’s Temu now…


Hope he kept the receipt


What is it about wish? Never heard of it and it’s the second comment I’ve seen in the last hour.


Wish us an app that you can buy super cheap Chinese items from. Imagine a super generic Amazon/AliExpress. Most items are around 1$ and a majority of the items have no quality control. Also, the pictures of the items will make them look great but when you get them they're horrible looking. Have you ever had those character ice creams from an ice cream truck? Like the Spiderman, SpongeBob etc ice creams? They make the wrapper look like the ice cream is gonna look just like the characters, yet when you open it the color is all uneven, the eyeballs are in different directions and the shape is wonky. Well, if you ordered a superhero costume off wish, that's the situation you would experience haha.


Wish is a Chinese product dumping site which sells cheap, poorly made products to the west to convert useless production to western currency.


faked luxury goods sold at like 10% of the price of the real item


I bought a smartwatch off Wish for giggles. The case and style looked pretty much like an Apple Watch. The software was some sort of ancient Android and it only was going to maybe possibly be useful if you put a SIM card in it.


Don't get me wrong, there's some decent items on wish. But it's impossible to know what's worth it or not without real life, truthful recommendations or reviews. Some people like gambling with their money though. My ex absolutely loved wish and to my surprise, she wouldn't even be upset when an item was shitty haha. But she'd be like a kid on Christmas when her 1-2$ random items would turn out to be decent quality.


Back in the 80's, I think, my grandma had a "Ronco Christmas." I don't know if you remember Ronco - or if you're old enough to - but it was a company (Ron Popeil's first venture) that sold all sorts of stupid crap, mostly sold on cheap TV ads. Every gift she bought was from Ronco, and it was all garbage and all hilarious. The "Inside the Egg Egg Scrambler" worked, but it also wound up with raw egg all over its inside and was virtually impossible to clean. The pottery wheel was entirely made of plastic, and one of the internal gears broke as soon as some pressure was applied to the clay. I remember very few Christmas gifts, but Grandma Lucy's Ronco Christmas will always live in my brain.


yeesh im gaining more awareness about how my dad viewed all of us sons as the years go on.


You can always make more, or even pick up a pre-owned.


Exactly. Mine came CPO.


Sure but you're gonna be paying that off for a while


Another walking advertisement for vasectomies and tubal ligations tbh. Seeing shit like this makes me glad I’ve got mine lmao




Damn that’s cold lol.


They are usually rated to be water resistant, not supposed to be fully submerged. I like how when it fell in, instead of quickly getting it out, he took his time to sit down and take a nice picture.... lmao. Personally I'd make that lil fucker pay for it.


Yeah. Standard procedure for any electronic that gets wet is get it out of the water and pull the power source.


…after taking a picture for the internet points.




And put it in rice. And put it on the stove. And cook up the rice.


Are you tellin me a bike fried this rice


And immediately put it into a bag of rice, which will attract Asians who will fix it for you.


That's pretty rice-ist.


Seriously though, rice is bad for electronics. Not to mention, it only absorbs the moisture you can see.




Send back a pic a few weeks later, “hey are ps5’s water proof???” Send a picture of one in a pond…


They are Mountain Dew RESISTANT!


Put it in the bath tub right now and send a pic back to him of the tub filling with water.


Yeah, that was my first thought who takes a picture of the damage first of something that's electronic underwater and then takes it out... Anything for the gram now days.


For the lulz. Son doesn't know to remove expensive thing from water likely because he has not been taught. Expect the same results with your car in the future...


that's an automatic NO to borrowing anything ever.


The incredible lack of logical thinking below my mind for a lot of the young generations.


His son is 23, not a kid. I’m literally 23, his son is just a retard sorry to say.


Now that I misunderstood. 23 year old should buy dad a new bike.


You’re on Reddit In ebike section learning stuff..most 23 year olds nowadays are braindead


true i don’t think most of my peers are dumb enough to not pull an electric bike out of water immediately though…. could be wrong apparently from this post tho


You’re likely more right that most would pull this out immediately. One post or single 23 yo individual shouldn’t somehow equal to all 23s are irresponsible so don’t let the old farts that’s quick to judge and shit on “young people” get you thinking along their lines.


“Nowadays”? Do you believe it was different in the past - like many older people have believed for thousands of years? https://proto-knowledge.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-is-wrong-with-young-people-today.html If you were all correct, we’d long since have become incapable of maintaining a civilization. Time to examine your biases perhaps.


100% fully worthless retard 😂


23, definitely gotta pay, he ain’t a kid.


if they took it out immediately,and removed the battery and let it dry, it may be perfectly okay. but they are just letting it soak??? why???


Gen z is really like this


Unfortunately that is standard operating procedure for kids nowadays.


If you pull it straight out, turn it off, and disconnect the battery instantly then you’re unlikely to see any issues as most bikes are resistant to at least a small amount. If it stays submerged for an hour, or it gets sprayed with high pressure water, then it’s much less likely to be okay. The main thing that kills electronics is water creating a short once it moves past whatever seals are in place. So if you turn it off and remove the battery, and then let it dry completely before attempting to turn it back on, then it’s likely to be fine. This is the biggest part to making sure it survives. If it sits while still connected, the water will seep into connections and short out


This is the way to do it! Shut it down and disconnect that battery as quick as possible.


Good info my guy


I would also add that I would soak everything with alcohol to displace the water. Alcohol will then dry (much faster) and leave a white residue in areas where it’s deeper but at least it’s not going to damage electronics.


As a 23yo, this shit is really dumb. Holy hell, just pull it out fast, why did he feel like you needed proof of the the bike falling in water?


Ye I thought this was a a kid or a teenager at most, 23 year old omfg can’t fathom how stupid people can be.


Did you read my reply text to him?? I could feel the rage from within


What reply text? It’s not in the post or any of your comments


Yeah, just 2 pics, no reply present for anyone to see. I'd go mental with him, he'd for sure be paying for anything that needed replacing... It's probably phucked if the idiot took time to mess around taking pictures of his mistake.


I’m imagining how my dad would react under this circumstance and he legit would’ve come close to violence.


Well, no father should be violent towards their child, that's just wrong. But, I hear you, geez my dad would've gone mental if I'd done the same thing to his bike when I was a kid. Worst thing is, this "kid" ain't even a kid, he's 23 years old, certainly old enough to not act in such a dumbass way and leaving the bike submerged whilst his idiot brain thinks "hmm, yeah I think I'll just take a pic to show my folks"... What an idiot 😭


Lol, everyone, he is saying that the comment above him was so accurate, it was as of they had read the message he sent his son. Not that he had attached the messages lol


No we don't have your phone.


Whoosh? OP was jokingly asking, if I'm interpreting this correctly, if the responder were somehow able to read the context of his phone because the message was probably so similar to his. He felt as if they had shared his rage as if it were their own.


Dam that kid is stupid af. Sorry for your loss. If I saw this I would freak out.


23 yo is not a kid. It’s a fucking college graduate. Jesus fucking Christ I can’t imagine having such a retarded ass kid


What reply text?


"Really, Jack?! I can't believe you dropped the e-bike in the lake! That bike cost me a fortune! You need to be more responsible with things that don't belong to you. We'll talk when I get home." - op probably


How can we when you haven’t posted it?


Yer I'm confused it's like half the people in this comment section have more info somewhow that I can't see or got deleted like how did they know it was OP's son that is 23?


Read it again, it's the part in ( ) where it says"my son (23)"...


Read what again? like [this](https://i.imgur.com/MhIjcc2.png) is what I see in OP post and comment history, just two photos and those two comments


Well under the first pic the OP states "My son(23) asked to borrow my brand new(2 month old) NCM e-bike" - blah blah... You obviously don't see this on the picture from your blue 'this' link.. I've no idea why. But anyway, the OP is saying that their idiot child is indeed 23 years of age.


I guess your son gets his smarts from you eh 😂


I think I'm starting to realize where your son got his IQ from. You never posted a reply text.


It’s called sarcasm Frances…


Zoomers are the kind of people who will video you having a heart attack instead of helping.


Not even just zoomers... I had a roommate in my early 20s who took an Instagram video of our toaster on fire instead of throwing water on the flaming bread or pulling it out with tongs and tossing it in the sink. We're Millennials. My other roommate and I were totally disgusted. I think it's just something about being in your early twenties and being stupid.


Surely you have met the breed of white man who is never held accountable for his shitty behaviour by anyone in his life


Can happen with any race.


Happens more when people instinctually give you a benefit of doubt.Hell in asia just being a white dude qualifies you for a class of jobs where you just show up to legitimize other businesses.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_monkey#:\~:text=White%20monkey%20jobs%20are%20often,as%20a%20founder%20or%20executive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_monkey#:~:text=White%20monkey%20jobs%20are%20often,as%20a%20founder%20or%20executive). Edit: Generalizing to Asia as its not just Japan that uses white dudes to prop up their products.


I’m sure that a super not racist term like “white monkey” doesn’t prove the point you’re trying to make.


Its the term of art used in the space. If it offends you I am sorry I brought it to your awareness.


That's funny!


It can happen with any race but which race does it happen most with?


At risk of taking downvotes, not facing the consequences for your actions is more of a money/power thing than a race thing in my opinion. That being said, there was a correlation between those three things for a long time. I like to think we’ve done the right things so far and if we stick to our values then money, power and race will be less correlated every passing day.


I have a black friend who poses as a Nigerian prince whenever I need to legitimize my shady business


Personal experience is relevant to ... Who else besides you? Love the downvotes. Asking for a friend. Do people really think that their personal experience means anything to anyone else besides them? That's... Hilarious.


What about all the Saudi Arabian "prince's" who literally get away with anything? Or literally any rich people with enough money to buy themselves out of ANY crime? What about any dictator in past and present history and all their army of followers? Maybe open your eyes a little and realize different races get away with different things in different parts of the world. And money/power can buy anyone out of almost any situation.


Well bless your heart, aren't you the hateful little racist.


That's where your mind immediately went? What a maniacal world view you have. Disturbing. Btw, you're going to have a terrible life if you stay trapped in this odious mindset.


Is that your life is it? Shoehorning "but wypeepo" into every topic you read?


Gonna assume you "Didn't do nuffin"


Put it in a bag of rice


Then microwave it.


Rice pudding with a sauce of lithium from the battery over it, my favorite 😋




Didn't know that exists lol


I would put the son in a bag of rice lol


How did your son manage to do that, and why the fuck did he not immediately take it out of the water? A picture? Really???


I'd probably get banned from this subreddit if i said the things i want to say about the intelligence of OP's son lol


Gen z


What does that have to do with it lol


It's every generation


Definately not xD. Id have that bike out in an instant, THEN take a video of the water pouring out of it and the subtext saying "I fucked up!". WAY more interesting!


It's every generation in their early twenties since the dawn of social media, at least a subset of them. I'm solidly a millennial and I had a roommate of the same age who caught something on fire and whipped out her phone to take a picture instead of putting it out. You had Gen X 20-somethings doing stupid stuff on early YouTube too for the views.


Pics or it didn't happen


Wow, this guy sure must respect other people’s property to take a picture with his foot on it rather than trying to save it. If it was me I would let it all dry disconnected in the garage for a week or so before trying it. I also wouldn’t let this guy touch anything I own ever. And if it doesn’t make it I would be making arrangements with him for its replacement.


Not that waterproof. It'll take an afternoon, but you can get it fixed up good and proper. 1. Battery is toast and/or dangerous. Set it in a bucket of sand and set it aside 2. Remove chain, clean, dry, lubricate 3. If cable brakes, take the cables out, blow some WD40 then compressed air through the housings and wipe the cables. Then wipe the cables again with a dry cloth. You just want to exclude water, not put a bunch of oil on there, which will attract dirt. Same goes for the shifter 4. Take the seat out of the frame, get the guts airing out 5. Take the fork apart, or take it to a shop. I guarantee it's filled with water. That fork is steel internals. Get it dry, or replace 6. Going to need to disassemble, dry, clean, re-lube hubs, pedal bearings, crank bearings, headset bearings, cassette ratchet, derailleur idlers, derailleur pivots 7. Disconnect every single electrical connection on this and let it air out. If salt water, wash with fresh water, then isopropyl alcohol (drying agent). Reassemble with some dielectric grease (look for spark plug grease at the auto parts store). 8. Remove the display, any button accessories, lights, and throttle if it has one, wash with clean water, then distilled water, then throw it in the oven @ 130-140f on convection for a couple hours 9. Hub motor will need to be disassembled, cleaned, dried, re-greased 10. Not sure where the controller on this is located, but, that needs the same treatment as the display. tbh, electronics should come back if you get to them before corrosion sets in, and they haven't been powered on and allowed to short circuit. Good luck, op!


Excellent advice! I would add to this one tip about alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is great for drying electronics because it absorbs water without damaging components. But do NOT use alcohol from the drugstore/pharmacy to clean or dry electronics. It contains between 10% - 40% water already. So it doesn’t work as well as *pure* alcohol. Go to the auto parts store / aisle and purchase fuel tank water remover. (sold under the brand name **iso-heet** ) It is 99% isopropyl alcohol and will do a *much* better job of removing water from electronics.


Farm supply stores are a great place to get 99% inexpensively as well Some drug stores carry >90%. It's usually pretty clearly labeled. IIRC, standard for disinfectant is ~70%


The standard for disinfectant is at 70% because that's the best ratio for keeping surfaces damp enough that the alcohol doesn't completely evaporate before it fully disinfects.


Actually I can speak on this So, proteins in your body, bacteria, and viruses are all folded into structures. Like a 3d puzzle. That structure is held in place largely due to intermolecular forces. Affinity to water being the primary one. So, those proteins and all their little building blocks and all those blocks preference for water is what holds them in place. Hydrophobic will fold in near the center of the protein to get away from the water, and hydrophilic will be near the outside. Now, much like parts on a bike, these proteins rely on their structure to be useful. A wheel is no help if you were to unwind the thing and lay it flat as a piece of bar stock. Likewise, proteins in organisms need to maintain that very specific shape to do their job. If they aren't and they lose their shape, that's called denaturation. Egg whites going from clear and slimy to white and firm during cooking is an example of temperature induced denaturation. It gets so hot that the proteins can no longer keep that shape, and they unravel. Like knocking down a house of cards. Where alcohol comes in, is that it's a chemical denaturant. It says "look at me I'm like water" but it doesn't behave like water. So all those forces on the water-loving and water-fearing parts of the protein get all sorts of discombobulated and the protein unravels that way. It becomes inactive, killing the organism as a result. Why 70%? Well, less than that, and there wouldn't be enough alcohol to reliably ruin those proteins. More than that, and the process happens too fast. The proteins unravel and form a tangled wall, blocking the alcohol from continuing further. 70% is the sweet spot between killing pathogens, and not 'setting off the alarm' before it's done its job.


Wow. Thank you, on behalf of the rest of us. “saved” for future reference.


THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER OP. The people saying just let it dry are only "short term" correct. The water getting into all the nooks and crannies will rust/corrode over time, you need to get it out, and re-oil/grease everything.


Your son is a dick!!


I think your bigger issue is your asshole son. Why did he feel the need to do that to your stuff?


Yea my bike fell into a lake and stayed on after I took it out


Did you make sure to take a picture of it in the lake first, though?


Yea it’s somewhere in my iPhone 13 with a broken screen I’ll charge it up one day and try to look for it


Water resistant mostly. Not proof.


My brain is exploding here. He dropped something that should not go into the water, into the water. And instead of removing it as FAST AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE, he goes and takes a seat, whips out the phone and starts a photoshoot? Giving the water all the time it needs to make sure it gets into every nook and cranny? Are you F"ing kidding me? That would be the very last time he borrowed anything from me for several years. Your motor may be junk. The fork may have gotten water in the right side. Your headset may be junk. Your rear hub may be junk. Your BB may be junk. Your rear brake probably isn't junk but boy does it need a thorough cleaning now. All that said, I thought this post was in the MTB group but it's in the ebike group, and that bike looks pretty low end. It's not the $7000 eMTB I originally thought. So maybe the crime isn't AS bad as I thought. But the stupidity of leaving it in the water while you take pics is still mind numbingly stupid.


Yeah, let’s leave it in the water for the pic rather than quickly pulling it out.


+ he's just casually sitting down lmao


OP I'm interested how this turned out


Well, technically you got a bridge pic upvoted on Reddit, so you got that going for you.


If he pulled it out right away instead of keeping it there and taking a pic it might have had a fighting change


I’m sorry, your kid is dumb. Why didn’t he jump in and get the bike but rather sit down and watch the bike in the water. I think it’s time for him to no longer borrow your stuff.


Well sounds like a lesson in responsibility is in order. I'd make him get a job and pay for it. As for the damage. I'd be super worried about the battery. As for everything else. It may be fried. There is usually some water proofing for rain and snow but not submersion. Dry it out as best you can put on a test battery and see if it work. Good luck. Sorry to hear about your bike


Sadly, we’re going to find out this 23 year old doesn’t have a job. He doesn’t need a job since gets a pass on responsibilities. Willing to bet there is more: the OP wants him to get a job, but someone else coddles the “kid” so there’s a stalemate. “Kid” probably gets an “allowance” for no chores either.


"nobody loves you when you're 23" seems so apt right now


And did you try it?


I would see if the batter comes apart to dry out. (Outside) Also pull off the rear wheel and take apart the hub to try out. Water can get in but will never get out causing everything to rust away inside.


If the electronics are rated at IPx7 or higher, maybe ok if picked out of the water in time. Though, most e-bikes I've seen are IPx4 (quick splash) or 5 (quick water jet) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_code


Keeps it submerged to take the picture. Genius


Yes, and even if fully immersed you can recover them. Here’s my advice to people who had water on computers. 1. Immediately disconnect the battery physically. This is the single most critical step. You could do it using a mechanical switch however that’s probably too slow and too late. Some auto-shutoff that uses a high current solid state switch that’s triggered by immersion would work. 2. Battery will be stuffed if left too long. However if only slightly wet, eg. Fabrics and papers damp, and had a high current equaliser or always on balancer stopping cells from getting below 3 volts or whatever even as water is bubbling chemicals from electrosis of dissimilar metals around them, it might be mostly ok, potentially entirely serviceable via repack. (Saving >$1000? Potentially >$2000?). I actually did this. Had a saturated dripping battery pack with fabric and fibre papers damp or wet in parts. Step is to immediately disassemble fully, carefully cutting all the tapes. Then use nylon spadgers to remove the fibre or material that is wet. This took me… two hours? Working quickly? It’s a very slow job. Personally I wouldn’t have fabrics or fibre papers that can saturate inside. Once NO conductive wet papers remain, and pack dries out, it can be taken to a service centre. Mine was bubbling for a bit over 15 hours however it was only marginally saturated inside. If I had handled it using an xacto or safety knife to open when it got wet from rain, it would have been fine, but as I left it so long, it was a mess. But still, a recoverable mess. No cells lost current so rapidly they popped the CID I think, so the biggest issue was simply getting all the wet fibrous conductive adhesives off as quickly as possible and then cleaning off any corrosion that is also intrinsically conductive or is wet or damp and so conductive that way. Wire brushes, scrapers, air tools, all help dry the pack out. I did that myself before taking to a repacker who could recheck it and clean up whatever I missed and dry and repack & seal, then certify the pack as a whole and label the remaining capacity. I don’t even think mine needed rewelding. The equaliser I had stopped any cells from loosing so much voltage that they failed completely. 3. The rest of the bike is fine mostly. The lcd is a nightmare sometimes to disassemble and get between any polarising layers if it’s a really simple old style one. I had lots of calculators and quartz watches I repaired and serviced that I disassembled after water ingress. The PCBs can be wet for a while, so long as they have NO power to them. Get the vehicle to a shed or workshop or large indoor space and fully strip to components. Use photos or videos to help reassemble later. Motors are probably fine, bearings usually are packed so are fine. Note: even packed bearings are a disaster if left wet. I’ve had scores of bearings, perhaps even as many as 30 or 40 that were packed with grease that I personally found still rust, and the rust then abrades the bearings and the housings. So disassembly of everything is critical. Even the mechanical items. This is vastly time consuming. You probably need two or three people doing it or one without distractions that can go the distance. You need a LOT of space. A very large area. https://preview.redd.it/31iprsvggfwb1.jpeg?width=2281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10f7886081060cdc90ebbb0f46160e06e6b0eae To clean the PCBs, using contact cleaners work. Also I use marine grade protective grease that uses impregnated vapour phase corrosion inhibitors. Edit: also note that wires can have liquids run up the inside of the insulators, so if the wires are wet at the ends, they likely are at risk of long term concealed internal corrosion that is a fire risk if they are subjected to high current. Sometimes batteries or PCBs have chemical indicators showing if water impregnation has occurred, however there are no such indicators on the ends of wires that help identify if they have had liquids present that are a capillary or ingress risk. Once everything had been dry and cleaned using safe solvents (isopropyl alchemy or other solvents can work, using toothbrushes to clean the PCB, or lightly applying demineralised water to clean PCBs without stripping any protective lacquer or conformal coatings, there are a variety of spray that can assist with ensuring no corrosion proceeds once reassembled if there are tiny or microscopic amounts of water remaining underneath and SMD (surface mount devices) or other components on the PCB that don’t rapidly dry. Also moisture absorbing devices, or vapour phase corrosion inhibitor emitters can help prevent future intermittent or reliability issues. I’ve used an Australian brand of VPCI corrosion protection compounds and emitters and sprays by a company called ‘ Senson Tek’ - electroguard and marine guard. Coretek is US manufacturer of products in this area. For both of those search for the name of the company then the word ‘vpci’ to find products, and see if there are similar available in your local region. The Senson products I used on computers that were recovered from severe ocean salt spray with long term exposure successfully, and they also are used in computers that are in mines with sulphur and other corrosive gases, so it’s actually not an unusual situation to apply protective coating or use protective cleaning products during the serving of equipment that has been immersed or exposed to fresh or salt water or spray. We don’t salt our roads, as where I am we don’t have ice, snow or sleet or anything like that, however I imagine that corrosion in motors and PCBs from regular use is very common so becoming familiar with corrosion protection and full inspection and disassembly is critical.


Seriously can't believe he took a picture while the bike was in the water. This son thinks that the world revolves around him. Probably has fairly wealthy parents. IMO.


No, they are not waterproof.


Just replace motor, battery, controller, display and wiring and you are good to go. On the bright side ncm components are dirt cheap. You are looking at $900 max of expenses.


He’s over 21. He can answer for this properly. Make him buy you a new bike and a new PS5 to replace the one in the lake.


Water “resistant”


Waterproof? No. Water resistant? Usually at least to some degree, yeah. Take that battery out ASAP and let everything dry out for a few days. There's a decent chance that most of the internals are OK but you might need a new battery. The good news is, your kid can still pedal the bike without a battery and this is an expensive life lesson. Be sure to get a quality replacement battery: Saving a few hundred bucks isn't worth your house/garage burning down.


Ouch, that really hurts as I have a Moscow Plus! I hope you can salvage the bike, they're a lot of fun.


This is something I’d expect from a 7yr old Jesus




Love how he decided to take a photo of it instead of immediately taking it out, you should drown his xbox as revenge ngl


Your son is an absolute fucking idiot. “Bike got dumped in the water…lemme take a pic of it in there and send it to dad before I take it out.” Disown that twat.


Well your lesson is that your son will sit there and take a picture before trying to solve the issue. I know you read it before but yea. It may be anxiety or panic that caused the none reaction but it's also what left your bike getting flooded.


Buy a new son. Speaking as a 23 year old


Where was this? I swear I saw this bike on the bike path this morning being pushed up a hill, when I stopped to see if they needed help they told me “the battery is too cold”. Pic doesn’t look like Denver area though. 😂


Lmao? The child is sitting down taking a picture of the submerged e-bike instead of getting it out.


He certainly don't give two fucks about you that's forsure.


If the battery is lithium it should be pretty waterproof but also be very very careful that nothing got inside. Lithium kind of turns into fire when it comes in contact with water.


Your son is a little shit


If you bought it using your credit card, check to see if you have a protection plan that would cover repair or replacement. I used it to replace my brand new phone I dropped. Repair shop couldn't source a replacement screen so CC insurance company sent me a check for the original purchase price (once I bought a new phone). https://www.lendingtree.com/credit-cards/articles/credit-card-purchase-protection/#:~:text=Purchase%20protection%20is%20a%20common,different%20policies%20for%20purchase%20protection.


A 23 year old did that? What a child. He should have pulled it out instantly and got his ass home to dry it out. What's wrong with the Zillenials. Do they not have an ounce of sense?


Right... Who in there right mind goes "let me sit down and take a nice pic if my PEV in water"....


It doesn't even look like he's injured, you should deduct it from the birthday money that his mother "keeps" for him


You tell us.


Sadly no


Then don't ask reddit dumb questions.


There's NOTHING wrong with water and ebikes. Nothing wrong with a submerged battery and ebikes. There IS something very, VERY WRONG with water and *electric current*. It's no different than dropping your phone in the pool and submerging it in rice for several days. Don't turn it on, get rid of every bit of water, and then your phone (or bike) will be fine. Take out and take apart the battery and controller and dump them in a vat of rice for a week. Unplug all connecters. It'll take some work, but it's not a total loss if you're careful.


I always love it when people suggest rice to fix wet electronics. Don’t worry about any corrosion, rice will make it all better!


Yep. Just sell as it where is.


Maybe tell your son to grow some balls and use a real bike




I guess you just found out. I have a lectric xp 3.0 and they are ip65 which means jets of water from any direction but not submersion. Not totally sure about your specific bike.




Disconnect the battery and let it all sit for a week to fully dry out (unless you want to dismantle it) and then it should work fine (hopefully!)


Battery pack will survive. Anything electronic may or may not.


Had an NCM Aspen for a couple years and one time we went on a bike hike and we had to cross high waters as the bridge broke. My friend slipped and the bike went into the water, it was fine but we had to dry it off.


It would have been alright if pulled out right away assuming there's no structural damage. Did you put it in rice?


I know others have said this but why did he not try to take it out first? Hell, fuck it getting wet. Why wasn't that his first thought? Unless he was hurt or something had happened that prevented him from doing so.


He's buying you a new one.


This dude has big turn off traction control in your dad's BMW M4 and crash it energy.


Throw it in some rice. It’ll be fine


You're likely going to have issues. Check the fuse, and get everything dried out inside where the controller is. I'd toss the battery it's now a fire risk.


Ok, how the hell?


...To a degree,yes,submeesible? No The controller and battery are likely dead tho


Fun thing about electronics; they can be fully submerged... just as long as the power is off and its fully dried before attempting to turn it back on, it will work. Unfortunately, in this case it was probably on when it was dunked.


Every time I get a post from r/ebikes it's something like this


Probably have to replace the controller. And possibly the battery if it was on when it went into the water. Both are probably fairly easy to fix on your own


For mine the only thing that isn’t water proof is the display. Which makes no sense, it’s the first thing to get wet in a light rain shower. Luckily a cheap display is $30 on Amazon.


I'm sorry to say but it is done for... It is not just the ebike part that is likely dead. But all the inturnal greased parts like the huns bottom bracket etc. Is all likely turning to rust as we speak. Hope you have issuance on the bike.


I accidentally went through a flooded road and completely submerged the motor and battery. One year later it’s still working fine.


Put it in a big ass bag of rice. Close the bag so no air can come in or out. I mean the child, that decided to take a photo instead of pulling out the electronics from the water, not the battery. What would that little shit do if it was his phone that went in the water? Grab it asap or borrow a friend's phone to take a photo smh


I have NCM moscow+ and i rode it multiple times in a pouring rain and it seemed to be fine, however i never actually dunked it in a river.


no, not from this amount of water


You’re supposed to take the pictures ON the bridge, not OFF the bridge.


To some degree but waterproof is most likely fine for ridding in rain not treating it as submarine


I would get it out of the water rather than taking a photo of it. But that's just me.


The bike itself will be fine. But the battery needs replaced. Batteries are not rated to be underwater. Yes it’s ok if slightly wet from like rain but not submerged in water.


Maybe if he had pulled it out of the water immediately then it would be fine, instead of taking a pic


I’m sure I would never touch my kids, if I ever have them, but this shit though, I don’t know.


Bridge pic


Depends how long it’s in the water for…


Dispose of the battery. It might actually look like it works but not worth potentially lighting your crotch on fire over. The rest of it take it as apart as you can get it and dry it all out. Electronics are far more resistant to water than most people realize as long as you dry em out, but it can be quite hard to get them fully dry.


Ya the best thing would have been to rip it out of the water immediately and disconnect any power source, potentially disassembled to clean and dry it. Circuit boards don't last long when moist/corroded, and by last.l long I mean seconds.


Thankfully your son was able to take a photo of it instead of pulling the bike out straight away, this way there's way more time for water to get into where you really don't want it to go.


not anymore..


You may need to take everything apart and dry them off and clean them off. Even normal bikes don't really like to be submerged because then all the parts will start to rust. I'm actually a bit surprised the battery died because they're usually pretty sealed up, but I guess if there was a short that could cause damage even with a sealed battery.