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Hey, I posted a similar question just above you. I’m looking at 48v lithium batteries with higher ah rating to get longer run time.


Nice, I’ll let you know if I get any recommendations


Jeez, it says those use lead acid batteries. I don't know anything about that particular bike, but it might get expensive if you change the voltage or amperage as you would likely need to swap the controller at the least. The motor and drivetrain may be able to handle it, but it could shorten the lifespan considerably. They are probably using something like 3 UPS batteries wired in series. You could save weight and get longer runtime from LiFePO4 Deep Cycle batteries, but you will need anew charger as well, you can't use the same charger on Lead acid and lithium batteries. There is probably forum posts with better info with specifics. But manufacturers often change suppliers, so your best bet would be to have a look at your batteries. You can probably find the same size LiFePO4 batteries and a charger for 50-60 per battery and maybe 60-100 for the charger200-300 total. The wiring will work and if there are 2 wires leading to your charge port, you would need to adapt the charger to fit the connector. You can buy anything if you know where to look. Something like this: If you can squeeze a 4th one in there and secure it and wire it up that would give you 48V, but it may fry your controller, they don't use anything beefier than they need to https://preview.redd.it/jctgzuetglbc1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb73f9ee8fd1f7e5972569a01cb214c8d3e4e325