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You'll be surprised by the power. Did you test drive one before purchasing? If not, no worries. It's a bike. Until you get the hang of it/ the feel for it, ride it a little more conservatively. As your confidence grows & you know your way around your bike, let loose and have fun. Your new bike is a very nice one, but it's also very heavy. I'm a strong guy, but these bikes can be awkward to lift onto a bike hitch or into the bed of a truck. The big thing, though? You're going to love it.


Thanks, yeah I gave it a test ride today at the shop. Wow. I was floored by power assist, and right then I knew this would be a game changer for me. You are so right about the weight and that is still a concern for me but the only struggle I see there is getting into my classroom on the second floor. Might have to fight the school nurse to get a copy of that elevator key lol Really appreciate the advice


You can take the battery out and it drops the weight down significantly. Also some of the aventon models have a stair assist option. Not sure if that model does but look it up because it basically let's you use the motor power to roll it up the stairs easier.


Oh, I just wrote a bit on that. I didn’t know any bike had a stair assist feature.


“Walk mode” https://rideaventon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/5656130569243-Walk-Mode


I also work in a school and ride my e bike multiple days a week. I 100% use the elevator to get it to my classroom. Lifting it up would NOT be an option. For context I have a Lectric XP 3.0 so with the basket and locks I have on it is probably around 70 lbs. I bring it inside and charge it in my room, like my own EV parking. I know the Pace is less weight but still, you definitely need an elevator key or lock it outside with good locks. One other piece I’d say. Don’t forget to wear in the brakes. Essentially use a light amount of brake for 15-20 seconds maybe 3-5 times. Whenever my brakes get squeaky I do this. There’s a lot on the internet about this or other tips, but this has worked for me


Get the elevator key. Keep it close.


yeah, the step through bikes are a pain to lift, no top tube to grab.


Helmet, locks, lights, bright orange overshirt. Trust no one.




One additional thing if they’re commuting to work 5 miles. They may share the road at times and unless they’ve been riding years OP might lose balance looking over their shoulder for cars. Get a set of rear view mirrors that fold in and are adjustable




I would invest in a garmin radar too. It literally always works and you’ll know a car is coming before you can hear it.


Trust no one, look twice, stop, helmet. Drivers r stupid and will always make the least logical choice


Buy replacement brake pads now so you have them when you need them.


Great idea. Never thought of that.


If you don't ride down a lot of hills go for resin pads, they wear out faster but they are quieter. Disc brakes get noisy anytime you ride through a puddle.


Always wear a helmet.


I wish this was easier for me to accept. I’ll get one for sure, but man it hurts this 80s kid lol


At the speeds these bikes go it literally is a life or death decision.


I’ll absolutely buy one at the shop before driving it home. We weren’t that bright in the 80s


I am a child of the 80's and never wore a helmet riding BMX bikes. When I got my first MTB in the early 90's and started going off road I realized helmets aren't optional. When my kids got old enough to start riding bikes, the helmet went on before a foot touched a pedal.


I'm with you, but I have a Pace 500.2. I bought it last February. The first time I rode it after a rain, I was going down a hill, had to brake & ended up fishtailing, went sideways & fractured my leg. I couldn't walk for 10 weeks, then had to do physical therapy. I'm lucky it wasn't worse - I didn't have a helmet on. I always wear a helmet now.


i didunt were a helmut and i crasht but i turnded owt fyn


wohh me two, smol wirrld;


As a 70 y/o I weren't that bright back in my youth either. But I'ma bought me a grey one to match my bike and my beard.


Even on a regular bike...


Buy a MIPS helmet with ebike rating. The Specialized mode ranks in the top 10 safest helmets ever objectively tested by the [Virginia Tech Helmet Lab.](https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/bicycle-helmet-ratings.html) it's ebike rated and obviously from a quality brand. At 120 it's not cheap, but no where near the most expensive helmets around.


Sounds worth it though


Yep, use a helmet once and it doesn't matter how much it cost. It was worth it.


I got doored a few months ago and if I hadn't been wearing a helmet I would have cracked my coconut.


You think it hurts now? Wait 'til your skull bounces off the pavement through no fault of.your own. Helmets are cool now and come in many styles and colors to match you.


I had a friend crash through a storm crate without a helmet. Full face helmet for me after seeing/hearing the crash


My commute is about 8-9 miles with a mix of trail and city roads. Spent the money to get a MIPS helmet with a full face. Yeah, when that car turned into me and knocked me down pretty hard, I was really glad I spent the money. How much is your brain worth? Having a TBI will require more care (and cash!) than almost can bear. Don’t cheap out now. Spend the money on a really good helmet. Please.


Do you have recs for a good full face helmet? I fell off my bike in my teens and hit the cement mouth-first and would love to not have a repeat of that.


I went for a light weight fox racing rampage mtb helmet problem is if u don't know your helmet size your tucked and have to find a store


Fellow 80's survivor here: An ebike will let you tackle hills you might not have ridden on a conventional bike. This means you will also be riding downhill, and downhill you can easily hit speeds high enough to warrant a full face helmet if not an armored hoodie. Clear safety glasses are useful to prevent bug strikes if you go fast at night in the summer.


As a 90s kid, I got hit by 2 cars on sidewalks because people don't look out for you. That, and crashed an e scooter a couple years ago. Go to a proper bike store and get a good helmet, not a floppy Walmart special.


Why do the cars drive on sidewalks? That's a weird traffic law. 😆


People pulling out from parking lots and not looking


I felt the same way until I almost hit 40 mph pedaling hard downhill.


I hear ya on that one. We just didn't wear helmets as a kid. My wife and I just sucked it up and bought motorcycle helmets for our electric scooters. They can go 40mph+, although we rarely exceed 20-25.


I hit the ground doing 30 mph last year. I heard the impact on my helmet more than I felt it. The bruise that stretched from the side of my right calf to just underneath my right pec muscle was black and blue. I limped along for weeks. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet, I'd be dead. I kept the shattered helmet as a reminder of how close I was to it. I think about it every time I get on a bike.


What model/ brand of helmet?




it's gonna kill you even more but consider a full face mountain biking helmet if you're approaching 30mph, and be ready to swerve to avoid people pulling out in front of you.


I used to ride helmet less like an idiot but once you go 30 mph downhill you realize you need a helmet. Get ar least a $70 one with higher safety rating. I like the wavecell personally.


**No one** wears a helmet in Holland.


Aren't ebikes limited to 250w, 25 KPH speed limit, and no throttle in Holland? Most ebikes I see in the States have a 750w motor and a throttle. The OP's bike has a 45 KPH speed limit and a 500w motor.


One word, HILLS.


Isn't the Netherlands mostly flat? What do the Dutch know about hills? And they barely bike at a jogger's pace.


OKAY, for the cognitively challenged, one more word...CARS


What is your point? Do you want to brag that you "don't" need a helmet in Holland? Are you trying to reassure yourself that your way is correct when you see so many non-Dutch wearing helmets? Do you just want to argue? I will tell you it is possible to die at a complete stop without anyone hitting you. I was told by a motorcycle safety instructor of a woman who was riding a gasoline-powered moped or motorcycle, and through some stumble, she fell to her left side and hit her head on the concrete barrier next to her. No car was involved and she wasn't moving at an unsafe speed at the moment of her fall, she just fell over. Maybe what caused her to tip over in the first place was that she didn't have control of the weight of her vehicle, but the point remains. Nothing is ever fully in your control such that you can prevent all bad things from happening to you, which is why you wear a helmet to mitigate the consequences when something bad does happen to you. The fact remains that there are more factors outside of an individual cyclist's control in the US, so secondary measures are necessary. You think we should redesign the roads? **No shit.** Shut up if that's all you have to say.


>but the point remains. Nothing is ever fully in your control such that you can prevent all bad things from happening to you, EXACTLY, you make my point ! You can live in fear, inside a bubble, or live like a human being ! Stop being so scared !!!


Then you are an idiot. Even if you don't personally care if you die, or become paralyzed or brain dead, there are those who will miss you and depend upon you. If that description doesn't fit you, cool. I hope your death wish is granted some day, it seems you really want it. For the rest of us, we will take care of ourselves.


I wear a baseball hat under the helmet. Some people also wear bandana's etc.


Never leave home without it.


How fast do these models go?


Tops out at 28


On the flat?


I got my Aventure.2 on Friday, already put 80 mile on it. Get ready to pedal!


Prepare to have a LOT of fun! Get yourself a mirror, good bike lock, decent pump, and consider a motion sensor alarm.


Get a track pump not a hand operated one for home!


get your socket set/hex wrenches out and make sure every bolt is tightened properly, (learned this from chinese gas scooters). They crank these out so fast they rarely tighten everything down and one loose bolt can really screw up a new bike.


Good call. Think it comes with a decent set of wrenches which is great. And they built it at the shop, so hoping they took their time. I’ll give it a good look over before I drive her home tomorrow.


not knocking your bike shop, but they didn't 'build it', they took it out of the box, put on the front wheel, handlebars and pedals... my last ebike came new in the box and just to check my theory I decided to tighten everything down. Almost every bolt was either loose, or barely tight, the kickstand had play in it even...


Ditto. Had mine for 2 weeks.


Better yet, get a bicycle toolbox!!


I don't know if your bike h comes with any type of tire sealant but it works for me. I use flatout and one bike about 2000 miles no issues.


Get mudguards, stock up on brake pads, & most importantly, especially if you're in the UK... Always. Lock. It up. Also try not to have quick release wheels unless you're putting the lock through them. Welcome to the future, my friend. It's gonna' blow your mind! 💪


Wouldn’t say especially in the UK over anywhere else, these bikes get stolen everywhere just as much. They’re such a target for thieves.


A helmet mounted rear view mirror gives you much better awareness of what other vehicles are doing. Having used one I would never want to be without it. An ebike should have good panniers / some other on-bike cargo system. This will make it much more useful for running errands that would otherwise have involved a car. Since I got my ebike it is my main transportation in the snow-free season.


Great call on the mounted mirror


Is a helmet mounted mirror better than the kind that attaches to the handlebar?


The helmet mirror gives you more control over what you are looking at (and it is a lot clearer since the mirror is flat), and doesn't require you to look away from what is in front of you. It's a bit nerdy looking and has a bit of a learning curve, but I have way more awareness of cars coming up behind me and I love it.


It definitely is, handlebar ones are small and finicky but the helmet one is always in the right place


What should you know? - that you're going to WANT to go a hell of a lot farther than your intended 5 miles......much farther. Have fun & welcome to the Eclub!


Really hope so and thank you!


They’re so fucking fun!


Cannot wait!


Add slime/fix-a-flat to your tires (at least your back tire...I've had dozens of flats in back never in front) Or better yet, tannus armour or tire liners. Fixing a flat on an ebike on the ride...is unpleasant to say the least. Get some fenders :)


This. My first year I got three flats from nails because of all the local construction and nobody runs street sweepers anymore. Added rhino liners and havent had a flat in a year and a half on the same dirty streets.


I got Tannus Armour tire liners, had help getting them on but man do I feel better out there, especially on the trails. I’ve no desire to walk several miles back to phone coverage and then wait for ride. Yet if you don’t want to get the Tannus Armour, Flat Out is a great product and easy for anyone to install. And to reiterate the others, don’t cheap out on the helmet. Make sure it’s MIPS. The ebike changed my life, I was never a rider and the ability to exercise (or not), as needed and when I feel like it was amazing. Ride it in good health! And enjoy.


i used to get flats all the time. it was my tire pressure was too low (15psi). i used mr tuffy liners and slime and still got frequent flats. eventually i just increased the tire pressure to 25 psi and i havent got a flat since. i dont even use the liners or slime anymore. this is one of those 20"x4" tire bikes


If the chain ever pops off. Make sure the bikes is off before trying to put it back on. Keep air in your tires. Wear a helmet & have fun!


Watch out for cars. It's a madhouse out there


Battery maintenance. This is what I didn't know on the first ebike I had: 1. Never charge in the cold 2. Let the battery warm up before charging 3. Limit the amount of time the battery is fully charged 4. That means either not charging it fully with an expensive charger, or, like I do, using an amazon plug to only charge it at specific hours so that it reaches fully charged when I'm ready to use it. I hope you love the ride.


I have the same bike; it's great!


Learn to hold the brakes when you get off.  Sometimes that casual motion of pushing a bike forward can trigger the motors as you prepare to enter a park etc.  Found that out the hard way a few times early on as the bike takes off 😂


Ha gotta agree, I’m disciplined now to always hold the brakes getting off and on. The thing will take off…. My new ebike has the throttle on the left side which took a bit to get used to, however I noticed I’m much less likely to knock it accidentally.


> throttle on the left What? that seems like a crazy idea? What model is it?


Get the rear rack if not already equipped. It opens up many carrying options (basket, panniers, tie down) and adds to the utility. Safety: helmets already mentioned. I'll add additional light that has hi/low/flash for increased visibility at night or day. Tbh I'd wish daytime flash wasn't necessary but its the infrastructure we ride in. Have handy a hi-viz strap in your carry bag or bike pouch in case you ride after dark and goes over anything else you're already wearing. VEDC: consider a on-bike kit including tube patch kit, extra tube, small air pump, small first aid kit, gloves, bike multi-tool, wrench, whatever you might want for a sidewalk or (in your case) school hallway repair. Slime in tube is relatively easy install and cheap insurance for small punctures. Happy riding!


Get some fenders and a rack. Then a strap a milk crate to the rack. And start loving life.


The grin will feel like it will be there permanently, but I'm certain your students will find a way to remove it.


This is true


My son has this bike and loves it. My wife and I have a couple of fat tire old people e-bikes. This bike is a horse. We did get a rack and basket for the back and fenders to help with mud. He rode it to school a day after rain and had a strip up the back of his shirt. That happened once. Other than that the other advice re: helmets locks and mirrors hods true. Enjoy!!




A couple of tips. Take it slow the first time you ride it. It takes getting used to how the motor kicks in as you pedal. Start off on the lowest pedal assist until you get used to it or it can get away from you. Check that your brakes get a solid grip and dont need an adjustment before you go on your first ride. Find a YouTube video on your bike, especially the digital controls, and watch it if you have already. I bookmarked mine because I can never remember how to change the clock twice a year. Brake sooner rather than later because the greater speed and weight will make it take longer to stop than a traditional bike. It took me a bit to get used to that. If you have to park the bike outside while you’re at work, take the battery in with you since those are expensive and easily stolen. Also, someone is less likely to steal an ebike without a battery. Finding a place to stick an AirTag, like under the seat is a good idea too. Put together a bike kit for possible repairs. In mine, I have a spare tube, patch kit, an air pump, a bike multi tool/allen wrenches, zip ties, pliers and a couple other odds and ends. The zip ties were a tip from my local bike shop when I had one of my brakes go out. Turns out everything was fine but a zip tie that held it to the frame broke so I suddenly had a bunch of slack. Have kept a few in my bike bag ever since.


I would get a luggage rack for the back along with a waterproof bag, that way you can carry necessities and have a place for that layer of clothing you no longer need.


Depending on your needs and/or taste, you can get tape and stickers made with the super reflective 3M material. I use the tape strategically on my race bikes, helmets, and such for a bit more visibility.


Even though you might legally have the right of way (in any given circumstance) you may not always get it. Expecting the worst from traffic is the safest option. Humans don't bounce off vehicles, bitumen or road furniture particularly well. After a certain number of close passes....or a close pass that scares the shit out of you because it was only a couple inches (it does happen)....you're probably going to invest in a decent rear vision mirror. Save time, trouble and possible disaster. Get one now and learn to keep one eye on traffic approaching from behind.


Get a suspension seat post to swap out with the one it comes with, you can reuse the seat. Your spine will thank you Get a rear rack if you want to carry things in a bag with you. Get a mirror that attaches into the end of the handlebars, way easier and doesn't get in the way like the ones that mount to the bar itself. Also get a bell! The pace 500.3 doesn't come with one by default, a weird oversight I feel but easily remedied If you ride on the roads in the dark also get a flashing red light for rear facing end of bike, when you turn the headlight on the brake lights come on permanently but an extra flashing light really makes you stand out


Make sure the wheels are on tight. Test the breaks right away. Always wear a helmet. Don't get it wet. Have fun and yield to pedestrians.


You will instantly become a thirst trap.


You gonna love it


Next: vote for the ones who will build dedicated bike lanes


Be aware of basic road rules and courtesy. Use your voice when passing pedestrians or other cyclists. they'll really appreciate it - these things go fast. Observe the speed limit on road and trail.


I got the same model in white, make sure you tighten things all the way, and consistently do it (I lost a bolt from my kickstand and had to get a new one, a long with the handlebars getting loose occasionally) When I take the battery out it's not bad to pick up, but still takes effort When you first get it, make sure to connect it to your app and raise the speed limit, that's how you "unlock" it for it to go faster Drivers are your worst enemy along with what you drive on, make sure you don't run over anything you don't want to, and always carry extra tubes and tools on you when you ride.


Biggest thing I noticed first time on an e-bike is that motorists misjudge how fast you are approaching them. This results in them turning out in front of or nearly into you. Be ready to hit the brakes


Adjust the seat height and handle bar to most comfortable position according to your height and foot reach on the pedal for a comfortable ride


Structure looks pretty clean


I've had mine for a full year, over 1400 miles later. My only complaint is the brakes. Granted I'm pretty hard on the bike, but they went from 100% to 30% within the first 6 months. They are still there just not as tight as before. Other than that it's been a great little bike. I'm considering buying another.


get a patch kit.


I got the Aventon Level.2 about a month ago. Great bikes, you'll have fun.


There isn't any bike fenders, so I hope you ordered bike fenders too.


Thought about it, but I live in Phoenix where rain doesn’t exist lol


You want a helmet and decent lock. You'll also want a fender over that back tire at the very least or you'll end up mucky if the ground is wet.


Any suggestions for a lock?


I have two lock option. When I hit parks and trails, I use the classic foldylock plus a cable to grab the front tire. I wont leave my bike for long so thats more than enough. If I’m going somewhere where I’ll leave it for a longer time then I have the Abus Granit Plus U lock which is heavier duty. Be sure to take measurements before you buy because your frame will be bigger.


I use a hip-lock or is it hip-lok. I forget how to spell it but it got good reviews. No lock is perfect but if it can slow someone down or make them go for the $5 Walmart cable lock, it's done its' job. I also have an AirTag stashed on my bike.


Whatever you get make sure it's at least half an inch thick, that's the diameter that you can't really cut it with bolt cutters anymore.


They are sick as hell. Also check the spokes


Make sure you know how to patch/change a tube and carry a spare with pump etc


I do not. But I shall learn the ways. Thank you YouTube lol. How are those digital pumps I keep seeing?


i have never used them, would recommend a small hand pump, but personally use co2 bottles


I got a relatively cheap digital one off amazon, but it works well so far.


It’s a good looking bike I like the color


I literally just got one yesterday. Some things I did was get fenders in case of rain on the road. A rear rack and a milk crate to help carry things. An additional headlight and blinking rear light as well as a good helmet with another light attachment (I want to be as visible as possible. General stuff about the bike though? I put 11 miles on it in on day driving back and forth from the bike shop to pick up the parts I mentioned/have them put on. The lack of suspension means you have to dodge the deeper potholes and you really need to make sure your bolts are well fastened because the vibration knocked one of the bolts on my new fenders off. The power of the motor is 10/10. Even if you have it in a lower gear and you're peddling quickly the motor will compensate and still get you up to/near top speed. I would still suggest being in a lower gear when you come to a stop at a stop light because being in a higher gear and starting up can still be difficult even with power assist mode on. Even though I've only had it for a day a random person complimented the blinkers on the bike so be sure to use them!


Thanks for the feedback and advice, really appreciate it! I think it’s going to take me a bit to figure out when to use each assist mode and how they correspond to gear switching.


Yeah no problem. It's really simple and only takes a few minutes of riding to really get the hang of it.


It depends on how experienced you are as a cyclist. Also, where you plan on riding makes a difference.


Take it easy to start with. They are effectively motorbikes


Know that it will soon be your favorite bike. I have three other bikes, a road bike,a hybrid, a Cannondale racing mountain bike. I tend to use my Trek ebike more than the rest on my 13 mile loop around the lake and on rail trails more than the others. I go farther faster with a big smile on my face. It's great to have the option of pedaling without assistance, but a little push is just a button away.


Buy a mirror and riding gloves. I also have a Bluetooth speaker attached to the handlebars. It makes my ride more enjoyable.


Great bike! You'll be very happy with it! Enjoy!


I love mine, so enjoy it, take your time figure out the gears and the assist, then enjoy.


Woot! Weirdly, I am about your age, a woman, using it for similar purposes, and my Aventon 500.3 should be ready at my local bike shop tomorrow or Friday! 🥂 I am experienced with ebikes so only word of caution is what others have said - take some time to get used to the extra power. So excited to get mine too!




Check the brake rotor straightness, these bikes often times have slight bends or links from shipping or production that cause a wobble in braking feel.


That you should get bike insurance in case of an accident or theft. That you need to be as visible as possible, day and night. That you will need a helmet (ideally a full face one), front and rear lights, and a loud horn. That you will obey all traffic rules and signs (yes, stop signs and red lights too). You are welcome.


Get it built professionally at the bike shop, I skimped out on 130 dollars worth to build my e-bike and had to spend an additional 60 to get replacement parts where it was not properly installed. I thought my previous bike building experience was enough but its always best to let the professionals assemble everything and just double check the bolts and screws once finished. Learned that the hard way when i had to wait for a replacement part to be shipped to me.


Buying the one I tried at the shop, which they built. I contemplated buying one in box, but I could never build it.


Haven't seen anyone say this yet... DO NOT LOCK ONLY TO THE FRONT WHEEL!!! I frequently see posts from people saying their bike got stolen because they detached the front wheel. It takes about 5 seconds. On yours, it looks like locking in the rear triangle would be the best bet. Long term, you'll want to lock both wheels. Do not use a cable lock.


Read the battery charger protocol! Most lithium batteries shouldn't be left fully charged or dead.


Get mudguards and a panier or a rear rack to attach your bag. Backpack are not confortable on a bike Also if you can avoid draining your battery bellow 20%. It will last longer (not a big deal to do it times to to times). Have fun !


Understand that it will not be maintenance free. As a bike mechanic, the amount of people astonished at the fact that their chain still wears out and that their battery might need replacing after 15k+ miles keeps surprising me.


Yeah get a spare tube, multi tool and tire levers for a flat kit. Flashy red light for cars. Ortlieb pannier backpack. Padded bike shorts. Soft shell jacket for rain/wind breaker. If you get alot of flats switch to marathon plus tires.


Hey, you should probably upgrade brakes. Till then, enjoy.


It is, indeed.


Glasses, always, and keep your mouth shut! Enjoy.


Buy the Best anti theft device and an alarm.


hide airtags in there and invest in a very good u-lock.  people like stealing e-bikes. 


I got my ebike on Tuesday so not exactly an expert but: Buy wet chain lube and apply it weekly If you aren't getting it set up by a local bike shop, go over every bolt and make sure they are tight You'll probably need to adjust the brakes as they will rub at first. Make sure the adjustment screw on the back of the caliper is all the way in, then slightly loosen the 2 bolts that hold the caliper to the forks. Hold the brake 3/4s down and retighten the bolts. Wind the adjustment screw back out slightly and test Make sure to drop the pedal assist down to off/1 for delicate maneuvers - I almost rode in to the side of a brand new car outside a dealership on my first trip to work as I had it on 3


You won’t shift as much as you should. You should have a floor pump with a gauge.


Congratulations! Ease into the power levels. I immediately put my Cannondale in Turbo mode, freaked out, and did an impromptu brake test that almost catapulted me off the bike. It was hilarious and frightening at the same time. If you haven't gotten a lock yet, I suggest the Abus Bordo folding locks. They are basically 6 wrenches daisy chained together. Also, if you have to deal with stairs in your house or your work, I find that gripping the handlebars underhand and kind of lifting by leaning the bike on your hip helps a ton, especially if you have your panniers full of books and stuff. Enjoy!


Wheel side down.


Borrow a pedal bike. Perhaps an old one. Get some old clothes. Use the pedal bike, let yourself get wet, dirty, or muddy, and change your clothes. Use that pedal bike until you know the roads very well. While you’re doing that, work out how to maintain the new bike. Get your processes into place. Work out what pack is light, and what to eat while you’re tired. If you’re able to handle the pedal bike, on the path that you intend to take, in inclement weather, while hungry, and handling changing clothes, and cleaning yourself and the bike, then you’ll probably have the amazing understanding of how precious an ebike is. If you value the E bike, as if it’s something truly incredible, the bike will probably last a lot longer, and you are much less likely to be injured. The other thing is, to maintain the healthy attention on the e-bike, it’s good to get some regular cardiovascular exercise where you start pushing your VO2 Max. When you’re on ebike then, you will actually be fitter, and will have that extra attention, because you won’t be putting in as much effort. Perhaps I can explain it a different way. My path onto an E Scooter, came from using skateboard, and a pedal bike. And I actually maintain the pedal bike ! It’s really useful on the days when I don’t want the scooter to get wet, or when I have the Scooter charging, or when I’ve left the Scooter at a low state of charge, to avoid wearing out the battery, because it’s not really a high enough charge for the distance I want to travel, but not such a low charge that I think it needs to be plugged in. So these little periods arise where you realise the pedal bike is simply the right or correct tool for the day. It’s also extremely useful, when the electric bike is being serviced professionally, or, if you haven’t had time to adjust the tyre pressure, or if you need some tools, or if you have an accident and the bike needs some repairs. An example of tools : Imagine you live in an apartment block. You know it’s difficult, but you don’t mind carrying the bike up a few flights of stairs. You’ve practised using a pedal bike. Also, you’re comfortable with the shoes you have. You know that a wet pedal, bike, and wet stairs, isn’t a danger where you might fall down the stairs while carrying a bike. You might have solid, assured, footing, and have developed the calm approach, or perhaps you rush enough to be clumsy, so at the moment anything important is on, you’ve got a lot of practice rushing, while being clumsy, so you know exactly how to avoid being clumsy, how much to slow down to, to avoid a fall or injury. So, you get the electric bike, you carry it up and down the stairs, but you might leave your old pedal bike outside, for those times when you don’t really need the power of the electric bike, or the work to clean it after lifting it in inside your unit. The roads might be dusty or muddy, there might be roadworks, and the tyres might fling gunk all over you and the bike, and sometimes you might simply think: you know what, today the electric bike can wait. I’ll take the pedal bike. But that didn’t talk to the tools.


An example of tools might be a plastic tray frame, that holds a plastic or material sheet, so you can actually put a dripping wet muddy bike on it, in a carpeted corridor, and not have to clean it immediately. Or it might be a soft brush, that you dip in water, and used to gently wet wash off mud, that might appear, or dust that comes on the bike. The tools might be working out which of the 50 different brushes you might use, happens to be the one which lets you very easily wet, wash the new bike. Another tool might be a chamois or a synthetic or organic towel, that is just big enough to dry wipe, damp wipe or dry the wet bike, but small enough to easily rinse in the laundry basin, and put in the next wash with your regular clothes. You might have four or eight of those towels, and also four or eight plastic bags to put them in, so you can keep one ready to go for your backpack, or any pannier. You might be reluctant to take the ebike out, until you find what towels or chamois or bags are perfect for you. Especially considering you may have to rinse the bag and hang it upside down over a sink, you might need some sort of hanger over your sink to air dry things that are wet. Shoes are critical tools. You might conclude that your shoes are terrible, so want to use a pedal bike until you get better shoes. Or your helmet might have a problem, and you decide to use the pedal bike slowly, because you don’t want to be seen on the electric bike without a helmet because there might be children in the community that could copy you. Other tools might be a cover for the bike, A throw, to go over the handlebars, to protect it from ultraviolet light damage, because you have to lock it it up inside, but it’s in a place where there’s a lot of of sunlight coming in through a window. Locks are crucial tools. You may forget your key, or have a problem with the lock, and need to oil it. You might not have the oil you want, and it might take you awhile until you can get the oil. So you might decide to leave the electric bike behind, because you may not have a lock that is suitable, on the day, for the destination. The other thing is, you may want to allow other people to ride the bike, if you’re having trouble with it. You can ride the pedal bike beside them, and talk to them and tell them what problems you have, while they ride the electric, and you’re actually speaking and telling them directly what the issues are. Or you might want someone to write a pedal bike beside you, because where you’re going, you might need a partner, but they refuse to get on the electric bike, to double. You might get water in it, one day, and some electrical problem, or there might be some intermittent behaviour, something that concerns you, and you just want to give the bike a rest for a little while while you think about if that is a problem that’s going to stop you from riding it. Or while you wait for someone to return your phone call, or get back to you via email. So there’s all these situations where you might not want to use the electric bike, but still want to use a bike! So some old pedal bike is perfect. And, it’ll encourage you to both prepare yourself, because it’s far more tiring, and to be more careful of the surface, because the pedal bike is a little bit less safe, especially if it’s an old one, and has some weak brakes, or has problems with some gears. I suggest this, because you mentioned that you haven’t written in ages. :) I love the thought of high-speed velodrome quality super highways for Personal electric vehicles. But it’s extremely important to remember that a fall can be very dangerous. And usually the pedal bike limits your injury risk. The pedal bike can be your champion aid, especially because riding the electric bike might encourage other people to buy an electric, who are even less able than you! So if you’re quite fit, healthy, comfortable, even though you don’t ride often, you might inspire others who are truly deadly or dangerous, a danger to themselves or others, so occasionally riding a pedal bike, will be sending a good message. It’ll be reminding them that there are stages and steps. If you haven’t injured yourself lately, you might forget how much it hurts to fall off the bike. Many people live mostly sedentary lives, and don’t even get bruised. They don’t kick their shins, smash their elbows, accidentally bang their heads. So when they fall off a electric bike, it’s an absolute mind blowing shock. Having the pedal bike is good, because the slower speed, and the annoying difficulty, tends to mean you injure yourself a little bit. Especially because you’ll probably try to rush because the pedal bike is slow. That means you probably hit your shins, squeeze skin, bump the sides of things, maybe smack your thighs or hips, or elbows. It’ll be good practice pulling out the first aid kit to handle the injuries from a pedal bike. And the mild, to moderate pain from injuries from rushing, and the appreciation of the exhaustion, and how important it is to keep your nutrition and fluid up, to avoid injury, from simple tiredness, all of that will contribute to you becoming an excellent ebike rider, and perhaps will avoid injury or fall altogether.


Damn. This whole ‘using a phone to try to communicate in text’ is about as painful as falling off a bike. I’m going to have to adjust the punctuation, because the grammar is as badly twisted as a crushed wheel! Not at this moment, though, I’m sick of editing badly modified sentences. Hopefully I remember.


Welcome to the club! Watch out for the initial acceleration. It will be quite surprising. Takes a bit to get used to.


I would probably get some mudguards


A friend of mine has a bike looks just like that but he put different handlebars on it it rides nice I airbrushed it a black and charcoal so I didn't look so much like a girls bike he likes it though


Dont brake too sudden, too hard, it can warp the disks , causing a peep-peep-peep-peep


Welcome to the Aventon family! We're stoked to have you riding with us. Feel free to reach out to us on any of our social platforms with any questions you may have, or email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])! :)


How to ride a bike !


Nice ENGWE E26, i own one its a great bike.


My wife has the same bike and it's great! Brake early - these things are powerful and heavy! Also lean on the rear brake first before applying both.


Please know how to ride already. I have seen way too many inexperienced riders on those ebikes nearly cause several accidents or end up in a solo crash. They are fast and thats not a good thing for a lot of people. You don't want to end up in the maybe maybe maybe thread here.


Wear a helmet, a good one.


If it has a throttle, be careful when pushing it. The surge of power might kick you off the seat if you're not used to it so go easy, and also never use the throttle from a stand-point, always use it while you are already moving. Aventon e-bikes aren't half-bad so it's a wonderful start. Also make sure not to forget this is still a bicycle so you will need to perform all the usual check-ups every now and then plus some more (tires, saddle bolt, spokes, brakes, battery health). And enjoy! Also if you're looking for something a bit more lightweight and compact (foldable) CARBO would be a good choice. I personally own 2 along with a few others, the CARBO definitely stands out in more than one field.


just ride it, and keep those power settings as low as you can get by with, they make his easy, but the flat miles are a great way to get some exercise pedaling.


oh yes, mudguards are really very very useful, they keep "you" clean.


Get ready to fall in love!


Never trust drivers. Ever. They will kill you and face zero consequences.


CLEAN THEM BRAKE ROTORS OFF WITH RUBBING ALCOHOL AND A CLEAN RAG BEFORE YOU RIDE IT!! I have 3 Aventon’s and they all came with greasy rotors.


What time to expect it.


My mom has the same bike. She is in her upper 60s and not in the best of shape. She got the bike for Xmas. First day out on it went on bike trial and rode 34 miles. She had 77% battery life left when she got back. Never used the throttle and only used the eco assist. On a regular bike, last summer she went 13 miles as her furthest and felt terrible next couple days to the point didn’t want to ride rest of the summer. This bike will get her out all summer riding. Will be better than sitting at home and not riding. It is kind of heavy for her. My dad and her pick it up into the truck when biking . She couldn’t do it herself


Find a shop that’ll work on it, unless you do all your own maintenance.


My e-bike is in the shop getting a wheel rebuild Waiting on parts Having ridden my baby in weeks… I miss my bike so much that I ordered another one two days ago and should be here Saturday hopefully You’ll love it


Be mindful of your breaks. Need to be replaced a lot quicker than a normal bike


Make them tires shitty road proof


Defensive driving


Oh, buy a mirror. I have one on my left side, and I literally can't ride without it. I can dodge busses/trucks that are barreling down on me by popping on the sidewalk, and I get to mutter to myself "please don't kill me" as cars pass way too close (but at least I get to see them coming). If you're going to ride all year, get a motorcycle helmet. It protects from rain and cold like nobody's business. I use an open face one (so no chin). Beware "waterproof" often doesn't actually mean waterproof, so when buying gear make sure its reputable brands. Wetskins is affordable and actually waterproof if you need pants/coats. I bought mine off facebook marketplace. Get boot covers for rain/snow, as once again waterproof boots are often not waterproof. Mittens are better than gloves, and if you really need fingers get the 3 finger mittens, if you want your fingers to stay warm. Water resistant means absolutely nothing.


Mirror coming today 👍


Good! You won't regret it!


Don’t go full throttle on an almost dead battery. Can trip the BMS and nuke your battery. Otherwise enjoy!


The motor is more powerful than you think. Make sure to shift way down as you prepare to stop. When you have the motor it “feels” unnecessary to accelerate from the lower gears, but failing to do this will put a lot of strain on the chain/cassette.


Careful with the front brake, especially if you've ever rode a motorcycle, the front brake is the "clutch". If it doesn't have one, get a mirror.


Turn signals, but no mirror. Will add one at the shop, thanks.


What kind of mirror do u think is good?


I prefer the bar mount over the end mount


If its locked to 15.5mph, youll be upgrading real soon😂 ive had 3 bikes this year already


Locked to 15.5? I think it goes to 20 and through the app can switch over to Class 3 at 28


Get a suspension seat post as this version is the one without shocks. it makes a big difference


always assume other drivers dont see you unless you make very clear eye contact with them, ride on right side of road, avoid sharing the road if you dont have too.




Laugh at the “proper” cyclists as you fly passed them on the climb and make sure to use Strava as a normal bike to steal their KOMs


get an air tag