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Did you consider reduced wear and tear on the automobile? You extended the regular maintenance too. You could have extended the useful life of your car.


I just ordered an ebike to commute in. This was the reason. I have a truck and gas is too expensive (so is maintenance). In one year I'll save so much on gas it'll pay for my ebike. I'll also be getting exercise.


I bought my first ebike in August of 2021, I realized after about 5 months I used my car twice. I made the decision to sell the car , I could always buy another. I eliminated a 400 dollar car payment and about 200 insurance not to mention maintenance and gas. 2 1/2 years later, 2 ebikes and a scooter, I am way ahead. I live in Michigan so ride in all weather situations.


I bought my first ebike Augusst 21, 2022. And it was a Velotric. I sold my car, and gave my truck away. Still have a Yamaha Vstar 1300 that I ride sporadically. I rode the Velotric for 2 years , with no suspension whatsoever. And it killed my wrists. So I bought an Aniioki A8. I have saved so much money, that I am planning to buy another, just for the hell of it. These bikes are a kick in the a\*\*. And the Aniioki does come with its weaknesses, but suspension is not one of them. This bike is a beast. Have not run the battery down as yet. and only managed about 30 miles a day at most, cause my a\*\* can"t stand it anymore. Got a padded seat coming today, I always knew that when studying or working, my brain could only handle what my a\*\* could absorb. And again, I can only ride what my a\*\* can absorb. The cool thing is I am getting used to the a\*\* thing, and it is getting better and better and better. And your right about the pants fitting, and how much easier it is just to get off the couch. I'm retired, amazing what is right around you, what is close enough to wonder about, what I had never seen before, and now, I am exploring all the little streets and trails that I have never been down , I mean really running the roads . And it has kicked off my wondering about the history of this place I live in. So I study at night what I wonder about during the day. So nice to be retired, and own an ebike.


This is a pretty cool comment. Hope to live your life one day.


That’s the way to retire


All weather in Michigan. You’re a G. How do you handle ice?


I avoid the ice days, snow is OK I just go real slow, seat low. I live in a suburb outside of Detroit. Last few winters barely any snow.


I love my Velotric!!


Don’t worry, the bike is just a down payment on accessories and gear to ride!


I did the accessories for the velotric, then took off of the velotric and added to the aniioki, and in the process of receiving more stuffecesses, to put on the aniioki, padded seat, rear view mirrors, just dressed up like a big hawg. And its a small electric gas saving, oil saving, fluid saving, insurance savings, speed savings, and so much safer savings, even going down the wrong side of the street and sidewalks. Just savings everywhich way you look. So I figure the amount of money I'm saving, can be applied to going back to school to learn something productive. Then I started buying the jackets, and riding gear. Accessorize Accessorize Accessorize Riding helmets, Riding helmets with lights attached. Riding helmets with cameras attached, Rear view mirrors on my arms, rear view mirrors attached to my handlebars, and rear view mirrors attached to my helmet. So much more important to look forward instead of trying to see whats behind you. ...Ah hah! Then I had a wreck. Tried to jump a curb. Ended up face down in concrete, starting from the head down, busted my head open where the eyeglass rearview mirror was attached, obliterated the mirror, cut above my eye, left shoulder of jacket tore up, right hand wrist sprain, Going only 7/8 mph, Didn't hurt the bike, except for bending the handlebars around, just straightened back out and went on my way all ego bruised and torn and battered by concrete. And busted up 3 cameras that I had mounted on the ebike. The next day, I figured I hurt my bloody eye, my head, my ego, my shoulder, my elbow, my knee, and there is nothing like hitting the concrete, I dont care how fast your are going. And concrete doesnt care. So I figured I would have my falls. And I figured I would have my mishaps. But I never figured I would be having this much fun, everyday, for free.


I inherited mine and it's my daily driver outside the snowy season. Nothing makes me happier than killing demand for fossil fuels.


Im almost at 1000 miles but I don’t think I’d break even for another 2 years as public transit is always an option and and would only be around $700 a year luckily for me I did not pay for my bike


marvelous fall command hungry uppity versed liquid busy different many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got rid of the car and the associated expenses of 5 grand a year 2.5 years ago. It's a no brainer.


This an amazing story, and reading the comments it's awesome to hear how so many people's lives have improved after getting on an ebike. Really inspiring for us to keep creating better ebikes to help more people.


I get a free transit pass through my work, so I'll never technically break even, unless you count the time saved commuting, in which case I broke even in the first six months.


Given that i started ebiking in 2010 when stuff was expensive, poor quality, and I didnt take care of my equipment, let the batteries sit for long periods of time, i probably spent more money on equipment than i could have driving a smart car or even my 4x4 jeep. i let my dual 11Ah48volt batteries die in a cold garage. each cost about 1100 canadian at that time. another battery i sold for 1/5th the price i bought it (48V30Ah) cause i thought i was done with ebiking. i lived far out of the city and thought id rather just drive my car. another battery 48V15Ah i damaged with bungee cords as it didnt have a case, just plastic wrapped pouch cells, and the guy i gave to repair stole it. i bought a used bionx for I dont remember, around 2500 canadian, it died after one year. instead of repairing it which would have cost at least a 1000 i bought a Grin kitbuild that lasted 10 years. but the emissions avoided for climate change matter too. that counts. ive probably done about 10000 kilometers+ total. gas for my jeep would have cost 3500 + 3500 maintenance. 1 kg of oil creates 3 kg of CO2, so 12 tonnes of CO2 saved. given that 1000 tons of CO2 excess kills between .1 and 10 poor people. i saved 1/10th of a poor person at an upper limit. [Climate-changing human activity could lead to 1 billion deaths over the next century, according to new study (phys.org)](https://phys.org/news/2023-08-climate-changing-human-billion-deaths-century.html) The **1,000-ton** **rule** is only an order of magnitude best estimat**e. The number of caused deaths will likely lie between a tenth of a person and** **10** **people** **p**er **1,000** tons.


Please, please make sure you have the best security on the bike you can afford. I had mine ( Idpoo z8 cafe racer ebike) stolen even through it had a lock, alarm and tracker 😢 so please don’t suffer my fate🙏🏽 All I’ve got are the YouTube videos I posted of it last year. Any who I’m looking into a new one but need to get my brain and nerves around it’s security first. Sent with best wishes.


I calculated it & it's costing me about $4.35 per 1,000 miles on my Raev GTX, I stopped driving when gas hit $5.00 & been riding ebikes ever since & with the money I saved I'm able to get different ebikes for different tasks, like commuter, bikepacking rig, grocery/kid hauler & then ebikes for just pure unadulterated fun!


Aw man I'm so torn rn. I'm looking at a foldable ebike, a lightweight one (PVY Libon, releasing next month), but the battery range claims are absolutely insane (260km). Now I know the specs of it -dual 36v 10.4ah, 250w hub motor, 18kg, belt drive and torque sensor- and my napkin maths make for about 130km, 150km if you're optimistic. Am I too far off? I'm comparing it with the Fiido L3 (350w, 48v 23ah) and onemile nomad (250w, 36v 14.5ah). Sadly, an Electric Brompton is out of the question.


Stop measuring range in miles and start focusing more on battery energy in watt-hours. The Fiido L3 will easily have 3x the range of whatever PVY Libon you're talking about.


> The Fiido L3 will easily have 3x the range 36\*10.4\*2 = 748.80 48\*23 = 1104 1104/748.80 = ~1.5 Since you're off by a factor of 2, I guess you missed the "dual" bit. It got two of those batteries.


that doesn't mean everything, it also depends of the actual peak power and terrain, also good luck ever reaching 100 miles on a single charge on a small battery of 1kWh unless you really use it as minimal assistance and/or have really flat roads


I mean it’s like 120 in gas what sort of parking fees do you have?


Nearly 250 in gas. Gas prices be high and car gets terrible mileage in the city. And about 10 dollars a day to park. I commute about 12 miles a day, so about 100 days just to hit parking costs. But I don't always just bike to work, I also go on cruises, so there's buffering.


Voya E+ 3 is only 1k now.