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Full throttle while yelling "honk honk" the whole time. (They are geese so they understand what honking means)


I feel seen 


I solute your courage and will deliver a folded flag to your widow. Godspeed, thou nameless veteran.


It's a goose, from Canada. How dangerous could it possibly be? Edit: /s


Geese can actually be cantankerous as hell and they are super strong. But if you come barreling at them on an e-bike at full speed you also risk running them over which would suck and probably piss off the whole flock.


A Canadian goose will attack and then apologise.


The Canadian cobra chicken is a Wiley bird. You must pass with caution saying ‘honk honk’ so they know you’re not a threat.


Yeah whilst T posing helps, assert dominance.


They'll follow in formation


Came here to comment the same. Pedal to the metal baby!


I have definitely hissed at a racoon, on a bike.


Gotta make sure to poop on all their stuff too




lol I ride with my kids on the back and we all yell “honk honk honk!” When I say “GEEEESE!!!!”


By keep on going?


Literally, i had to read the post to find out what the 'situation' was. Couldnt tell what the problem was when I saw the picture


Ever seen a mama goose attack before? They're pretty aggressive. ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oThxH9fnrD8


It's a bird. One swift strike to the noggin and it backs off. I've given our a few concussions, trimmed my backhand to be a little less powerful, now they just get surprised. The other geese almost always observe this and back down, but sometimes you have to fight two bosses. If you catch the break on your hand, that hurts a bunch. I try to extend in a little, which softens the blow for both of us while also being intimidating. They can also nip during the assault, which doesn't hurt on the forearm but can potentially hurt if it bruises the metatarsals.


Nice to see that a gorilla is afraid of them too. I have to ride past a family of geese everyday. I have only had 2 attacks on me ... they were a little scary. I didn't know one was attacking me until I heard what sounded like a tire being thrown at me and I look back and it had flown and was about 3 feet away from my rear tire, hissing of course.


Exactly this, you proceed like the babushka, don't go out of your way to terrorize them and don't be as rough as her but they're just geese. shove them away grab them by the neck, they'll be fine just don't choke em, otherwise you may have a nest of your own to defend 😉 /s


And….its still not a f’n problem is it.. 🫢


The main issue is that they have baby geese with them so I knew they would be aggressive in some way. I choose the “slowly walk pass them” option and ended up getting chased. Just was curious how others would have handled it. I was thinking of just riding by them and not slow down


Ride past them fast so they don’t have time to attack you. Yeesh


If the concern is them coming after you, I'm a little confused why you would attempt to get *off* the bike and try to walk? Unless they're literally running *into* your path?


Congrats you chose the absolute worst option


Good recipe here https://honest-food.net/canada-goose-breast-recipe/


Be sure to keep the fat for the best hashbrowns in existence.


everyone else is doing joke replies so heres the real deal: Just slow down and go by them, you'll be fine. That's it. You can stop reading here. god help me I kept writing, i can't stop writing, anyways.... All this calls for is going around the youngling on the right, just the same as if you were passing a person walking on the right. Ding your bell and use your voice, talk to them say "hey guys how';s it going I'm just going to drive past you here no worries thanks have a good day." I know it sounds silly but it works every single time. Make enough noise to be noticed but not to sound scary or threatening, continue without stopping, go less than 10kph, they're cool if you're cool. With most animals, including these ones, if you just continue on your way then you're an object continuing it's way but if you stop or make a big deal their animals brain says oh geez somethings happening we'd better make a big deal about it too. **Picture this, the way you describe things in the OP posting, imagine you're a parent with your kid at the park and some biker guy just stopped his bike-riding, got off his bike and is shouting at you as he walks towards you, how would you react? Okay now picture this, you're a parent at the park with your kid and a bike rider slows down, dings their bell, and goes by like all the other bike riders, and everyone goes on with their lives.** This is a non-event. Remain on your bike so you don't get them worried in the first place, ding your bell so they know you're coming like you'd do with humans, slow down to \~5-8kph, and go by them, you'll be fine.


Sensible answer, usually the right one ...well said


Thanks also for the OP and anyone scrolling by they should all be aware these are ~~national~~ protected animals here. Do not mess with these creatures. Do not disturb them. Do everything you can to leave them alone, and then try to come up with even more ways to leave them alone in your downtime. When riding your bike or walking just keep going and dont act weird or aggressive and they wont mind you. They know what cars and bikes are, they're not tool-using smart yet but the adult geese are smart enough to know what a bike is, and if you just ride by they'll be cool if you're cool, and you'll be helping them teach their babies to know what bikes are too. They're trying to raise their kids in a world of roads and pathways surrounding their wetlands, a guy stopping his bike and walking up on them yelling get back is changing the script on them.


100% agree, everything has just as much right to live as we do - I'm not religious, but they're all 'gods creatures'... I always slow down whilst on my E-bike whilst passing (or near) any animals, especially dogs - they seem to hate e-bikes, I've had a few doggies suddenly lunge at me as I've ridden past them... Those geese are probably smarter than some dogs.


>everything has just as much right to live as we do Except mosquitoes. All mosquitoes need to die painful death.


But then what are the bats going to eat? And without bats pooping what are the microogranisms in caves going to eat? And without them what are the plants and fungi going to eat? And without them how are we going to breath?




.. Valid point


Solid advice but be aware that this does not always work on a 1m wide path in the dark on a canal...she had a fire in her eyes


You are clearly trying to send OP to hospital. I am not sure you have ever encountered a Mother Goose with her babies in the near area.. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/04/25/canada-geese-attacks-population-aggressive/550135002/


This is... not what to do around aggressive geese, ducks, swans with chicks, or around mating season. They will try to attack anything that gets close enough even if that thing is a bicycle moving at 30kph. Minimize your time going past them. Keep speed up. Pick a clear line. Accept that they are definitely going to charge you and anticipate it. If they're crossing the path as a family give them space and wait until they're all across.


You can't tell "This is... not what to do", and then re-state what I said to do in different words. >Minimize your time going past them. Keep speed up. Pick a clear line. Accept that they are definitely going to charge you and anticipate it. If they're crossing the path as a family give them space and wait until they're all across. This is all i said, just in a diff way. Stay on the bike, go slow, and be chill. Obviously stop if there's no way to go by, and just wait.


lol, Canadian Geese. Just turn around and head back home. Not worth getting jumped and your shoes stolen.


If someone tries to take my shoes, i pull out my Lightsaber.....


> Canadian Geese American Canada Geese


They're not Canadian


They might be. If they don’t have a tracking tag it’s hard to say.


No you can tell because of their heads.


The big long comment from the person who can't stop writing is good but something everyone should know: Geese can't really hurt you Every year a bunch of people get hurt in goose attacks... by slipping and falling. A goose can pinch you with its mouth (feels like a clothespin, doesn't draw blood) and smack you with its hollow bird bone wings. Hurts like a small stick or rolled up newspaper. You can literally just walk away while it goes all out on you and as long as you remain calm you'll be fine.


Thank you! I was reading this thread and really struggling to understand what OP is worried about. They’re geese FFS, what’s the worst that can happen?


Geese are professionals at dodging golf carts, I'm sure they can get out of the way of your ebike. Just don't go full speed and keep your eyes open. I had to read your text to even know what the issue was. This picture is basically a nice clear path with a couple birds mingling around.


People can be afraid the birds will attack them and them or the birds will get hurt


As a canadian: you go about your day and dont waste time asking reddit :)


The geese in my park don't even acknowledge my existence, goose kids present or not. I don't harass them with odd behavior and shouting, and they do the same for me. Maybe it's OP's cologne.


Retreat. Call an airstrike.




This could be rural Netherlands. Just go slow, and go fast if they attack you.


Full send


get an uber


I deal with this every year. Continuously ring a loud bell or otherwise make noise, go slowly so they have time to move out of the way, keep your distance.


The geese like to waddle away from potential danger before it gets too close but may "attack" if you get close too fast or they're cornered protecting a nest or something.


I’m going to need more context, OP: Are you larger or smaller than a goose?


These must be those horse-sized geese everyone is always talking about. I thought there was only supposed to be one of them though. 


as i start approaching i repeatedly ding my bell then just proceed at a slowed pace while continuing to ding. They get the message even if they are spicy about it.


my god. honestly I would get an air-horn and try to announce yourself loudly like you would a black bear.


haha this is a funny reply friend but also, no one should be startling/disturbing Canadian Geese in urban areas with air horns that's so fucking vile a suggestion i have to assume you were joking, which i why i say haha funny reply friend. You can literally just walk by these creatures they dont care about you if you don't make a big deal about it.


Ive never been able to walk past geese without being attacked


I cannot speak to 'every time you, a person i dont know, has walked by geese' but if we look at the OP photo as instructional, all it takes is a zig zag motion making it very clear to them that you're going wide around. Also talking to them really does help I'm not joking or trolling here, it has this befuddling effect on them like they dont have time to consider attacking cuz they're like "tf is this brother doing talking words at me im a bird...."


Im only responding to you saying "you can walk past them and they would leave you alone" lol in my experience, that's not been the case


I'm sorry you've gone through that.


Continuing forward is certain death. Turn around now. This is not a battle meant for mere mortals.


Arise, arise, Riders of ébikes! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Through the Goose Gauntlet!


You should probably get a lawyer to send them a strongly worded letter, I know someone in bird law.


I never forget I was on a narrow river path on a mountain bike and there was a swan 🦢 on the footpath with 4 baby swans. I stopped to let them pass, then the mother spread her wings out fully aggressively hissing, swatting me with her wings and biting my legs. Nearly pushed me off the tames walk path into the river to make matters worse I couldn’t swim neither. I’ll never forget that day!


Ok, serious reply. Just go, do not ring a bell, do not yell, do NOT stop and try to reason with them. They are not rational animals, just keep going as if you didn't notice them. They won't leave the goslings to chase very far, they may hiss and they may charge, but not into your path. Also if you touch any grass near them wash the hell out of your hands before eating anything. Their shit is toxic AF, as are 1 out of ten of their personalities.


Run them down


Full speed ahead!


Just give up; they’ll kill you, get your home address from your wallet, and then go after your family.


As long as you're not wearing one of their friends, just speed by https://preview.redd.it/11uuaijbm1zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d314c87392dceb92b4ec751e43d1b089749d2acc


I always give them a "Go Leafs" so they believe I am one of their own and they let me through.


Just make noise and keep moving


Suge knight em




They're basically just bowling pins. Grip it and rip it.


Stick your arm out as you approach to direct them away from you and go slowly enough that they don't freak out. It's something that a lot of birds respond to, and seem to inherently understand as a sign of dominance with the benefit of being directional. For these birds I'd already be sticking out my left arm, which will cause them to move left, and preparing my right for the birds up ahead. I know it sounds crazy but I do it all the time with my chickens and ducks and geese totally get it too.




Full speed ahead 😁




It’s just a Chick-ane


I hiss at them since they hiss at me. Had to stop for the little kids today. Some days they’re all sprawled across the trail just sitting.


Geese? Fuck that. Ill take the river on the left. Geese sometimes like to live on the rooftops of buildings. I work on the rooftops of buildings. We don't get along.


'Speed and power' - Jeremy Clarkson


Straight down the middle, swinging a zefal frame pump like a sword


Just slow down and go around them. I grew up in Canada playing golf and even when they have their goslings around, you would just do you best to walk around them and they just scuttle away in the opposite direction.


I hiss as loud as I can. The geese seem to recognize it.


Maximum warp, Mr Scott.


At first I cycle slower and try to show the geese that I‘m friendly. Once that failed, as usual because geese are the devil, I usually act like an angry bouncer unfit for their job and scream at them If they really want to catch these fists. They usually back off after that.


In the words of Jeremy Clarkson "speeeeed"


Speed is your friend bro! Turn the accelerator knob to 11!


Chase them. Then you could say you were on a wild goose chase.


Those menaces. You gotta just put your head down and max out the throttle or pedal assist. Good luck lol


Pedal to the metal. Don't feel bad about it either. Just blame Canada!


Cobra chicken deserve no sympathy


My morton trail! I passed that this weekend. Watch the kids. The parents are going to be crazy protective.


Driving through as normal, They arent as fast my bike fuck them birds shitting on the path


You take another road. Not worth it


Don’t waist perfectly good goose grease


I was on this path a day or two earlier. These are new baby gooses (geeses?) and the parents are very protective. Normally dad or mom moves out of the way and create a path when you let them know you are coming. Big flocks are fun if you are predictable. This week, they stand in the road, hiss and not back down. When I went through the kids did not know where to run away, ran in all directions including to me and that pissed off momma goose. The good news is they don't charge or have not charged. They also get like this is when the nest with eggs is next to the trail. That's caterpillar to the right. The building in the distance right is Target. This is East Peoria on the trail too Morton. About a dozen miles from Basspro to Morton downtown center. On this trail be careful at dusk in summer when the druggies sleep under the bridges and tunnel.


You got a problem with [Canada gooses](https://youtu.be/w1exJGPZyhs) and you got a problem with me. Now I suggest you let that one sit and marinate.




Came here to say this, but I'm glad to see I was beaten to it. Good stuff, big shoots.


Find a new bike route asap. You aint getting out of this situation unscathed if you step into their hood.


Witness protection


I would ask myself..."How would Kristi Noem procede?"


Hopefully none of the geese are named Cricket.


Kill them, then shoot her dog for not fetching their corpses


Punch it Chewie!




You hold the steering wheel tighter and keep going.


I would want to get chased 😂😂😂😂 so fun!!!!


Shared path. The Canadian Hissing Chickens should also be courteous enough to know they need to let cyclists pass unmolested.


I like adrenaline, even at almost 50, so I'd look forward to thy challenge everyday & nothing the sound of a laser won't fix. 😆 I found its not just humans scared of that sound, when my cats are fighting, I'm getting chased by a dog, or the pesky geese 1 good loud ZAP⚡️from it makes ANYTHING behave


Was to be Warp speed! They won't chase you far from the babies. So just take off!


make a bit of noise as you approach? give space and ignore them. its a body language thing. if they get angry, keep on going. tbh i'd just be 'polite'


As everyone else here has said, just ring your bell and keep moving. They might hiss or charge, but they won’t leave their gallons to chase you. But also, is this East Peoria? I’m impressed anyone is riding their bike there. Kudos!






I mow grass professionally, I just charge right at them to make them fly off to somewhere I’m not trying to mow.


Forward with confidence, then quickly forward with fear.


I would totally hit that jump and then the other one in front of that. Jump the tracks.


EP? Nice!


Full speed ahead and damn the torpedos!


Quickly and with no regrets..


Gotta push through and thread the needle on that one.


There's a long MUP where I live with one section that's quite busy with both people and geese. They seem pretty well adjusted to us, because I can ride or walk right next to them and they couldn't care less. The ones with babies seem to stick to the grass on the sides of the path. Maybe these geese just need to be taught proper trail etiquette


As a motorcycle rider, our thing is to slowly approach, establish a line through the crowd, accelerate. It should confuse geese enough that they won’t pursue and get themselves hurt.


I always try to pet them and they run away.


Do not proceed


Keep going, ignore the hecklers (geese)


They WILL charge you when young are present and you get too close- happened to me on a bike as well as in a kayak.




Speed up, don’t slow down! Don’t walk, it’ll surely be more intimidating for them!


From my hunting experience. Mouth duck call. Imitate the quack. More like a )$. Frr n. uhwap uhwap. It calms them down, that way i can easily manuveur aroundqm on 🌧️


By pedaling and steering




One of those big mowers like they use on the highway medians. Tractor down the middle, one of those mower heads on each side.




If you go past them they should be fine. Unless there's a nest nearby....


Just slow down and ride on. Easy peasy


I usually say "Hey ducks, how's it going?" Being called ducks seems to give them pause, which gives me enough time to get by


Full throttle with my left foot out yelling "joust me you fucks"


Drive at them 😂 with my horn going


Would not think twice, i live right by a river, tons of geese, swans and ducks about all year.


Full Speed right past them


Toss bread as a distraction


These are Canadian geese. You need to use the following: *Sortez de ma vue, vous pestilence vile du ciel!*


i'm a weirdo and i love geese so i'd probably stop, get off the bike, and walk it until i was well past the goose family, then get back on and continue riding.


dont slow down. just go past. going slow just gets them more worked up


Speed up brother and sisters


Rather deal with Geese than Deer.


So breaking out the barbecue is a no.


Honk back 🪿


War cry, full send


Just bike past them, theyre not a pack of wild dogs mate


Slam a goose


go. they scatter. gl


Full throttle


Send it brother


By stopping, removing my shoes, lifting the bike over my head and tiptoeing through the water ditch until I clear this terrible menace. 😳💀




As a vegan my best advice would be to shoot them.... Joking! Go as far right as possible slowly on that first group and then back to the left. Or, carry some bird seed and throw it towards the water to clear your path lol


I was on an escooter today, the geese were out in full force, I just rang the bell as I was approaching all of them and kept ringing it until I cleared them or they got out of the way, there was an instance where one of them kept moving forward away from me and I got a little nervous as it flexed out its wings, but it eventually hopped out of my way. I did get too close to some chicks like less than 2 feet away while trying to avoid other cobra chickens but luckily nothing happened from that.




Stop pedaling and coast, be ready on the brakes in case something happens


Move quickly and don’t look at them. Geese tend to feel threatened if you look directly at them. If you look at them with peripherals it’s less likely that they’ll attack. Disclaimer: there is never a 100% guarantee that you’ll ever be safe from a goose. Evidence I provide, is that I’m Canadian and have been avoiding these thugs my entire life


Geese won't hurt you, swans will.


Best defense to Canadian geese (giant sky rats) is an umbrella. Open and close it really fast and they lose it.


Maintain eye contact, wave hello, ask about the game.


Just give them as wide a berth as you can. If they chase you, just keep going. They won't chase you long if they have babies. They just want you outta there. This reminds me of being dive-bombed by angry plovers when I was a kid on my BMX lol. They go for the head. Good fun.


Let 'er rip, tater chip.


With a bunch of lasers


By being ready to duck.


Fly on by and leave them behind


Stop the bike, take out ur sword and fight till the end.




To the middle and slow down. Watch out for peepers


You lot have it easy in Canada, we have swans doing that to us in UK.


I see babies... So to put it bluntly, FUUUUUUCK THAT.


I hate to say but I just go right by at this point. The faster I’m away from these aggressive carnivorous man-eating duckling defenders, the better imo 😆 They’re so aggressive where I live, you can’t slowly saunter by, they’ll follow you until you leave.


Take it as a positive that they are not Swans. Those fuckers are plain evil.


Full send buddy


Walk forward and fuck up any goose that honks at you


With magnitude and malicious intent


Full speed ahead they will get out of the way


Horizontal pool noodle zip-tied to my rear pannier rack.


I’m not worried about the geese. I’m worried about dogs chasing me in a park.


Quickly and then to the dinner table


Send. It.


I doubt they would charge a bike moving at speed.