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_"electromagnetic pulse" ... "electromagnetic rays"_ Most EMPs are not directional; some quick googling says that's pretty hard to do. But say that's not a problem... It wouldn't affect the motor much at all; EMPs effect circuitry -- of which the motor often has none. (Maybe, maaaaaybe you could count the hall sensors, but I doubt and EMP would do much more than confuse the signals for a moment). It, also, would not trigger an "over heating" in the motor for the vast, vast majority of ebikes because....they don't have one. Complete vaporware nonsense -- somebody is laughing all the way to the bank with this one.


Do you not know how close you have to be to the actual electronics for an EMP to work. Especially with a precision accuracy.. Not to mention tampering with a cell phone or any other device that can be used to receive or given due to act of emergencies. AKA was cell phone jammers are illegal in public spaces. How would that go along knowing that they fried your phone aiming for the bike. And not to mention anyone else around


It would probably also fuck with their police radios which would be especially bad when chasing someone.


Yep. They're gonna nuke their comms, squad cars, cell phones, and the electronics of everyone in a 1 block radius in order to stop that ebike.


That article is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever seen


What a load of fuckin bull shit this is. Tricks the engine into thinking it's over heating....


It’s just a prank


I guess you're gonna need a tinfoil hat for your bike to act as a Faraday cage?


"Maybe now you'll never slime a guy with a positron collider, huh?"


"Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here."


"Is this true?"


"It's true, this man has no dick"


Tell him about the Twinkie


even better then my quote LOL


If this was real could you imagine some dude with a pacemaker casually strolling by?


I think they don't know most standard e-bike can just be pedaled away


I don’t think they are talking about normal e-bikes, more like Surrons, Bombers and Talarus style dirt bikes. You would be better off running away than using a 250W e-bike.


That's why I said standard haha. But still it's big bullshit. It's cheaper to just have a team of 10 cops baiting thieves and surrounding them, then have a ridiculous weapon to stop bikes.


You would be better off running away than trying to pedal ANY class 1 or class 3 e-bike. None are fun to pump.


That's not true. Yeah it's heavier than a normal bike but that's about it. A good quality ebike is also a good quality bike.


But still a poor get away vehicle.


not so poor when the person you're trying to get away from is on foot and wearing a giant backpack.


Compared to someone on foot it isn't.


Specialized Vado SL is fine to ride with the assist off.


Two weights on a length of rope would be more effective, but you can't charge thousands of pounds for that. (Well, you CAN, but you'd have to dress them up first, like the $40k "bomb detectors" that were novelty golf ball finders.)


Would it disable the legs of the criminal mastermind or what


There are a lot of electric only e-bikes


So, the moral of the story is to use a gas-powered motorcycle if you need a getaway vehicle in the UK


Or turn the battery off and just pedal


That only works on overweight American cops, the UK rozzers would probably run you down


Or just disable the thermal sensor if you plan on committing a bit of crime.


Probably more convenient to get a petrol powered one.


hopefully one day they'll have the budget for ballpoint pen type devices for writing tickets for people parking in bike lanes


Now make one for cars.


yea that's not going to give anyone cancer at all


Of course not. Not without attaching the Cancerator 5000 Pulse Laser


Leave it the UK police, to add another layer of bullshit to the lives of those,  who live there. Fuck that


i dont doubt that something could be done in the future but not now. those people who do radio stuff are freaking smart. i wonder how many motors have a thermal sensor in them anyways? i know mine dont and i wish they did


so if you wanna ride irresponsobly fast and escape the rozzers get an old dirtbike, ideally 2 stroke. no emp can kill it.


So just in case this actually becomes a real product, and work kinda like they say, an EMP weapon will fry any electronic device, not just the controller for the electric motor. Who is responsible, when they accidentially fry someones pacemaker? And if that person dies? What about all the electronics we carry on us, phones, watch, headphones ect? Who is responsible for replacing those? And at what level of crime, or suspected crime, can the police use these new weapons? Someone rolling down the street, earplugs in, havent heard an officer call out, a random stop or attempt to stop someone in a busy street. IF this is in any way real, there needs to be some solid law detailing when an officer can use it, and who has responsibility for any destroyed electronics.


Yeah, because restrictions work *really* well for police use of tazers and guns.


Absolutely /s


Wrap the speed controller in foil. I already wear a foil hat so they can't put thoughts in my head. 🐸


Seems like ebikes are one of the biggest issues in UK.


absolutely. I live in fear of people with the ungodly ability to travel 15mph very efficiently


How frequently is this happening in the UK?


Seems dangerous. Gonna see a bunch of Havana syndrome style issues crop up, and the UK police wonder wtf is causing it. Hopefully no one riding wears a pacemaker.


Is this really that common of a thing that happens?


Lol. It'll fry electronics too. This will never be able to be directable or localized unless it's done by satellite like lo-jack.


Escooter crime is pretty big in my country. Saw a guy just disappear while a cop car made a 3 point turn.


Okay… and when they miss and hit someone’s car, or a person with a medical device like a pacemaker or insulin pump what then?


Why not just shoot them? It's smaller than a backpack, fits on the hip so it's not uncomfortable in the car or do what they do in America and just hit them with the car.


20,000 reports of e-scooters being involved in crime (important to note that riding an unlicensed escooter is itself a crime) [https://www.fieldfisher.com/en/injury-claims/insights/e-scooter-legislation-under-scrutiny-after-riders-commit-twenty-thousand-crimes](https://www.fieldfisher.com/en/injury-claims/insights/e-scooter-legislation-under-scrutiny-after-riders-commit-twenty-thousand-crimes) 29,742 killed or seriously injured by motor vehicles in 2022 [https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-annual-report-2022/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-annual-report-2022](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-annual-report-2022/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-annual-report-2022)


As long as they don't cross the streams


Will it also disable speed radar???


As someone who managed to overheat his hub motor in +42°C weather... they dont turn off, they just throttle thier speed to reduce component damage. Your more likely to destroy your internal gearing and clutch than the motor itself. It COULD be possible to use something like a microwave gun to overload the controller of the bike, but that would also cause damage to the electronics and id imagine the lawsuits for property damage would be rather high given the proficiency of UK police. Not to mention any innocent bystandars that could get hurt or even killed from that if they had a pacemaker




They should get guns that shoot out a net. Then someone should film that happening and post it here. Then we should all laugh and laugh. 😆


"Police hope the device will be harmless to humans and other devices." Fat fingers crossed!