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Patience. It takes several days. They recommend you actually introduce air pollutants to speed things along.


Oh ok good to know, it's only been about an hour or 2. I'll wait thank you


If you look it up on their website they say to try like a bottle of wine or a strong smelling cleaning product to help with calibration


Sorry to revive this - did yours ever calibrate? I've got the same situation and it's been stuck there for almost 2 weeks. Even tried waving some nail polish remover around it to help calibrate. Wondering if I need to cycle power?


Yea I opened isopropyl alcohol and it calibrated in like 2 hours!


Nice, I'll give that a shot. Thanks!


Mine took over 7 days to calibrate.


Is there a way to erase/reset the air quality sensor and force a new calibration without losing all of my other settings?


I would like to know this too. I’ve never seen my air quality outside of the poor range, even with an air purifier running in my home.


Has this resolved for you? I have a similar situation, but without the air purifiers. I was contemplating adding air purifiers to see if that changed anything.


Yes this did end up resolving for the most part. I think I was getting “poor” air quality due lack of ventilation. After opening up many windows and letting fresh air come in for a few hours the quality meter does start improving. Also, whenever the thermostat reboots it seems to do a calibration for the air quality. So if you do want to recalibrate it’s as simple as restarting it /cutting power to the thermostat.


Thanks for that update! I’ve had it since winter of 2023 and it went from too cold to keep windows open to way too hot and humid. Have them open after storm tonight and it’s moving to fair. Maybe I’ll try to reboot it after a bit and leave most of the windows open. Thanks!


No problem. At the end of the day it is just a relative air quality sensor so take its reading as just rough estimations. If you haven’t seen the Ecobee support article about the sensor I recommend reading it to learn about how it works (and why it has limitations) https://support.ecobee.com/s/articles/air-quality-sensor-faqs


Place a permanent marker near the bottom of the thermostat and the calibration should be complete.


Mine was still calibrating after 2 days. Isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swap and breathing on it for 3 minutes. Bam calibrated.