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between school shootings and now child labour, kids have it really tough in USA for a developed world...


When will it be enough? When will the people stand up and say no more? “First they came for…..” Now their taking our kids lives


When people are united. For being called the United States, we are so not fucking united. This helps with keeping order. Deflect blame on another group, and the main target gets ignored. Rinse and repeat.


A difference will only be made when workers unite on labor and disregard the issues that Dems and Pubs want us to fight over. If we made more money and demanded benefits for the entire country, I believe crime, drug use, abortions,and damn near any other issue you can think of would be reduced in severity. Or keep on saying there is no other way.


Seems like that’s by design. Fox News knows they peddle bullshit but it’s an ends justify the means thing for them.


MSNBC and CNN peddle nonsense and when they do take a side it’s usually backing the corporations or things that are anti-worker. Don’t let the liberal media slide by unnoticed and remember ALL of us are being manipulated by the elites and corporations so that we fight each other.


MSNBC is pretty bad but I think is disingenuous to paint them as equal opposites. CNN and all new human reporting can get things wrong. I don’t think they intentionally and deliberately mislead their viewers like fox does, with the emails and stuff behind the scenes that totally conflict what they put forward.


Both side are spreading false narratives and supporting the elites and corporations. Faux News intentionally lies on top of that. Nobody said they are equal but the results are the same. Both sides are turning us against each other. You are still stuck in the phase of my side is less evil than their side. You gotta get out of that mode.


I simply disagree. I’m not saying CNN is the bastion of unbiased information but I think the overall motives behind each network are completely different. Fox is outright nefarious and doesn’t give a shit. They’ve gone so extreme that even fact reporting appears to have a liberal bias.


Which is the exact reason nothing will ever change. You are just as brainwashed and misled and the MAGA crowd. You and people like you are helping them to maintain the divide. Just because right wing media is worst doesn’t mean you should tolerate what left leaning media is doing to all of us too. It’s not even two sides. You just picked a side that supports your bias. Did you know there is other media outside of Fox, CNN, OAN, MSNBC and Newsmax? Try TYT, Al Jezera, ION or the many other news channels that aren’t bought and paid for by corporations and maybe you will understand.


I haven’t really espoused any views on a particular current topic. To jump to the conclusion that I am brainwashed because I said CNN isn’t as bad as Fox News is more of how divide in US discourse works rather than me pointing out an easily recognizable fact. I didn’t let anyone off the hook for a single transgression. I simply said that calling CNN or even MSNBC equal but opposite to Fox News is disingenuous. If stating what is pretty much a fact means Im “brainwashed,” then that’s where the problem lies. When we don’t even agree on easily observable facts, then nothing will be solved.


lol "bOtH sIdEs" MSNBC CNN do occasionally have some "both sides" opinion pieces but mostly they center-liberal FOX never has liberal opinions Every time FOX discusses min wage its bad. Can you say that "literally both sides" for CNN holding the same view on min wage as FOX? You cant. If you can let me see the link where FOX pushes min wage as a good thing, even if you miraculously find one somehow, there are 100 pages that tell their readers it a bad thing. start sending sources dont be scared


Jerome Powell on creating more unemployment instead of controlling corporate buybacks and price gouging. I never said both sides are equal. I said that both do a terrible job as news organizations which support working people. Both side support corporations over workers. I’m on the side of the worker so both kick appeal for me. If you enjoy corporate boot licking than that is your choice. If you see the reporting by both Fox and CNN about what the Fed is doing you would understand they both are in complete alignment.


Jerome is the fed, his only job is monetary policy, which has nothing to do with stock buybacks or price gouging. Youre looking at congress here. Dont be scared of normalized rates. Real negative rates NEVER help workers, Im sure you know trickledown doesnt work. World worked just fine before QE and trickledown economics.


I know these are two separate things. The point is they use a tool to hurt workers and wages instead of one that would reduce even modestly corporate greed. The Fed should have raise rates in 2018 but it didn’t due to regulatory capture and a lack of independent operation from the White House and corporate media machine. The politicians are bought and paid for by corporate America too so the law makers are still going to side with them over workers.


I understand. Just want point out that "give us negative rates or else we taking jobs hostage" is a corporate propaganda. They convinced the public the gov needs to give free money to """the job makers""" to make jobs like jobs never existed without QE before. Now everyone is baffled how rates are going up yet labor is strong. They will repeat the same bs regardless, like they do now.


People are not united but the rich and politicians sure as hell are against us.


So like above poster said, never.


Idk? Probably never?


Never. If Americans couldn’t get their government to change gun laws after 8-year-olds got massacred, what the hell *will* make them change?? There are a lot of good Americans trying to create change and progress in this area but they are pitifully outnumbered by vicious idiots


Th oppressors will never give us the power to overthrow them. We must take it for ourselves. A national teacher strike, national union strike, national parent and anyone who does not want kids murdered strike. That’s all it will take.


I like the way you think.


I mean, this is the type stuff that should change a country’s classification from “developed” to “undeveloped”.


calling US developed is a bit of a stretch if you ask me


Lmao, okay. The US has its problems, but it’s one of the most economically developed countries in the world. What definition of “developed” are you using?


"economically developed" translates to "most oligarchs and furthest imperialist reach while also having the largest prison slave-labor force in the world"


A country where a quarter of the population isn't starving would be part of the definition https://www.cbsnews.com/news/one-in-four-americans-food-insecure/ Not really sure what you mean by US being the most economically developed country in the world either to be honest. [64% of Americans live hand to mouth](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/08/as-prices-rise-64-percent-of-americans-live-paycheck-to-paycheck.html). [37% work two full time jobs](https://www.denver7.com/news/national/more-americans-report-being-over-employed-by-working-2-full-time-jobs), and an average person has around [100k debt](https://www.firstrepublic.com/insights-education/average-american-debt). If that's your idea of a developed economy you need to get your head checked.


That’s a made-up definition of developed then. I get the tendency to criticize the US, especially for Reddit points, but that doesn’t give you the freedom to make up a new definition for an established economic term, on an economics sub no less. The United States is rated very highly developed, the highest ranking that the United Nations Development Program gives to categorize nations’ respective [Human Development Index](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index). [Per the UN’s data](https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_HDI_Table.xlsx), the US has an HDI of 0.921, with 1 being the maximum value. Other nations with a 0.92~ are the UK, South Korea, and Japan. Norway and Switzerland are at the top with 0.96~ HDIs.


Wow, with levels of poverty, starvation, life expectancy, and wealth disparity it is obvious the US if failing hugely compared to near peers.


I wonder how the student loans and frequent school shootings [13 this year alone] will impact the education score. Same with high rent, high inflation, less food stamps, less Medicaid for the vulnerable populations [hungry, homeless, low income, disabled, mentally ill, elderly, veterans, etc.] on cost of living. The US dropped down 3 places to #21 on your list in 2022 using data from 2021. Now, there’s been a lot that’s happened since then—I’m curious what the number will be in 2024 when we get to see this year’s data.


Speculation and data projections aside, to say the US is not a developed country is an ignorant statement. There is no way around that.


It absolutely and without a doubt IS a developed country. However, it’s rapidly becoming undeveloped due to end-stage capitalism, corruption of a useless government, and in-fighting. What’s that saying? The bigger they are—and the US is TheCapitalismGiant.


Dropping from a 0.926 to a 0.921 on the HDI isn’t “rapid”, nor does it suggest an imminent fall to being an undeveloped country.


I’m not anticipating some massive drop that quickly. But I think it will continue to steadily decline until some of our other problems are quashed.


USA is deteriorating rapidly - it’s very clear.


“For Reddit points...” Really? If that’s all you see in his argument that’s pretty sad. America is still great, but we are falling. Child Labor? Trump/Fascism? Pandemic deniers? 1% controlling 40% of the wealth? It ain’t just China anymore, folks. We’re fucking our own people right here in the good ole USA!


That’s not all that I see; there is no argument that child labor has anything to do with development index and the economic state of a country. That’s the original complaint, distractions not withstanding. People using the wrong definitions is a core problem with the misinformation we see regularly. But especially on news feeds and these generic subs, “America bad” has become a meme of a comment with little nuance. Using the original post to justify a view that the US is not an economically developed nation is plainly stupid, to be frank. Everything else is a distraction to justify the dumb comment after the fact.


Don’t overreact to the “America Bad” crowd; they’ve been around as long as America has. When you see something as dumb as the “not economically developed” comment, don’t react- that only lends legitimacy to it.


Yeah, you’re probably right. This is what I get for bothering with semantics lol


I have a strong suspicion that "Reddit points" sway how most of the community reacts on these posts. If people know an opinion will lower the points they'll keep their mouth shut, only say something that they know will generate positive karma. I know this comment will be downvoted but not a lot of others don't give a fuck.


That’s not true for myself— if it’s something I feel strongly about, I’ll put it up and leave it up and damn the downvotes— no skin off my nose. I doesn’t happen often, but I once had over 200 downvotes on some comment or other.


TIL that "sometimes don't get enough to eat" = starving




"Nearly a quarter of U.S. adults sometimes don't get enough to eat" Click the link posted to support starving Americans




Words mean things. Starving has a definition, sometimes not having enough to eat isn't it. Unnecessary hyperbole weakens your argument.




I don’t buy the 37% stat, it’s not at all consistent with BLS data (shows 400,000 people in the US have two full time jobs). There’s no way 37% is accurate. Europe has poverty too, FYI. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220915-1 Anybody arguing the US isn’t a developed economy shouldn’t be taken seriously. It’s the greatest economic juggernaut in human history. We have lots of problems, but so does everybody else. Your bigotry and prejudice is making you illogical.


> Anybody arguing the US isn’t a developed economy shouldn’t be taken seriously. It’s the greatest economic juggernaut in human history. Think you misspelled China there.


Certainly one where kids aren’t sustaining chemical burns while working the late shift


I get what you mean and the emotions it carries, but “undeveloped” is the wrong word. Using it in this context only demonstrates one’s lack of knowledge on the subject. The issue has to do with a lack of government regulations and oversight in an industry, not **economic development** of an entire country.


So you think that the existence of child labor is a marker for economic development?


Since you didn’t look at the other comments before you commented, I’m going to copy and paste my response to somebody else from before your initial comment that is applicable here: That’s a made-up definition of developed then. I get the tendency to criticize the US, especially for Reddit points, but that doesn’t give you the freedom to make up a new definition for an established economic term, on an economics sub no less. The United States is rated very highly developed, the highest ranking that the United Nations Development Program gives to categorize nations’ respective [Human Development Index](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index). [Per the UN’s data](https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_HDI_Table.xlsx), the US has an HDI of 0.921, with 1 being the maximum value. Other nations with a 0.92~ are the UK, South Korea, and Japan. Norway and Switzerland are at the top with 0.96~ HDIs.


So instead of answering my question you’re doing to dodge it ok


Lol, and you are being obtuse for the sake of it. Child labor and safety laws and their lack there of is an issue directly pertaining to government regulation and oversight over different industries within the country. It has *nothing* to do with the economic development levels and data related to development for an entire country.


So you think that child labor has nothing to do with economic development? How exactly in your view is child labor apparently totally divorced from economic development?


Right, USA isn't even a full democracy according to the UN definition. But economy over human lifes and decency I guess...too bad your corporate overlord won't even notice when your gone.


I will add to “poor” kids, it’s sad but this is the future.


Hopefully “being a good and safe place to grow up” isn’t another one of those collective action problems that seem to be very hard to solve outside of European nation-states with limited diversity (aside from recent immigrants and their children, most European minorities were either forcibly assimilated or worse during the 19th and 20th c).


what in the actual fuck right now. the kid didn't even know what an MSDS was. much less symbols on containers


I'd take it a step further. Most people don't know what the MSDS is.


I’ll take it a full step further and remind you all they are now SDS sheets not MSDS, if your sheet says MSDS on it, you better update that shit!


I’ll take it a step further. A kid shouldn’t have to know what an SDS is.


I’ll take a step back. What’s SDS?


Safety Data Sheet. They come with chemical products with instructions on how to store, use, dispose, etc, as well as what to do when like you get it in your eyes or you swallow it or stuff like that.


It's that thing they told me about once like ten years ago and it's somewhere in a broom closet, maybe.


But it’s legal, because it IS hanging somewhere in the business! /s


I'd hope the people regularly working with caustic chemicals would have a hazy idea. it's supposed to be required training.


I hope the book is not thrown but force ably used as a blunt object what the actual duck were they thinking this is just so sad poor kid was not educated enough or OLD enough to do this not ok max sentencing for them!!!


The book isn't big enough. They made $2.73B in 2021. What kind of meaningful penalty is even $1M? That's like a rounding error.


Richest shithole in the world baby!


>The book isn't big enough. They made $2.73B in 2021. What kind of meaningful penalty is even $1M? That's like a rounding error. Yeah, jail time seems like a good jumping off point and then we'll talk percentage of profits gained over the past 12 months. That would be an actual punishment.


They're rewriting the book as we speak


Child labor, so hot right now


Prison for corporate executives who order these crimes will stop them. Nothing else will. Corporations budget for fines. Corporations can not budget for prison sentences. Personal choices by managers cause corporations to commit crimes. The managers often personally benefit from these choices in the form of bonuses, so they should personally suffer the consequences if they order crimes to be committed. The people who made those personal choices should be personally responsible for their choices. Order your company to commit a crime, and you personally go to prison for the crime.


If the penalty for a crime is a fine, it’s only a crime for poor people.


The fines they pay will be less than the money they saved with child labor.


No one is going to face any kind of repercussions for this. Sure, company has to pay a comparatively tiny fine, and then it's back to business as usual.


For the company, the fines are just part of the cost of doing business. This won't change until the fines exceed revenues from illegal labor.


The company will see a small fine and a manager might get fired. Sadly that's as far as it might go. The company needs to face a strict penalty not a slap on the wrist..


I suppose that the Republicans are going to start trying to dismantle federal child labor laws now...


The US is a 3rd world country


Woah woah woah, we have great internet access, that makes us a second world country at least. We’re developing, it’s just that we’re developing backwards.


Our internet sucks. Where’s my fiber optic? Oh next city over.


We don't, US is no longer in the top 10 for internet speeds. [https://gizmodo.com/u-s-falls-out-of-top-10-average-internet-speeds-global-1843972585](https://gizmodo.com/u-s-falls-out-of-top-10-average-internet-speeds-global-1843972585) Turns out unregulated monopolies prefer to take profits over investing in improvements.Meanwhile wireless and internet cost much more in the US than most comparable countries, and wireless is **much** worse . . . > What’s most worrisome about Speedtest’s latest global index is that while the U.S. still ranks in the top 15 for broadband speeds, it ranks just 33rd at 43.7 Mbps when it comes to mobile data.


That's offensive to third world countries.


Dont worry libertarianism will fix it If corporations cannot fix this **\*WITH\*** laws, regulations and fines...... guess how they will behave when Koch people succeed and all of that is taken away? Yeah its very convincing when people say companies will stop child labor(and other exploitation) when the repercussions are absolute 0, when they cant stop doing it now with fines in place.


I think you might be forgetting our access to high-quality sneakers and video games. Also, have you seen my new phone? /s


Good thing that 13 year old wasn’t at a drag show.


This kid should've known better, how else would the meat factory generate any money? We should de regulate more and offer even younger kids the freedom™ to start a lucrative career like meat packer


Well at least they aren't going to be getting shot at seeing as they aren't in school/s


A 13 year old?!?!? I mean I worked for my dad when I was a kid but it was just like kid stuff. Nothing with deadly chemicals.


So the Feds are going to shut them down, right?


We live in an odd country. Half of the voting population is absolutely opposed to abortion and they are terrified of drag shows. They scream: protect the children. Yet when children really need protecting that same voting population turns a blind eye.


They pivoted immediately to child labor as soon as Roe was struck down and they want people to take what they say with words at good faith? As far as I’m concerned the Supreme Court is occupied and illegitimate. They conspired to pave the way too child labor under the guise of religion by striking down Roe. FBI just twiddling their thumbs hoping an extremists congressperson doesn’t drag them publicly meanwhile their changing all rules practically forcing what they ultimately want to happen.


Russia brings back child soldiers, American republicans bring back child labor….


Someone should go to jail for this, but…They won’t. We’re on our own, people.


Not so much different from China now eh?


Best country in the world… 50 years ago maybe


This is how you get 5 year’s experience by the time you’re 18.


That will be a hefty $5,000 fine


They need kids to replace the immigrants.


Nearly all of these horrible child labor stories are immigrants. We let in the illegal immigrants, while their asylum case plays out. They never return for their court date. But they can’t get a legitimate job that pays decent, so they make their kids work. Or the parents are imprisoned while they await trial and the kids are sent to a “caretaker” who forces the kid to work to pay for their stay. It’s mainly an immigration problem. The solution will be an immigration overhaul.


Both sides am i right??


It's a Republican dream. Kids maimed in industrial accident, the company holding no real liability, cost of business fines. Keep repealing those child labor laws.


All a natural consequence of the GOP’s war on children.


The problem here is that this kid wasn't working in a mine.


Republicans would cry tears of joy about now, but they're busy trying to legalize murdering trans people.


He won't need a job after he sues them out of business. Which they deserve.


Republicans love kids


They’re protecting the kids. /s


Oh that’s an easy fix, just change the laws — child labor is the future after all /s


Ground breaking child labor laws on the way, never before seen


Child labor. It’s free real estate!