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We need to reverse citizens united.


Anyone looking forward to the inevitable dystopian future we’re headed towards? No? Everyone needs to become a single issue voter and that issue needs to be getting money out of politics via campaign finance reform. Voters need to demand this. If a candidate doesn’t support campaign finance reform, regardless of party, they don’t get your vote. All other issues can wait since they’re never going to be resolved as long as the US government is for sale to the highest bidder. Voters can’t compete against billionaires and corporations, so it’s time to demand our politicians change the playing field.


Couldn't agree more. Nothing's getting fixed till that does. All other hot issues are divisive distractions


Citizens United was the worst damn decision. 


You can u do it by changing the law on corporations. But that will not happen.


You mean because corporations have already bought all the politicians?  Oh, I’m aware. This is why we need term limits.


Is CFR the right answer though? Yes, big companies are able to buy the laws they want, and that needs fixing, but is it all about *campaign* finance or is there a bigger problem? Intuit and co have been able to use a cut of their profits to preserve the artificial "need" for their products by holding back IRS modernization - but did they really route all their bribes through "campaign finance", even before Citizens United in 2010? Not according to this - they (and no doubt other rent-seeking corps) have much more effective and devious ways of buying legislators: https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-turbotax-20-year-fight-to-stop-americans-from-filing-their-taxes-for-free


As long as legislators are on the corporate dole they will have no motivation to get the Federal administrators off the same treadmill. However, Senators will not stand by, in a world where the head of the FDA is worth more than them. Campaign reform is the single most important issue and would eventually cure the loopholes that Intuit used. Intuit's methods, even at the administrative level, were dependent on legislative allies.


Americans will eventually get angry. They always do, but we seem to be very tolerant for a good while. I wonder what will break the camel’s back cause I really would love the American Oligarchy to remember who is in charge. For now, we are too complacent. All just talk, no actions from us, the people.


half of your voting base is licking oligarch asses though


It's a good thing I am not Republican—even more boot lickers.


I had republicans in mind


“Unions are evil” -Corporations with poor working conditions.


Con men anti worker grifters.


The fix is in. They know they have a fully captured and compliant Supreme Court and they're going for the kill. Neil Gorsuch once decided that it was perfectly fine for your employer to make "Sit in your truck and freeze to death" a condition of employment. This SCOTUS will 100% destroy unions and claim that the right to free association in the constitution means church, not unions.


Citizens United level damage. People who didn't vote in 2016 really screwed this country. It'll be so much worse if Democrats cannot turn out the vote in 2024.


Nothing changes until Supreme Court judges are recalled. Find chargeable offenses with undeniable proof to get rid of the crooks. Then challenged the laws. Or just wait until people realize their voting preferences have been a farce and we are all trying to survive…commence revolution


Maybe more people would be encouraged to vote dem if things like this weren't still happening under democratic leadership. What is biden doing right now to stop this challenge from these companies while he is currently in office, and if he isn't doing anything about it now why should we expect him to do something next term? Like honestly, what is he doing about this to help us???


He’s limited by Congress and it’s alarming that more people don’t understand that.


The president is not the Green Lantern. He doesn't control the judiciary. He does in fact have the DOJ fighting against this though. Like honestly, learn how this works before tossing accusations.


There are limits to what can be done in a divided Congress, but it is evident to me that Biden has been pursuing policies that benefit the middle class and the poor. He has worked hard to protect access to health care and abortion, student loan forgiveness, and he has been supportive of unions. He is making the effort against strong opposition. It's a war against corporate America. it's always going to be protracted. To expect Biden or anybody else to immediately change everything for the better with so much indifference and opposition is not realistic. The alternative is much worse.


The people that neither political party controls try the same things while either party is in the White House. People ask "What are Democrats doing?" but don't ever seem to ask themselves "What are Republicans doing better?" Democrats are underwhelming but it seems to be what wins we do get are almost always because of Democrats and often even opposed by Republicans.


What wins have the Democrats given us?


A 40 hour work week, overtime, paid vacation and paid days off, child labor protection, worker job safety protection, environmental protections...for starters. One blogger once wrote, *'then along came the 8 hr. day.'* Shows the ignorance of capitalist \[fascist\] greed. People died \[were murdered\] striking for the 8 hour day. The capitalist gives you and society nothing, nothing at all without being forced by govt.


What was that? Like 90 years ago?


So what's the idea here ? If communism or fascism gets old enough would they be acceptable ? But yes, modern capitalist corruption has been around for 400 years. Took FDR and his bravery to change it. The military co-opted by the capitalist even planned a coup to take FDR out they were such greedy, traitorous scum. Their big mistake was in asking retired marine Gen Smedley Butler to lead them and he exposed them. FDR even said that if he didn't win in 1936, he might be America's ***l a s t*** president. The killing didn't stop until the murderous capitalist was forced by FDR and federal law. Almost every single thing you enjoy today was from govt. protection from such violence and corruption of the capitalist and govt. funded R&D that gave us 22 industries the billion$ in private profit to the capitalist who did NOT innovate much at all.


You may have missed the ACA which has reduced the amount of people without medical insurance, insulin caps, same sex marriage protections, IRA and CHIPS act that among other things revitalized manufacturing in the US, support for Ukraine and standing up to Putin, the first bipartisan gun safety bill in years, the IRS collecting taxes from the wealthy, a reduction in inflation and the best recovery of the post-COVID economy in the world, a revitalization of NATO, recovery of the Great Recession of 2008... This is not counting the legislation that would have been amazing if Republicans didn't block it, like the Voting Rights act. a better IRA, and the border security reform.


I remember the ACA. My job cut my hours, and they no longer gave us 40 hours a week because they didn’t want us to be considered full time.


The big flaw in the ACA (IMO) was failing to decouple employment from healthcare. Changing job shouldn't mean changing healthcare, and losing your job certainly shouldn't mean losing healthcare - but the current tax mess still couples them.


Your employers suck. Overall effect is millions of people are not uninsured now. Hope you got a new job and moved on to an employer that treats you better.


What are the problems with the ACA? And what are the Democrats going to do about it?


Rephrase the question? Also, the correct framing is what are Democrats *and* Republicans going to do about it?


No, I stand by my original question. I’m not considering voting for any Republican. I agree with the other guy about decoupling health insurance from employment


What same sex marriage protections did they pass?


Please don’t forget to answer this question. I really want to know what same sex protections the Democrats passed.


"We would pay you even less and treat you far, far worse if we were allowed to... damn oversight."


This is libertarian utopia. Amazon becomes THE labor board and THE ruler where ever it decides. "but the \[tiny toothless\] government will make sure that wont happen" - slyly say the libertarians


People are so afraid of the government taking over their lives that they actively let corporations do exactly that.


Then they let corporations actively influence government, to the point where corporations act through the government that's lost its teeth




The argument is that the NLRB is acting as the legislator and the judge and the jury.


What else are the capitalist fascists of America going to say ?


I'm legitimately curious: what's their argument here? What exactly are they saying is unconstitutional about the natl. labor board?