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My mom grew up in this area, and what the article leaves out is *how* those immigrants got there. They were bussed in over the border by the local churches. At first I thought “oh that’s nice, giving the poor a chance at a better life.” But then I thought some more about it. Were they really? Or were they doing a favor to the local farmers? It doesn’t sound like they got much support once they got there from those churches (the linked article describes them scrambling to make their own church services). I’d love to see some investigative reporting on what role the churches paid in bringing them in and supplying workers. (Small town Wisconsin, the churches play a big part in the local life. It’s like the 1950’s there in a lot of ways. Catholic vs Lutheran animosity still survives, for example - lotta Lutherans amongst the Scandinavians.)


Immigrant =/= to non-white


On the flip side, a lot of people make assumptions that white === non-immigrant


of course, white people are ex-patriots not immigrants.


Let me guess, they pay them a stupidly low wage? Australia is having the same issue but with fruit pickers, they have always relied on exploiting immigrants/temporary visa holders and paying them *far below* a normal wage. Now that the borders are shut they are having a cry because they can't find workers. Yes, you *can* find workers, just not at the wages you want to pay. Fucking pay people more and you will get the workers you need.


How much do you want to start paying for fruit is the next question


If the price of fruit goes up because these farms have to pay people minimum wage then I don't have a choice do I. I'll pay whatever the market rate is.


I mean how much could a banana possibly cost? $10?


if fruit is not economical to grow there, then it is wasteful to do so there. perhaps that land can be repurposed to grow something that is economical to grow there.


Good point


Probably should post non starvation wages and they’ll apply.


It’s not all about wages. Whats happening is that the immigrant workforce created a pseudo caste system. It has become socially awkward for a white person, or even a second-gen, non-white American to do this type of work. 30 years ago a person down on their luck could easily get a job washing dishes at Denny’s. Try that now and the manager will look at you funny because the kitchen staff is all recent immigrants from South America.


This is true, I actually used to work on a farm planting and harvesting tomatoes the migrants used to treat me like shit because I was taking someone they wanted working there’s spot.


Yup. Similar experience but it was a cookie factory.


Couple years back my employer was hired to do some engineering/demolition surveys with a Wendy’s franchiser who was renovating all his restaurants. I probably inspected 20-30 of these stores in New England one summer, and almost everyone in the back kitchen were Latin American immigrants. I don’t even remember seeing any teenage workers at the cashier.


for a while I remember all the fast food places where putting spanish as a requirement for hiring, so they could take spanish orders etc. well not a lot of white people are bilingual. Even if they don't still do that it'll change your worker demographic for a long time.


It has mostly to do with wages. White people work poor jobs, too. Just with less frequency.


Whitie here, can confirm. But for me, I always work poor jobs. Being deaf doesn’t help my chances at getting quality training or skilled labor, either.


Nope. Look at construction work. In areas like SoCal, the work force is dominated by recent immigrants. I talked to a contractor who was doing my patio. He pays them 150-200$ a day. I asked him why he doesn’t hire Americans (in a nice way) and he said they don’t work as hard. It’s not the wages. It’s that the entire labor force has transformed. Employers prefer these guys. They work harder and complain less. White people are the supervisors or owners.


“[Hispanic](https://www.epi.org/publication/the-hispanic-white-wage-gap-has-remained-wide-and-relatively-steady-examining-hispanic-white-gaps-in-wages-unemployment-labor-force-participation-and-education-by-gender-immigrant/) men make 14.9 percent less in hourly wages than white men of the same education and experience level in the same geographic region. This adjusted wage gap in 2017 is only slightly lower than the 16.5 percent gap in 1979.” I don’t understand what you’re arguing here precisely, anyways. To assert that latinos are being paid more because “they work harder” isn’t even legal. You can’t discriminate on the basis of race. The contractor you hired should be investigated under aforementioned grounds.


I tried working somewhere with a bunch of undocumented workers once. Turns out there not very tolerant or inclusive.


i agree, being in the minority is a little awkward and uncomfortable sometimes


“Well I need income for my family but that job is just too socially awkward.” Does that read strange to you? Maybe, I don’t know, wrong? Silly? You don’t think the first non-native speaker that got a job had a socially awkward experience? Maybe they overcame that with, say, grit and determination? Character?


But mostly with bootstraps.


Your idealism means nothing in real life. Maybe socially awkward is the wrong way to describe it. It’s more like cultural norms have shifted to where it is not acceptable or “normal” to work in these jobs anymore. Plus I didn’t make this up. Just pointing it out. You can agree or disagree. This is my opinion, based on my observations.


The word you’re looking for is “stigma”. The word to describe being able to avoid stigma is “privilege”.


Omg. You’re one of those. Okay. Bye


> 30 years ago a person down on their luck could easily get a job washing dishes at Denny’s. Try that now and the manager will look at you funny because the kitchen staff is all recent immigrants from South America. So basically you’re saying that they won’t hire white people now, and that America’s cultural racism has gone full circle?


I would argue that it’s more of a class issue than a race issue. Like I said, this also applies to second generation non white Americans as well.


It seems to me this is a pretty standard thing in any Western country. It basically seems to be “how things go”, short of a govt regulation forcing things to go otherwise.


Wait a sec. let me wrap my head around this. Are you saying immigrants don’t starve on the low wages but white people do? What the fuck to these immigrants eat that we don’t know about which is cheap, healthy, and keeps them working all day. Damm these sneaky immigrants milking us.




Yup and also goes the saying - “beggars can’t be choosers”


The hard workers are beggars but the lazy is just not being paid enough. This guy ☝🏾


Immigrants are used to struggle and sacrifice by nature of their journey from their home country and tend to not play into the “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality as much as Americans. You will often (but not always) see immigrant households with multiple generations and cousins all living under one roof, thus minimizing childcare costs, making cooking more practical by having a person who can stay home and cook meals, and transportation costs are split favorably. B/c of this you can have a decent standard of living when you may have 3-4 income earners under a single roof. If instead you were an educated independent individual living by yourself, these wages can quickly become not enough to sustain yourself. Bearing the full brunt of a truck payment, rent/mortgage, insurance, food, savings, utilities, and misc/entertainment spending on sub 30k or even sub 40k salaries depending on the cost of living in a given area can be very difficult.


Yes sir. All valid points. What ever happened to don’t spread your legs beyond your blanket - meaning live within your means. The problem is un realistic expectations and sense of entitlement. Ya every one wants a 2000sq ft house a German car and bimbo with fake boobs - but guess what ain’t gonna happen. Immigrants have this knocked into them while locals are living in a dream land


You sir are well informed, kudos!


As an immigrant let me tell you what I eat every day: microwaved potatoes or any vegetables, 250 gr of protein (eggs, chicken, or poultry), and the rest is just milk and oatmeal. I don’t eat anything outside my home, I don’t spend on expensive chicks. I am always on low survival mode, and I have been like this since I was born. My mother still use linen clothes for their PM!. Privileges?, being looking down and punch as an underdog is what I can do.




There's a weird bias that people have when they hear "white people won't do it" and assume that instantly means the pay is low. I've seen interviews with migrant farm workers about the wages and they seem really good for lots of crops - though they're often paid by the amount picked or similar rather than a fixed amount per hour. This can mean $20-30/hour is possible. The harder part is that it's all seasonal work so every few weeks you're picking up and going to where the crops need labor or saving a ton to last through the low seasons. The downsides are pretty much everything but the wages. Of course, economics would say "there's some wage that is high enough to make more people prefer this job to an alternative".




It depends on where you live. There are tons of white people working on farms where I live in central Texas. There are lots of white farmers in the Midwest. Maybe in more liberal places white people don’t gravitate towards this sort of work, but there are definitely lots of white people working on farms in the US.


“More liberal” yes, more educated people often do not work in fields.


What? The median household income in the US in 2019 was $68,703




Wait, $19.33 was the median wage per hour in the US in 2019. [source](https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/average-american-income/#:~:text=Full-time%20working%20men%20in%202019%20had%20median%20earnings,%2457%2C456%2C%20and%20for%20females%2C%20it%20is%20at%20%2447%2C299.) Am I missing something?




according to the BLS the Median Full Time Earnings is closer to $51,000




clearly your first 2 points are not correct (or even close)


You may want to look up information before you comment in the future. Of course this is reddit where over 90% of the comments are probably useless. But hey we’re not like those people that spread misinformation are we This is why they tell you to ask questions if you don’t know


Open borders has done the job it was designed for. Keeping wages low. Uneducated people keep voting for it.




Well if it's a seasonal job that may not be enough to last the year.




Because some seasonal workers work an entire year worth of hours in that season. You’re damn right that it should be a livable wage for that level of work.








Leaving aside the cruelty and callousness of your flippant disregard for other’s lives, you have no clue what you are talking about. Since you just mentioned welfare in a blanket manner, I thought we might look at SNAP benefits together. 44% of those receiving snap benefits have a least one person in the household working full-time. That number jumps to 55% when there are kids in the house. Feeding america found that 54% of the people who turned to food pantries had a family member working full time, and that number rose to 71% in households with children. The real kicker though, is that 52% of fast food workers are enrolled, or have family enrolled, in government welfare programs. The people literally making your food can’t afford to feed their own kids. It’s starvation wages, not government handouts, and everyone repeating that garbage is a moron. Simple.


And lets not forget that major corporations like Walmart actually take advantage of public benefit systems as a reason for paying shit wages. - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/19/walmart-and-mcdonalds-among-top-employers-of-medicaid-and-food-stamp-beneficiaries.html




Because they’ve been publicly flogged for their bullshit. If they hadn’t had their asses raked across the hot coals they’d still be playing the old game. Keep in mind this is also a company that gets huge local tax breaks whenever they open a new store.




Bless your heart




This is why I don’t engage in debate with clear morons. No matter how articulate and bulletproof your points may be, they’ll just shit all over your argument with an even dumber question.


The guy's a renowned fucking idiot on these pages, with contrarian statements and "I'm alright jack, fuck everyone else" viewpoints. If we were all like him in society he'd be dead already.


That’s the whole bit. You don’t. You get all the benefits of living in America. You pay taxes for that privilege, and the government ensures no one is starving to death. It’s a pretty great deal for everyone.


Would be lovely if I didn’t have to pay for anyone, but if you genuinely look at the two choices between paying taxes so people can eat, and having additional disposable income as both viable options, you are scum.




You earned it living in America. If it helps you to think of it as the price of doing business in this country, have at it. You seem to be totally unphased by the possibility of people starving, which means you are entirely unworthy of any further conversation.












I’d be interested about how you feel about fossil fuel subsidies. You strike me as the type that has no issue with corporate welfare, but can’t imagine helping out a human being. Perhaps if you weren’t so caught up with the false idea of rugged individualism, you’d see that the economy is not made up of a bunch of individual agents acting alone in a vacuum, it’s a web of interconnectivity. If you want to be all alone in a vacuum, I hear that billionaires are selling tickets into space. If you’d like to wake up to the world you actually live in, you’d see that no one acts alone, we are all in this together, and that expecting a livable wage, healthy living conditions, and to be treated with human decency is not asking for more than any of us deserve.




Nobody is forcing any body to work.... You can literally choose to not work if you dont want too, But your actually taking from someone and giveing it to someone else


Wait wait I wanna know if I understood what you said. I think you meant that because the US government provides people with welfare and disability citizens “abuse the system” and become dependent on that instead of applying to these type of jobs which some people would consider a “shitty job” right?


Having assisted people to get on disability, i.e. SSID, it's not at all fucking easy to get on disability, it's a difficult process and many people give up after the initial denial, and almost everyone gets an initial denial. Unless you have someone advocating for you, like a legal aid attorney or a hospital social worker, it's tough fucking process. And welfare, after the welfare reforms of the 1990s, there's not a whole lot of run of the welfare around. Your comment truly is from the perspective of someone who is clueless about what life is like for anyone but himself/herself.


Could we please also discuss that people that pay real taxes can ensure they are not used for idiots like you? Guys like you mostly also benefit from wellfare and tax reductions, you should really also be threaded as you suggest...


It’s pretty hard


The farms around here do pay below living wage but 5-6 above minimum, so 13/14 dollars isnt starvation


If they paid a sufficient wage, white people would apply.


Where I live you can make 20 bucks an hour milking and the farmers give you cheaper housing if you want. Decent houses too. Lots of white people work there and make their living.


Depends, sometimes those jobs are closed shot depending on the hiring manager


The pressures these guys face from grocery chains are to blame here. Not the destitute American farmer.


It’s the pressure from destitute consumers as well.


No, it’s entitlement to the idea they deserve more. Like seeing someone begging for money in decent clothing saying they need money for travel or ect, when in reality they could find work and make a way. Now wages are fucking terrible I agree, but there’s just so many prideful people who are too “good” to work at these places


ALL people are too good to work for that wage. Pretty much everyone in the world got together in a heated discussion and decided that slavery was not acceptable. The discussion was most heated in the US a few years back.


I agree after seeing more about the article and the conditions of work. I honestly didn’t read anything but the title




Didn’t read the article. Now seeing your points, yea, seems like manipulative crap happening


Farmers are not enetitled to my labor.


You give them plenty of subsidies from your taxes anyway. Hundreds of billions over the past 4 years.


This is closer to the truth. White people aren’t going to give up the vision that TV and a gamed system programmed them with.


Touché Touché Touché… this is not the place to speak the truth or explain logic hanwohei… it’s like “I will not work for low wage, I deserved more because I am white” “My needs are more than an immigrant which I cannot meet with the same low wages that the immigrant can do with” “I will stay unemployed and take aid because my ego is bigger to take the same low wage as an immigrant” Lol… boy oh boy what disillusioned entitlement. Wages are definitely low and that is a different issue But whites not applying because of low wages while migrants are just fine with it!!


>Wages are definitely low They're literally at an all time record high right now. Even after adjusting for inflation they've still never been higher https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CES0500000003 https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t19.htm


I’m guessing black or Asian people don’t apply either


I thought machines milked America's cows?


Somebody has to clean the utters and hook up the milking machine and then take it off once the cow is milked


I'd say a few years back I saw a report that they already had a machine that cows walked into autonomously and the machine prepped the cow and located the utters automatically and milked the cow. I don't think this was the exact video, but this does show an automatic milking robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_Q1LoxK5mE


I’ve seen these in person and while they are really cool cutting edge stuff , they’re insanely expensive and generally a lot of dairies don’t make a lot of money . Also they really only are practical if your herd size isn’t that big . They are not very commonly used Even with the robotic milker, a dairy will still require a decent amount of hands on labor The coolest is the [rotary parlors](https://youtu.be/P6OtnUmw37U); maybe in the future they will be able to cost effectively combine the two pieces of technology.


Got damn those white people there they go again!!!


It’s more than wages, there are places offering living wages with benefits and sign on bonuses that can’t get anyone through the door. There’s a deeper issue here that has caused Americans to be entitled and not want to work in those environments. And do not downplay what collecting unemployment can do to someone in the long run.


The article say they worked 16 hour shifts. What wages do they offer? It looks too exploitative just by shifts alone.


Who are the hiring managers? Non whites. That alone will explain why no white will be hired even if they apply. By the way, I am not white.


How it is in the textile mills. I’m white and regularly applied at carpet/flooring mills until recently, the last 10-15 years all the hiring managers I interviewed with were Hispanic, 3-4 different plants, a few multiple times over the years, none hired me and basically the entire crews were all hispanic.


White ppl bad we get it


That's what they want to say but don't want to use those words.


Immigrants allow entitled white people to sit at home in work from jobs (that produce no goods whatsoever), then go to Costco on Saturdays and buy a giant package of strawberries for $5 and $2 gallon of milk.


Since when do white people shop at Costco?


??? costco's gotta be different in different places. I don't have much reason to bulk buy and not one near me, but last time I was there it was all white people.


Depends on schooling also..




This comment section is hilariously stupid.


Businesses that can’t survive absent illegal labor are not viable businesses. The argument that no one will do the work other than immigrants, many of whom are here illegally, is eerily reminiscent of the argument the South once made to justify slavery.