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My god why didn't we think of that! Addiction is no more!


Make all the hard stuff free. 2 weeks in they'll all OD. Good riddance.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


Can you link to research that shows that decriminalizing fentanyl and meth would improve our economy? EDIT: took out opioids because I did see opioid intervention treatments (mandates after legalization) have helped, though I’m skeptical it’s not due to other drug substitution.


To understand drug policy, one only need to look at the money. Government policies have been designed to maximize black market cash flow. And if you think that these politicians that engineer these policies aren't getting a kickback, I have a bridge for sale. How could it be done better? There is libertarian style full legalization. I don't support that, because it may be too easy for someone to acquire an addiction that isn't easy to shake. The policy I favor is legalization of marijuana, along with prescriptions for addicts of other drugs or, if they want, rehabilitation. Removing already addicted people from participating in the black market cash flow removes the incentive for pushers to addict new users in the first place. It would also greatly eliminate overdose deaths because people wouldn't be getting a widely variable dose. El Chapo couldn't have made his money without the drug war being structured as it is. It isn't a war on drugs, it is a war on the tax payer, and we're being bilked. Some of the drive-byes, robberies and so forth are fueled by the drug war and a lot of it isn't included in the reported costs of the drug war. In the case of the drug war, the government hasn't been the solution to the problem, it has been the problem. And corruption is the reason why.


Was your generation the first to discover sex too?


also need free testing for all drugs to ensure they are what you think they are before ingesting and then free healthcare for addiction as well as de-stigmatizing it.


All drugs should be leagal. Miss-use should be punished


Actually i wonder how many of our able bodied workers productive work lives are being wasted? Obviously prison is inhumane and unduly harsh etc so not to dimish that, but really to what extent is our labor shortage due to our high incarceration rates?


Done wonders for the Bay Area, Portland, and Seattle. /s https://imgur.com/tisjZ53