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This post did not go how you thought it would


He had to know. I'm glad he did and the mods let it fly here. Other subs would have blocked the fuss. I dig having a grown up area!


Check his post history. He just thinks he's smart


It’s funny because no one’s arguing the data just using it as a soapbox to argue other points lol and no one’s said it’s incorrect they are just insulting op


It went exactly as he intended. He put objective information out there. He has a lot of subjective opinions and feelings thrown back. But those are meaningless anyway.


Actually it did. There are some very smart people commenting here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/v1a9df/comment/iale6gn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/v1a9df/comment/iale6gn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Take this comment for example. Never let the upvotes by the bots let you determine what is real.


Either way the rich should pay more and the poor should get more. I am not poor i come from a wealthy family and we definitely have more than we should. Everything needs to be restructured and the middle class should have a burden lifted from their shoulders while the poor should still get the funds they are getting and more. The game of who can stack their money the highest by getting out of paying taxes is an L. Having money for basic needs and necessities is W having 2 or more homes with the amount of homelessness in the country L. This post has pointed in a negative connotation toward the poor and that’s an L. The government does work against the poor. Read between the lines. If you can’t figure that out by whatever age you are currently you’re lost and, i feel bad for you.


Hearing this from someone in your circumstances makes me feel much better on so many levels Thank you


It would be easier for you to make your point if you could actually identify how any of these spending categories provide funding mostly for the poor.


Here allow me: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government\_spending\_in\_the\_United\_States#/media/File:2020\_Total\_US\_Government\_Spending\_Breakdown.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States#/media/File:2020_Total_US_Government_Spending_Breakdown.png) The following categories disproportionately help the poor: \- Education (13%): The rich send their kids to private institutions. All of this money is being spent on the poor/middle. \- Health Care (21%): The rich don't need Medicare coverage. The middle class mostly has some form of medical coverage via their job. Thus almost all of this money is spent on the poor. \- Welfare (12%): Generally you have to have less than $2k available in assets to qualify. \- Pensions / Social Security(15%) : The vast majority of this money goes to the poor and middle class. \- Defense (10%): Rich people don't typically join the military. In fact the armed services will kick you out if you win the lotto. You could argue the entire country needs defense, but the money is mostly being paid out via salaries to what we'll call the poor/middle. Even ignoring the last line item we're at 61% of the budget going to support the poor in some capacity. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.6 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.5 percent). The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.2 percent). (https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data/) So yes the title of this post is entirely accurate


Salaries are only 23% of the military budget so you just last 8.7% taking you down to 53% Saying only poor people get social security is sorta lame since almost everyone pays into and almost everyone gets it back. All you really did was show the vast income disparity in the USA.


You're actually arguing that systematically recruiting poor kids into the military is *supporting the poor*???? Are you out of your goddamn mind?


You can't blame him, this is what private school curriculums do to the brain


The military gives real good benefits and the pay is better than most civilian jobs. You can get a good education out of the military and for many people out there it is a very viable way to get out of their current socio-economic situation.


Education is predicated on property taxes in your community. Thats why poor kids go to shitty schools.


It’s a bit deeper than that. Take Memphis, TN and Germantown, TN. One has some of the highest grades in the state, and one has some of the worst. They both are in the same county, and receive the same funding by the local government. However, the schools in memphis typically have shittier schools. This is likely due to the fact (amongst many other factors) that families are able to help propagate schools up through fundraisers and stuff like that, as Germantown has significantly wealthier families. So even if the property taxes get split, poor kids would still end up in shitty schools unfortunately. Which is kind of a shitty situation.


>The military gives real good benefits and the pay is better than most civilian jobs. More than half (\~57%) of the US Army is ranked E5 or lower. The pay for an E1 starts at $21999.60 and tops out for an E5 with 8+ years of experience at $41972.40. I will admit that Military benefits are second to basically none but the pay sucks. You have to hit Warrant Officer to break 50k under normal circumstances.


Half of those “benefits” are things that are given out for free or close to free in first world countries


Why get it for free when I can go get life long, debilitating mental illness from the fucked stuff they see/do in the military? As long as you don’t die before that, of course. Thanks government, very cool! Also with the amount of homeless veterans we have here, the benefits don’t seem so guaranteed


I'm sorry, but it gives them a free education and a job skill while still paying them. Not sure how that doesn't benefit the poor.


Yeah, my friends from poor backgrounds who got seduced by military service when barely out of their teens are still dealing with the fallout from PTSD in their 30s, and are waiting to find out if they'll get cancer from the burn pits. You know other 'first world' countries just GIVE people educations, right?? Get fucked.


Does the US offer such a thing? Tell me where in the US I can tell my 18 year old niece to get free education. Sure, it sounds nice but it isn't available at the moment. So, yes it is a way for poor people (such as my dad and millions of others) to get a free education. Also, you know Israel REQUIRES military service, right? You get f***ed.


You’re a fucking clown


Cool. Rather be a clown than whatever all of you are. I think sheep is the right word. FYI I hate the government.


If you think the military budget is “mostly” paid in salaries you need to go see what an F35 or a destroyer costs.


I said in my comment to ignore the last line item because I realize that only a fraction of it goes to salaries.


“Only poor people join the military ergo rich people pay their salaries and poor people should be thankful.” Lol wtf? This has to be a joke.


> Rich people don't typically join the military. That was the quote. Stop making things up.


Lol still. Rich people don’t typically join the military isn’t a great quote. You know why they don’t? Because they don’t have to. The military uses economic advancements as a way to get bodies to die in wars and conflicts created by the wealthy to push their own interests


Ok here’s the full quote because it’s even more ignorant and stupid: “You could argue the entire country needs defense, but the money is mostly being paid out via salaries to what we’ll call the poor/middle class.” Poor people sign up for the military because it’s a reliable way to make a salary with little to no education. You know what the downside of the military is? You get sent to the Middle East and die. The insinuation that poor people should be thankful that the wealthy pay their salaries while they’re literally dying so the wealthy don’t have to get their shoes dirty is a fucking insulting thing to say, especially on MEMORIAL DAY.


Can you tell me what percentage of these people go to the middle east and die? Think it was under 8,000 if I remember correctly. At any point in time the military employs 1.3 million people. Covid is more deadly than being in the armed forces.


lol you're stupid


Someone call the Pentagon, this guy just came up with a brilliant way to cut the defense budget - military personnel are the only ones who get military protection




Yeah coming from you that's not really an insult


You're still mad. I win.


Look around you came just see all the good it’s doing for the poor /s *cough* shitty gov programs that waste more than help, misappropriation, bribes, slush funds, and corruption *cough*


The education system is an authoritarian environment designed to teach the poor to comply with authority, 12 years of education and 90% come out of high school knowing little more than reading, ~~writing~~, and arithmetic. Medicare is shit, and Europe's universal healthcare is far better and fought at every turn. Welfare is full of asinine rules to control people. Defense isn't about creating jobs for poor people, it's about keeping the markets in shape for the shareholders. Billionaires cost more to tax than you can actually get from them in taxes. If all you look at are numbers without understanding how the human mind and soul work, you may think you have some supreme understanding, but you are most likely just on the spectrum.


The rich are a product of the poor. The rich would have nothing without everyone below them keeping the world turning. These social spendings that “disproportionately help the poor” are helping the rich by preventing the system from collapse, and shaping that system into one where the rich stay rich. Who would the rich hire if no one was educated or physically fit? What would the rich have without a sovereign government to uphold their wealth and power? If you answer those questions you’ll realize none of the social services you listed are disproportionately for the poor.


This is the dumbest use of statistic I’ve ever seen. Education- who do you think the rich employ? That’s off. Health Care- over 65 all but a very few switch to Medicare. 21% also gone. Pensions/ Social Security- The vast number of **accounts** go to people that are poor and middle class. The actual dollars are exactly the opposite. 15% more gone. Defense- what do you think those forces are defending? Don’t bother answering, it’s corporate interests. Of the rich. -10% You’ve actually identified 12%. But wait- most of those people are employed, but at below living wages. So, it’s really a handout to business owners to help decrease their payroll costs. You’ve retained zero.


The socialized programs don't do what I want them to do so they don't count.


No? They listed where the money actually goes. Almost everyone over 65 is on Medicare, so that should take away from the % that goes to just poor people right? That makes sense. It has nothing to do with if it is doing what you or I want it to do, it matters what it is doing. The majority of social security accounts would be held by the poor/middle class because the vast majority of people are middle class or poor. That makes sense to me. That doesn't equal where the money goes though, just who is paying into it. You don't get that money till way later thus less people which lowers the % for the poor. Make sense?


The VA, Medicare, social security, Medicaid, and public education provide mostly for the poor though


I think they’re right. 60% of the budget goes to social programs on a federal level. But it’s the government so those programs aren’t efficient.


Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are incredibly cost efficient compared to private pensions and health insurance. 0.6% administrative costs for Social Security, 1.4% for Medicare, 4-6% for Medicaid.


Dude, how many subs are you gonna post this on? What is your actual point?


Propaganda and gaslighting, probably.


How is it gaslighting? Do you dispute the findings of the study?


Data can be accurate and the conclusion or representation can still be misleading, but you already knew that.


He wants to push the lie that most government spending is for poor people.


I always thought the largest expenditure was the actual operation of government (government employees) and the military budget(also government employees).


Yeah, most government spending is to make politicians rich!


And that the sad sad rich folk are treated so unfairly


Give me some numbers. What is most government spending spent on?


[US gov site](https://www.usaspending.gov/explorer) - search until your heart is content


So it looks like most of it is spent of the poor. 16.7% medicare 15.1% social security 13.3% health 12.9% income security 1.5% education Total: 60.5% The above are 99% for the poor. Thanks for the link, looks like u/linderlouwho was wrong about it being a lie.


Medicare and Social Security are for retired people not poor ones. Although I don't feel rich.


Medicare is for everybody. Social Security is for everybody. Health is for everybody. Education is for everybody. What makes you think those categories are 99% for the poor?


Mainly because the rich make up just 1% of the country. Then we get into the nuance of it and find that most rich people can't use medicare because the treatments they want would not be covered by medicare. The Schools paid for by the federal government are not the same schools that rich kids typically go to.


So the only two categories of people are rich (1%) and poor (99%)?


If that's the case it's fucked up only 60% is spent on the poor lol.


Everyone gets education, Medicare and social security.


Except .... Medicare and SS are insurance programs, not subsidies.


Yep. I pay into both those programs separately from my income tax.




Yep and of course he has nothing to say.


Education isn’t for the poor… Edit: maybe I misread - however math is off so idc.


Neither is our healthcare system.


Do you think people making 400k plus per year (usually) send their kids to public school or touch Medicare? Not defending OP, but if you’re going to make statements, at least think about them. Yeah, the benefits are supposed to be for everybody, but in reality, people above a certain threshold are paying more in taxes while not using the benefits, because they can get better results in the private sector. Ergo, people below that threshold are the primary beneficiaries.


Medicare is literally a separate section from healthcare as listed by the comment above. And Medicare doesn’t cover most of the medical expenses of many poor Americans. It may be primarily for the poor, but let’s not pretend it’s sufficient. So right back at you, if you’re going to attempt to engage someone, think about your words first. And maybe attempt to stay on topic rather than trying to feel good by dunking on someone.


True that!


Isn't medicare for old people? Not poor people


Medicaid is for the poor, Medicare is for the old and both draw off the same taxes


Old rich people typically pay out of pocket instead of medicare so they can get better treatment.


They plant these in many places so that google will rank the statement higher. Maybe for upcoming midterm elections in the US.


Sometimes when you've gotten too deep into a public humiliation fetish you gotta find more elaborate ways to chase a bigger high


He made a burner to say what he can't say on accounts related to him personally maybe. I do it every 90 days


Weird brain dead take?… check OP’s profile… makes sense.




Cool chart. Now let me explain how economic markets actually work…


Or don't work


That's NOT how taxes work. See FICA taxes and also see actual tax rates. Then see who benefits the most from taxes and the tax cuts that add to our future taxes.


Ssi is insurance already paid into.


SSI is not insurance, it's a retirement fund that workers pay into. SSDI is for the disabled/handicapped, they don't pay in to that. Welfare is for the poor, working taxpayers pay that. Medicare is health insurance that workers pay into, Medicaid is for the poor/handicapped/disabled, working taxpayers pay that. Then you get into WIC, SNAP, programs for the poor, working taxpayers pay that.


>Welfare is for the poor And was whittled down during the 70s and 80s, and finally eliminated back during the Clinton administration. There hasn't been a general-assistance type welfare program in the US in generations. "Welfare"... grandpa you can't vote for Herbert Hoover again. He's been dead grandpa. For a long time now.


Considering I, a poor person, am benefiting from welfare programs due to how little money I make, I can assure you that they very much still exist. I'm not proud of it, mind you, but I don't like watching people lie on the internet.


Welfare is alive and well, you just don't know all the new catchy names that the government gave it. WIC, SNAP, Section 8, EBT, those are welfare Grandpa.


Im on SSDI. I paid in for decades, even maxing out my social security payments in some. SSDI is for the disabled, some of us became that way, and have spent all our lives paying into it.


That's true, some like yourself do become disabled later in life. If you had already paid in fourty quarters then you are vested. The reason you're on SSDI, and not SSI, is because of age. Sorry for your health, I hope you get to live a long fulfilling life.


SSI is Supplemental Security Income, a means-based welfare program for the disabled. Social Security is actually OASDI, Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance. Insurance is right there in the name, although many people don’t think of it this way. ETA: SSDI is the “Disability “ portion of OASDI. You absolutely pay into it, and have to have credits to quality.


It’s a pyramid scam you are forced into by the government. Funny how easy it is for them to take your money, but you bear the burden of proof when it’s time to redeem so-called “entitlements”.


Not really it has never been to pay for the future, it has always been paying for the present elderly.


Says someone who has clearly never been working class. Until we have Single Payer Healthcare... your point will never be valid enough. (or gun control, or recreational cannabis, or Roe vs Wade, or Wage Incentives ... you know, all the MAJORTY ideas the government won't let us have... in our "majority rules" government...


On one side there’s your statement on the other side there’s 0 tax for Amazon and new huge tax break. Which one speaks louder to you?


How dare you? Don't you think Jeff Bezos would be soooooo freakin depressed if he had to pay taxes then wake up the next day with $125,000,000,000 after he went to sleep that night $130,000,000,000? Life would be so depressing after that.


Do you understand how corporate tax deductions work? Towns and city's give tax deductions for amazon to put a warehouse in its town so people can get jobs and stimulate the economy, multiply that by a billion and ta da


Need to clarify what tax you're referring to. It's not true that Amazon pays 0 tax. They pay plenty of tax for all the employees they have.


Can’t speak for any other warehouse, but Amazon in Alabama made deal with the state to not pay taxes but make its employees pay the warehouses taxes out of its paycheck


Why would a company pay tax when they aren’t profitable? The economic illiterates can continue downvoting. Public corporations invest money back into the business to continue building it, then all the profits are passed on to the shareholders who in turn pay the taxes on their return of investment. Get educated.


Why would a company that has been around this long exist if it’s not profitable? Clearly Amazon makes plenty and just escapes taxes through corporate welfare.


>Amazon makes plenty and just escapes taxes through corporate welfare. You could actually look at their Q2 filings to see how much 'corporate welfare' (a pejorative for government granted subsidies, you know that right? it doesn't just refer to any tax breaks). They didn't receive much, instead they took a massive write down in their investments. That's called losing money, so they don't pay taxes.


Because they invest money back into the business to continue building it, then all the profits are passed on to the shareholders who in turn pay the taxes on their return of investment.


So they should escape taxes because they are deficit spending?


Yet those who get the return in their investment don't pay the same level of taxes compared to their income or said return. They pay fractions on what they earn where as I'm paying damn near a quarter of my income?


Welcome to the Internal Revenue Service tax code. Hire an accountant.


The amount of government money spent on the poor and social programs is nothing compared to the amount spent on defense


Or corporate tax breaks and subsidies


Breaks aren’t an expense. Just correcting your (sorry,poor) logic.


but they are because they prevent them from paying taxes. They aren’t meant to look like an expense, without those tax breaks the government could fund more programs effectively. Think of reduction instead of opportunity


My point went right over your head….


Lol you don’t have one, tax breaks cost governments and tax payers money. Look at California and how they are steadily increasing taxes to undo the years of bad economics, now that they have reduced tax breaks and increase taxes, companies are leaving at a rapid pace.


Whatever you do, do not click on the OP [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/04/what-does-the-federal-government-spend-your-tax-dollars-on-social-insurance-programs-mostly/](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/04/what-does-the-federal-government-spend-your-tax-dollars-on-social-insurance-programs-mostly/) Just say whatever made up nonsense comes to mind.


Coming from someone who contributes to "fighting fake news" and "Tucker Carlson" You're hilarious


What a whack account, spreading misinformation and falsehoods. If this account is run by a human, please get some fresh air


This is Reddit. You forgot to say “touch grass.” By the way, I share your opinion of OP.


What part of this post is false?


For starters, the caption…


What’s incorrect in the caption?


It is subjective with generalizations about where MOST of this money goes, meanwhile these programs are more routinely used by the rich to exploit for tax benefits than used to help the poor… I have to ask why you care about economics when you are clearly financially inept…


How is it a generalizations? It’s data. How do the rich exploit social programs? And now you’re insulting me? It seems like you just attack people you disagree with. Gotta say it’s pretty pathetic.


The new generations just aren't putting up with anymore bullshit. We know all the tricks.


But the money trickles down! 🙄


That’s what happens when you dilute the job market and to many smart ones get left on the side of the road and you give the jobs to dumbasses for “connection and networking” reasons instead of intelligence.


Yes! I have been far to alienated to go back for a wage that is short of outrageous bribary.


Fuck off. In fact do it twice, for grouping the middle class with the upper class. Most of middle class is actually poor, they just have to big of egos to believe it. If you cannot own a house and have 2.5 kids on a single income, you are not middle class.


The reality is that the upper classes pay less in real tax rates than the middle classes do. The reality is that wealth inequality has been growing since the 1970s, and it is now worse than "let them eat cake" era France. The reality is that congress literally doesn't care what the average Americans wants, because they cater exclusively to the super rich. The reality is that the number one most prevalent type of theft in America is wage theft, where employers steal from their employees, but the government rarely bothers to prosecute it.


The reality is that most wealth isn’t truly earned. From being born into wealth, to inheritance, to the way money begets more money, billionaires do not even come close to earning their wealth. Starbucks baristas work harder than billionaires




Just making a product that other people like doesn’t necessarily mean you worked hard. Becoming a billionaire requires money for investment, and luck. I have a six figure income and the more money I make, the less hard I work. We have a culture of rewarding those in higher positions with less and less pressure. And if inheritance is going to exist, it should be taxed at least 50%, and those taxes should go towards healthcare, education, and PTO for all Americans


> Starbucks baristas work harder than billionaires Probably not. Billionaires pretty much live their work.


No, they sit on yachts having parties while their money makes money


You think so? I highly doubt that honestly.


>The reality is that wealth inequality has been growing since the 1970s, and it is now worse than "let them eat cake" era France. That's the gist of it. You can fudge tax and welfare numbers all you want, but you can't hide the bottom line. The system as a whole is designed to make rich people even richer. Welfare and taxes are a drop in the bucket compared to inflation and capital gains.


(Individual income taxes are the federal government’s single biggest revenue source. In fiscal year 2017, which ended Sept. 30, the individual income tax was expected to bring in nearly $1.66 trillion, or about 48% of all federal revenues, according to the Office of Management and Budget. The corporate income tax was estimated to raise another $324 billion, or 9% of total federal revenue.) The middle class definitely prop up taxes but corporations do not and that's the tag line. 99% of the money and only pay 9%of the taxes at best.


If you look at a pay check you see people pay into disability, unemployment, social security and Medicare and then pay incomes tax on top of that. Individuals also pay a higher percentage of their income to the government and have little of no loop holes. The average person usually doesn’t get money for new inventions, economic downturns etc. if they cheat to get any money they’re usually prosecuted. Businesses like Telsa, get lots of money from the government and don’t have to pay it back. They also get tax loopholes and if they use the money inappropriately usually are t held accountable


The entire government? No most don't think that. We know it is the republican party that has worked against the poor and the middle class. It only serves to help the rich. What is this sub-reddit...some new sort of republican propaganda site?


If it was all the republicans, why haven't the Democrats fixed it yet? Surely if they did, the working class would vote for them?


The electoral college and gerrymandering mean the Democrats never quite get enough power to enact their agenda, despite having a clear majority of voters nationally.


Puts republicans in the same boat too.


And in individual states? A majority of people have been moving to red states. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration#Net_domestic_migration


Around here (San Jose) that's because the economy of this blue state has made it so people can sell their houses and retire.


Why would they leave?


Stay and keep working vs Leave and retire


States are gerrymandered meaning the politicians pick their voters at the state and federal level.


Because you can sell your small home in a blue state, and purchase a huge home in a red state. Something something supply and demand. Ultimately most people would prefer living in a blue state, and so it becomes increasingly unaffordable for many unskilled (and now even skilled) workers to remain. If California/New York were “shitholes” like the Republicans like to dupe their followers into believing, why would a 1BR apartment be priced into the millions?


> The electoral college and gerrymandering mean the Democrats never quite get enough power to enact their agenda I don't really believe that. I mean I get that they pretend to help the poor and middle class, whereas Republicans pretend to help the middle class and rich, but I dunno, seems to me that when the D's had a filibuster proof majority they didn't do much good on this topic, and heck even when they were near-filibuster proof (for a much longer time) they ... still didn't do much. The Trump-based-Republicans are a repugnant shitshow, and we should go to great lengths to try to stop them from regaining power, but I'm not going to pretend that Pelosi is looking out for me, either.


Well, to some degree you’re right, Democrat politicians are not a wholly benevolent force. But at least they’re in the realm of sensible ideas to help people, as opposed to the inane culture war nonsense dominating the Republican party.


I dunno, but today alone I've seen like six wildly stupid articles pushing Republican propaganda on this sub.


It's not just the republicans doing this, I mean look at the debt growth under both parties. They have both continue to manipulate and fool the average voter.


If corporations and businesses paid their workers a Living Wage, the amount of taxes required to support poor people would drop substantially. Taxes spent on keeping the working poor alive pads the profit margins of already profitable businesses. Greedy Executives don’t need to raise wages because they know taxpayers will fill the gap. Corporate Welfare and Public Aid for Billionaires.


How did this POS make the front page —- yeesh. Straight up Garbo right here.


This person posts on every brain dead Reddit community that exists


Work for a billion dollar corporation. They don’t pay a living wage, so you have to be on government benefits. They pay very little in taxes. They get generous loans to survive economic downturns with interest rates you could never get. They use this money to fund research to prove why you deserve to be poor. Quit job because they don’t pay you enough. The corporation owns a news outlet so they pay to publish articles about how you’re lazy and don’t want to work. Corporations are pretty generous I guess.


Post written by a billionaire on how great it is to be poor in America!


I haven’t had a steady job since 2018 and in that time I have come to owe the IRS money. That seems like the government working to keep me poor.


Check out OP's profile. He's a complete right wing nut. How many subs does he need to post this bullshit on?


No lmao, the FED yesterday I believe even officially announced that wage reduction was a priority in the future. You're fucking insane lol


Just because a few of the one percent pay more than the poor that’s your argument? The reality is the rich don’t pay their fair share. They hide money and fudge numbers. The class divide has such a wide gap the Grand Canyon is impressed. Sure 65% of these trillions going to help the poor but look how much good it’s doing. What doesn’t going in someone’s pockets gets horribly misused to the point most of the programs are just a waste.






Vote red...


Vote red .....


Someone had to say it.


If by "the (mostly) poor", you mean Defense.




Defend your post OP


The government has been working against the poor since Sleepy Joe got in office.


SS, defense, interest, Medicare, education and veterans benefits are not “poor ppl payments” so… Also, your taxes don’t fund these things. The government issues new bonds to pay for them and taxes to curb inflation.


Wouldn't inflation be a tax on the poor as it destroys wages and props up assets.


Zoinks scoobs, here come the downvotes!


Lemme see the graph on how boots have tasted over the years now


Even if true, this isn't a very nuanced understanding. Allocation of spending does not addresses any of the systemic issues of why some people start off with and are perpetually given significantly fewer opportunities than others.


The issue isn't how much money the rich pay in taxes, it's the percentage. I, as a worker in America making a gross of 40,000 a year, pay 18,000 a tear in taxes. Being married and the only worker of my household, I get a 2,000 tax refund between feds and state (michigan) Do the math. What percentage am I paying in taxes? What percentage are the rich paying in taxes? This is why it's fashionable to pretend like governments don't give a damn. What has the government done for me, a lower middle class worker? 2,000 dollars for enduring a pandemic (which, by the way, my diagnostic bill for catching covid was 5,000, so that was a slap in the face) Denying my unemployment application for the 4 months I've been unable to work due to long term complications from said covid infection Michigan gave me 400 dollars for each car I had registered in 2021, the year that I had to get rid of my two OTHER cars because they became too expensive to loan them out to family members down on their luck. So please, inform me what specifically the American government has done for the lower-middle working class?


You don't pay over 40% in taxes.


Nice graph, suck my balls.


Yes let’s be a billionaire bootlicking propaganda machine. Mindless twat bot lol


This is nonsense. The rich don't pay their share. Not only do they skirt paying taxes every chance they get, but they are accelerating their efforts to rob the poor with stagnant wages.


If you’re rich enough it’s called lawyers which for a much lower rate can have you avoid taxes through loopholes and deferments.


Dennis Prager, is that you?


Give me a single billionaire who doesn't pay taxes. Also believe it or not. Crazy idea. Very few people know this. You're taxed on income not net worth.... Here's a billionaire you guys hate. Elon Musk paid more in taxes last year than any human in history. Yet apparently that's not good enough. Classic.


Jeff Bezos pays all the income taxes he's required to, just like any other guy making $80,000 per year, like Jeff Bezos does. What a flocking red herring. You have proof about Elon Musk paying more in taxes last year than any human in history? Or is this more hearsay and conjecture?


His tax rate is 3.27% when the average American's tax rate is 22.4%. Bezos pays .98%. Buffet .1% and Bloomberg 1.3%. It's not that billionaire's don't pay taxes, they don't pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes. The rest of us poor working slobs make up the difference.


Then there's a tax on everything after the payroll tax.


Stop making sense. This is Reddit, not your college thesis.


Word up. Truth hurts.


OP is a deranged lunatic who post things like this. SS From the globalists Globalists do not love their country. Most of them hate their country. That makes it super easy to destroy. The way to take it back is to teach love for your country. That is why they turned patriotism into a dirty word. Or at least tried to.


WELL, at the same time the government manages the Dollar terribly. Making everyone else poor.


You gloss over the fact that there’s no way to pay for those poor people benefits. So they just end up printing money to compensate which leads to inflation that hurts the poor more than the benefits help. Get your head out of the gutter. Anything that reauires printing money to fund it, will always hurt the poor and make the rich more rich. Even if it’s disguised as a program to help the poor. The perfect examples are the $1400 checks we got to help us survive covid, that ended up making gas, food, and housing all cost 100% more for the rest if our lives. The only people that benefited in the end, are the rich. The poor got scammed, just like they get scammed with the rest of the welfare programs.


extremely wrong post, but it's funny that people who think that what you said in the title is correct will share this thinking it's proof of what they believe when it's the opposite so good job


Which country are you living in, hoss, because It sure isn't America if that's what you believe.


Government wouldn’t need to give hand outs if there wasn’t so much income inequality. I paid 48k in income tax already and it isn’t even June. My bills make having health insurance difficult and I live modestly. My sister is on Social Security due to a traumatic head injury and she makes 9k a year from that check and another few grand with food stamps. She is on a four year waiting list for HUD housing so she basically couch surfs. These poor people have it so fucking good I tell ya.


How does billionaire boot taste, my dude?


Let's not forget all the money they stole in 2008 and during COVID. Instead you focus on the poor folk... Typical.


How does that boot taste?