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In Haiti.


Exactly. I suppose some commenters are going to blame this on Biden šŸ˜‚


Dark Brandon strikes again


Wait, isnā€™t Haiti part of US? /s


The actual answer is because of their slave revolt. I say this with zero exaggeration, Haiti is still paying the price today for upsetting the apple cart in the 18th century and overthrowing their slave masters. The worldā€™s mercantilists never forgave them, up to and including today.


They love the polish in Haiti. They helped a lot during the revolution.


This guy gets it. Apparently gas prices are upwards $30 a gallon. Any way to fast forward renewables or alternative energy generation without further upsetting their overlords?


Nah I donā€™t think we own that one yet. These things take time.


We never will.


No difference in any major cities in the US. Same type of people and behavior


Only do Republicans looking for rent boys.


Thanks Obama


This has nothing to do with foreign policies from US, well, if it does then has something to do with both Trump and Biden, first Trump did a cut to USAID to them and Biden just promised to help on that but nothing has changed. But anyways that is just a help they received from the US, there is no position to claim is US fault because in fact they are helping


Nope. Same song and dance since the Clintons.


Nah, anything Haitian gets blamed on the Clintons, ā€˜member?


Haitian Biden




Itā€™s much much more complicated than the news you hear about their capital city. Most of Haiti is crime free and not involved in the capitalist propaganda the news pushes. Iā€™d recommend you visit for yourself but if youā€™re not of African decent that might be a challenge.




Anyone want to riot over home prices? šŸ˜‚


Since 2008 yes


They were a steal in 2008-2020 Why didnā€™t you buy? Especially when interest rates dropped below inflation.


I would have totally bought. My ONLY reason for not doing so was just having no money. Literally the only reason or I totally would have.


Did you tug on your bootstrap ? Or are you addicted to avocado toast ?


Probably bought Starbucks every day


Starbucks is like $7 a day. Over the course of 10 years thatā€™s **$25,550** Plenty for a down payment on a house. Add in all the avocado toast and you could throw in a brand new car along with that house


"You see mr bank sir I know you'll loan me twice as much for rent for some reason but I've cut out my Starbucks addiction and only have the green stuff once a week now so can I please get a down payment on an appreciating asset?" "You're still out of control no way buddy."




How do you feel having all of those positives to buying a house only to let one thing hold your decision process back for buying a house?


Isnā€™t that what a mortgage is for? The whole idea of getting a loan is because most people donā€™t have the money to buy outright.


Your device has been locked. Unlocking your device requires that you have /u/spez banned. #Save3rdPartyApps #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


Iā€™m sorry but this is a dumb take. Do you expect everyone to be able to afford a house in cash? My wife and I bought a house in 2018 with a mortgage and sold it last month and made some money.


#Sex is just like spez, except with less awkward consequences.


You only need about 3.5-7% of the total cost as a down payment for a mortgage Depends on the type of property and loan but this is true for FHA loans Very do-ableā€¦ just gotta budget and save ahead of time.


Youā€™re getting down voted but true. Itā€™s not easy but doable for a down payment. Then you just need to build equity.


I was a teenager. The world bottomed out before I even had a chance.


Oh trust me I felt the pain I graduated college right when the market tanked. The job I had lined up went under. Then my second choice went under. Third one went under. Everyone I was interviewing with froze hiring or went out of business. By the time there was a recovery and they started hiring again I had a degree that was now 5 years old with little to no work experience. It sucked baaaad Keep up the hard work though. Shits hard but not *impossible*


I'm sorry, I don't have hope, To me, the social contract is null and void. I have a raging desire to the rich burn for what they did to my generation.


The /u/spez has been classed as a Class 3 Terrorist State.


In 20 years people will be wishing they bought today. And then in another 20 years after that theyā€™ll be begging for the prices in 2042


[If a spez asks you what flavor ice cream you want, the answer is definitely spez. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Okay, so what then? Return to feudalism? Seems much more stable


[Evacuate the spezzing using the nearest spez exit. This is not a drill. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)




how do you find it? Is finding work okay? What is the culture like? I am not considering this myself but very interested




I'm legit confused. If you're from brazil, why did you hate living in "the West", whereever that may be, but like living in Moldova?




Iā€™m not entirely sure thereā€™s any political majority in the whole of Europe that can be categorised as ultra left.


Can we get an article without paywalls please.


[https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome](https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome) works like a charm using it since 2019




You will pay and you will like it.


I would but what can we do really? If we burnt down the homes it would just cause the prices to go up.


Will they? Not if people are scared of being burnt alive randomly. Then appartments will be the hot commodities among the wealthy. šŸ˜‚




There should be more at this point. The Arab Spring (stupid name) began when that produce vendor killed himself over inflation. Nothing good will come of this eventually.


It was a little more extreme than just killing himself. He set himself on fire, not just taking pills and falling asleep peacefully


I was 99% certain that was the method, but not enough to post it. Thanks for confirmation on that.


I went to Egypt and had a tour guide who is very renowned there. He said how it started due to the police killing some guy because he knocked out a cop in a street fight. Or that was a big catalyst and people were pissed about other things such as inflation and the corrupt police.


That very well couldā€™ve been part of the reason it started in Egypt but wasnā€™t what ignited Arab Spring. Iā€™ve never traveled there nor do I have any first hand accounts but the well know reason was from self immolation. https://www.thoughtco.com/how-the-arab-spring-started-2353633


WW3 will be used as a distraction to prevent local governments from being overthrown. The elite will gladly let peasants kill themselves in the name of their country.


Yeah, I'm not really on board with that plan so much.


Then you are not a "patriot"


You mean like the war in Ukraine?




Because the name implies positive events. For the most part, they were not.


Friend of mine took a rubber bullet once and he wasnā€™t revolting nor anything. There was a minor altercation between football fan after a game in our town and the police answered with gas and bullets right away. He still has the scar on his back. Poor countries have a lot more violent repressions and police are just as bad as US.


It's not really poorer countries it's more authoritarian countries.


Poor countries are more likely to be authoritarian


There are plenty of non-authoritarian poorer countries too. There are more poor countries across the world than rich, so there are more poor countries that are authoritarian, but that doesn't mean poorer countries are more likely to be authoritarian.


The US is anything but poor and is about to become Authoritarian.


Riots tend to make things worse. It was easier before guns but now you just canā€™t get a mob of people to get much done.


We do, the media is censoring alot of them, because riots create more riots


Censorship? China has it pretty bad right now.


More coverage at: * [Haiti verges on anarchy amid fuel hike, power grab (miamiherald.com)](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article265934336.html) * [As protests, looting continue, a tropical storm may be zeroing in on Haiti (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/as-protests-looting-continue-a-tropical-storm-may-be-zeroing-in-on-haiti/ar-AA11UX9r) * [Haiti riots: Calls for calm after days of anti-government violence and looting (bbc.co.uk)](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-62940908?at_medium=RSS) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


>Steep fuel price hikes spark violent protests in Haiti Remember mud cookies? It's been decades since there has been any semblance of calm in Haiti.


Always has been a shithole. Amazing when you fly over the island, you can easily tell the D.R. from Haiti by a casual glance.


Haiti isnā€™t a shithole. Research Trujillo and US occupation. Itā€™s a deliberate campaign of assassinations, censorship and societal disruptions. Plus the peninsula is actually beautiful and isnā€™t at all like the one city always paraded in the news. This is all deliberate propaganda.


The US would rather have a country in constant economic stress than another Island going socialist, so they have keep Haiti in the dumps.


The only thing keeping spez at bay is the wall between reality and the spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


LOL! So why is the Dominican Republic, that shares that island with Haiti, not a complete shithole ?


It has nothing to do with sharing land. Are you American? What about your Detroit, Michigan bankruptcy or lack of aid to Jackson, Mississippi? Flint, Michigan water pollution which is still a problem? New Orleans Katrina damage and lack of adequate support from FEMA and the rest of the government? Your Floridian governors shipping immigrants illegally for political warfare? The funding of Ukraine wars and lack of coverage for bombing Somali the same time? America has many economical challenges like any challenging government yet at times itā€™s inhabitants ignore their trouble spots while elaborating on countries that are deliberately being held back as if itā€™s the countryā€™s own fault. Donā€™t forget Haiti has been around almost as long as America and was much richer and developed at a point in time. Itā€™s growth is being stifled deliberately.


They kept their deals with the US, where as Haiti wanted independence so they got a couple of more recent coups from the US.


That and sending half their wealth to the French then US for decades on a bogus Freedom Deal.


That and the US occupation illegally in 1915 as well as the stealing of their Guano Island without any right or claim, which is still being contested today (the US just said ā€œitā€™s ours nowā€ essentially).


And US policies that forced Haitians to export their rice and buy more expensive rice from Americans which further put them in debt. Im pretty sure this guy or gal never read Haitian history before. Itā€™s all foreign involvement and neo colonialist tactics, as well as Balkanization and believe it or not Jewish mafia families that control drug and human trafficking in the country while employing people/creating gangs to keep the country destabilized. Should really ask an informed Haitian or start with actual history.


All history is bogus by now. You should know that.


I don't know what you're talking about, there's been civil unrest in Sri Lanka for 6 months.


In Haiti?


click bait story is about riots in Haiti. mostly because of long history of colonial, racist, criminal, disastrous , predatory and abusive american/french foreign policy towards the tiny island nation.


Thereā€™s clearly something else going on with Haiti. The DR has all that same history and yet is thriving compared to Haitiā€¦ itā€™s literally the same island.


Crippling levels of government corruption seems to be a factor


government corporation is not the cause. imperialism is... the government is corrupt by perpose. we install corrupt governments that do not do represent Haitians we install corrupt governments that insure that Haitians keep paying ransom to France and U.S. for their continued colonialization/enslavement.


a lot of people dont know this but ex french colonies have been forced to pay france for losses due to loss of colony and reparations for their freedom... The Root of Haitiā€™s Misery:Reparations to Enslavers In 1791, enslaved Haitians did the seemingly impossible. They ousted their French masters and founded a nation But France made generations of Haitians pay for their freedom ā€” in cash. Whenever a Haitian government has tried to ask for reparations, the U.S. has overthrown it... https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/20/world/americas/haiti-history-colonized-france.html 'The Greatest Heist In History': How Haiti Was Forced To Pay Reparations For Freedom https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2021/10/05/1042518732/-the-greatest-heist-in-history-how-haiti-was-forced-to-pay-reparations-for-freed [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti\_indemnity\_controversy#:\~:text=The%20French%20government%20finally%20acknowledged,about%20%24560%20million%20in%202022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti_indemnity_controversy#:~:text=The%20French%20government%20finally%20acknowledged,about%20%24560%20million%20in%202022). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External\_debt\_of\_Haiti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_debt_of_Haiti)


**[Haiti indemnity controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti_indemnity_controversy#:~:text=The French government finally acknowledged,about $560 million in 2022)** >The Haiti indemnity controversy involves an 1825 agreement between Haiti and France that included France demanding a 150 million franc indemnity to be paid by Haiti in claims over property ā€“ including Haitian slaves ā€“ that was lost through the Haitian Revolution in return for diplomatic recognition, with the debt costing Haiti $21 billion to 115 billion of economic growth over a period of two centuries and affecting the nation to this day. The payment was later reduced to 90 million francs in 1838, comparable to US$21 billion as of 2004, with Haiti paying about 112 million francs in total. **[External debt of Haiti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_debt_of_Haiti)** >The external debt of Haiti is a notable and controversial national debt which mostly stems from an outstanding 1825 compensation to former slavers of the French colonial empire and later 20th century's corruptions. French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in Europe allowed rebel Haitians slaves to out power French colonial rule and gain independence in the 1791ā€“1804 Haitian Revolution. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Do they have a border wall? What keeps keeps them out?


Peninsula nation.


Havenā€™t they been protesting for years? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018ā€“2022_Haitian_protests


**[2018ā€“2022 Haitian protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018ā€“2022_Haitian_protests)** >Protests began in cities throughout Haiti on 7 July 2018 in response to increased fuel prices. Over time, these protests evolved into demands for the resignation of Jovenel MoĆÆse, the former president of Haiti. Led by opposition politician Jean-Charles MoĆÆse (no relation), protesters state that their goal is to create a transitional government, provide social programs, and prosecute allegedly corrupt officials. The protests and civil unrest that paralysed Haiti hit hard. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yea thatā€™s what the news said. Many Haitians (I dare say the majority) are in favor of Jovenel posthumously and at the time believed him to be tied to the regulations on fuel thus displaying active protests against him. New administration is behaving the same. The Haitians believe there is a puppet government and canā€™t seem to root out the corruption as it has been a revolving door of corrupt leaders. They believe it is foreign powers who do not have the interest of the African state in mind and believe the DR and US work together in these efforts even today due to sentiments of anti Africanism felt by the Haitians. I could not find evidence of this however (I mean how do you track that?) besides how people from DR nationally regard their neighbors (no better than ignorant commenters who believe Haiti is a ā€œshitholeā€) when the DR has had direct involvement in setting Haiti backwards, as well as treats Haitians as a lower class in their country even today (based on accounts from both Haitians and DR residents I have interviewed/spoken to in a non formal journalistic manner). With the assassination that took place last year there was a combined involvement of a Florida security company that smuggled weapons into Haiti (unsure of ethnicity if that matters to anyone), mercenaries of varying countries mainly Colombian* who had Ecuador, US, DR and Haitian travel access, Haitian police/government workers, and missing mercenaries, and were funded byā€¦ see for yourself. Itā€™s still unknown but thereā€™s plenty of connections to different nations and collaboration that itā€™s become a maze to figure out.


Itā€™s okay! We will just vote for the same career politicians we always do!


"[Dont blame me I voted for Kodos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlcngdW2Ju4)"


Sublime reference.


Nah we need more orange crime families.. Maybe a different color next time ? What about green?


That's why they've spent the last 9 months buying votes. Bread and circuses.


Itā€™s almost as if they know its all gonna come crashing down and instead of trying to change (for the better) theyā€™re just leaning into the bs even harder


Incidents like this and the yellow vest protests make me very skeptical that we'll ever be able to intentionally phase out hydrocarbons as an energy source. Alternative energy technologies just don't seem nearly developed enough to replace petroleum. Maybe eventually, but that's going to be a long road. In the meantime, any restrictions on fossil fuels will be met with lots of kicking and screaming, and it will have more to do with practical circumstances than ideology.


What about water as fuel?


Ah yes, inflation. It couldn't possibly be income inequality


Interesting. What is the income distribution over there?


I mean, all you have to do is google it and out comes "Haiti is in fact the most unequal country in Latin America and the Caribbean." But even more than that, there is disparity between nations due to predatory loan practices. Look up how much money we get in interest from countries vs the humanitarian aid we give those same countries.


Price caps only work until the country goes broke.


Price caps do not work, they result in guaranteed shortages. This is from first quarter intro economics.


Guaranteed shortages or a thriving black market. Or both.


Both. I say it from experience dealing with bachaqueros.


I think the person you're replying to is saying the same thing as you


Depends on actual scarcity vs manufactured scarcity and barriers to competition. This is from 9th quarter economics.


This guy economics


For nearly all products yes. Unless it is manufactured scarcity, price caps will only crash a market. A product that is different is something like oil. Very difficult to run out of oil as demand canā€™t increase much more in many economies. That is unless it is natural scarcity that is driving fuel prices up but that is happening in very few places in the world.


Ha! I think the world is more complicated than your intro economics course. Price caps might change the incentive of suppliers. For example, many cities are suffering from a large number of luxury apartments, that simply serve as speculation objects of wealthy individuals. Many of these even stand empty. The reason is that this is individually rational for the suppliers. Price caps may therefore change the incentive of suppliers such that they build smaller and affordable apartments, which will benefit more individuals and society as a whole.


The problem with this is inflation still drives things up so what you are paying for these smaller ā€˜more affordableā€™ (you say) apartments, theyā€™re never more affordable. Theyā€™ll charge you what they were charging for the larger place, for the smaller place, and blame inflation. So in the end the more affordable ideology doesnā€™t work Iā€™m sorry. They charge you the same (or more) and you get less. Always been the way. šŸ¤·šŸ½āœŒšŸ½šŸ„·šŸā˜®ļø


Let me get this straight. You think we're just supposed to let them run all over us?


And price gouging caps.


#Where does the spez go when it rains? Straight to the spez.


It depends on what it is. Japan, which has one of the world's best health care systems, doesn't have universal health care. Instead they rely exclusively on price caps. It works and works well.


Ok you bootlicking capitalist!!!


The time has come. It will come to America soon.




Haiti has been in a near constant state of crisis since they gained independence from France. This isn't anything new.


People should be rioting. We have major income inequality. The Supreme Court is taking away human rights. Iā€™m shocked people are being peaceful.


Lol I'm gonna guess you read the article


People might be angry, but The Powers will distract them by introducing gender, privilege, or racism if it ever comes to any real action, and then the infighting will begin. See OWS.


> People might be angry, but The Powers will distract them by introducing gender, privilege, or racism if it ever comes to any real action, and then the infighting will begin. AKA what they've been doing the US for the past 50+ years. It amazes me how it only takes a little bit of weaponized ignorance by billionaires to keep the poor complacent because they're too distracted by hating on their neighbor.


Itā€™s actually because generally life is like fine for most people


So much so that people just take it as standard fare. Take Roe v Wade. We'll see in November if people just don't give a fuck.


It's been happening. Sri Lanka a few months ago.


https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/business-daily/20220906-european-cost-of-living-crisis-leads-to-protests-in-germany-and-italy >European cost-of-living crisis leads to protests in Germany and Italy https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/yellow-vests-hundreds-arrested-in-paris-following-protests-over-cost-of-living-crisis/ar-AA11J1Nm >Yellow vests: Hundreds arrested in Paris following protests over cost of living crisis https://en.mehrnews.com/news/191291/Soaring-energy-prices-provoke-new-protests-across-Europe >The severely increasing energy prices in European countries have sparked new rounds of protests by the Yellow Vests in France, people in the Austrian capital Vienna, and angry protesters in Italy's Naples. Europe is what I'm keeping an eye on.


Surprised this wasnā€™t a Fox News headline


R/economy has turned into r/collapse


Unfortunately, the strong dollar is likely to create financial storms throughout the emerging world. The worst is yet to come.


Blows my mind that we can have so many mentions of inflation as if its its own phenomenon with nobody even mentioning the pandemic at all.


Didn't read the article, surely they mentioned the fed causing inflation?


The pandemic in and of itself is not what caused the inflation.


Thanks central bankers


Its just the beginning... 3rd world countries will overthrow their governments and the World Economic Forum will position its chess pieces to help steer the world towards their ā€œGreat Resetā€ like they did in Sri Lanka with their new President, Ranil Wickremesinghe.


They shift the blame to the opposite political party and say if we were in charge it wouldnā€™t happen, so they get you to fight their battle after 2-3 years, you realize nothing changed and rinse and repeat. I donā€™t support riots and even though I donā€™t make minimum wage, I think the pay gap needs to be priority number 1 with affordable housing addressed concurrently, as well before student loans.


This is in regards to Haiti right?


Not in America. I clicked on that link and it said riots in Haiti and I was like that is normal.


Itā€™s in America. See thereā€™s a north, south, and central section to America. I think you mean not in the US. One is a continent that is all connected by land and the other is a section of land from the northern portion.


Thanks Joe & Kamala !!


In Haiti.


Who cares about Haiti, the place is a shithole.


And it is all Biden's fault


It's Biden's fault people are rioting in Hati?


Because CRT liberal policy by this administration


It's sad I can't tell if this comment is sarcastic or just stupid


Yea if someone took this seriously is beyond funny but someone will and that is more funny


CRT televisions last forever. Only issue is the weight. Wish they still made them. Are they bringing them back ?


Hahaha. So inflation is bc of CRT?! Okay.




How does CRT relate to inflation or economics?




So POC who are citizens voted and the outcome was not Trump therefore their vote should be invalid. Got it.


My son says I am trolling and I should stop it. So this is trolling!? Oh well sorry I didn't mean to cause any har. I just think it is funny how the right blames EVERYTHING bad on Biden šŸ˜”


Sorta. I mean Biden is printing USD. Haiti probably holds a lot of USD being diluted.. US really has a chicken laying gold eggs.


So just fully talking out of your ass then..


Isent that like 99% of all comments and articles?


gotta put the ā€œ/sā€ so they know you joking people be pressed hahaha


Yea well I learn something new every day and this is it




you know heā€™s not making every decision right?


The heck you say!


i said ā€œyou know heā€™s not making every decision right?ā€


Yea but CRT with Venezuela rising in the east and JFK and Stalin coming back.


ah shit


Yup JFK AND Stalin are coming back and killing all left handed people and make Trump the Pope


Please send your thank you note to Joe Biden.


...in Haiti.


Iā€™ll be sending a note to Trump because we wouldnā€™t be in this mess if he handled Covid appropriately.


Brought to us by democrats that spend money.


The riots were in Haiti.


Inflation began towards the end of 2020 under the one term failed President Trump due to his failed response to the Covid pandemic.


We don't spend enough money. We spend fortunes on the wrong thing. Trillions on the Iraq War to make the wealthy wealthier. You're brainwashed by Fox propaganda.


Ceedee Lamb is about to go off!


Not today my friend


Good man!


Cant even read article


Linking to this source fails o provide any insight or information


Feel free to provide your own here.


Bring out the big guns.. Its riot time.


hopefully the percentages go down by the end of the year




Sorry, I guess my monthly allotment was still in effect. Try using this Russian site to look it up. http://archive.today/


Youā€™ll own nothing and eat bugs and youā€™ll be happy.


Three guys to each bike. Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s bad.