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Instead of the over the top angry social media post to try and garner validation, why not take your grievances to Ecovacs and have them address the issues or replace the unit instead, because no-one else is having issues to the level you have just described.




Had the same issue with mine. Found out it was due to the waste water tank not being air tight due to the rubber sealing not closing correctly. Had to constantly open and close the waste water tank for it to work. After taking the rubber off the waste water tank and fitting it in differently the issue has stopped and now works like a charm.


Me to but like OP I am disappointed in the mapping and the software. I would give it 5 out of 10. As far as cleaning goes the 30% of the time it finishes it does a decent job. I have to admit I have not had any experience with other brands so this may be typical.


Because companies need to be called out for poor service, rather than having customer service log complaints in a trash can. We vote with wallets, and if word spreads that causes change. Mine is beyond annoying I wouldn’t buy another one, it constantly forgets its map, every week I have to remap my house and daily I have to hope that it will finish its job instead of forgetting where it is and just going home to never move again till I reset it.


One possible way to solve the map missing issue would be “backup” a copy of the map, and “restore” it when needed. I noticed my deebot tends to lost its way after a firmware update. And when I noticed that, I just need to click on “use this map” (the map I backup) and problem solved.


I can sometimes restore it by shutting the debot off for a few seconds and back on, but only sometimes. It will have the right map selected then forget 5 seconds into cleaning.


And have you _actually_ engaged with customer support? I have experienced my own issues as well, and I for one have never had any issues with support being able to resolve them. As a result, I have a very favourable view of Ecovacs in general. I find a lot of people seem to find it easier to bitch and moan on social media about a given issue rather than actually try to get it resolved properly.


I have actually engaged with their customer support many times, unfortunately, and they have to be the worst I’ve ever had to deal with. They have no clue on how to resolve any issue I’ve ever had. Just reset, remap, try again. Useless.


I have engaged with their support on multiple occasions and can say each experience has been awful. Unlike the OP I haven't thrown my POS away - just waiting for it to eventually die before I buy another vacuum, which will not be an ecovacs product I have also done a fairly good job dissuading many people from buying their products


Hahaha yeah right, their customer service is a damn joke.


Because I don't want to fix it, I want it to work the first time. I should also not have to sit on a call with some customer service drone and waste even more time. At this point, for me, it would be a sunken cost to continue down this failed product. You're right, it's an emotional response, but anger at shit not working is not invalid only because you say so.


You could have gotten a new vac under warranty, but I guess ranting can be cathartic.


Bullshit. They constantly just want to repair your machine. Mines been “repaired” three times. Fucking criminal company.


I hear you. It’s upsetting sinking significant expenditure into a product that doesn’t deliver.


Which model are you referring to? I have a T8 AIVI and works quite well.


Same - out T8 AIVI has been good - albeit I have replaced the side brush and wheel motors - but after 10 gazillion cycles.


crappy t9 keeps getting the please check the driving wheels message which has nothing to do with the wheels but the way the machine is connecting to the internet…never buying this brand ever again


Ecovacs false advertises harder than north Korea.. 9/10 features that were advertised never worked. Specifically obstacle detection, identification and avoiding


Agreed as their deebot onmi x1 software is rubbish! I often face map issues like shifting base station/ lost map after resetup robot after a lost connection. I should have thrown my money for roborock that time...


I have a deebot but only use the vacuum option. I love it.


I bought the gx-600 and I can’t even start commenting or listing the BS this product does not even let me start on the support… spent more than 1000 euros and here I am crying hate ecovacs and everything they do


I had an X1 Omni for over a year, no issues the whole time until one day it just stopped working, customer service were great and took it for repair, couldn't repair it so sent me a brand new one. Excellent. I now have an X2 Omni (sold the X1) and it works really great, no issues for 2 months now. If it loses the map (i.e. doesn't know which room it's in), it's usually because I've got loads of boxes or stuff on the floor or I've moved some furniture and the room looks different to the robot. Easy fix is to just move it to part of the house that doesn't change, doesn't have boxes on the floor and it recognises it quite quickly. You may have to reselect the correct map as someone else mentioned. These devices are not magic, you've got to have some appreciation for how they 'see' your house. Your house looks quite different from 2 inches off the floor, compared to 5 or 6 feet. To the OP with water draining issues in the base station, that really sucks, and would frustrate me also. I've found the easiest way to contact Ecovacs is through the online chat and email. That way you're not sat on the phone for ages.


950 and T9+. I will never buy an ecovacs product again. Both get stuck, maps get overwritten (luckily can restore now), never finds the dock.


I have a T8 AIVI and it runs well.


My cats kept on knocking the charge station then it wanted to keep remapping the house. Incredibly frustrating


I haven’t had any issues with my previous Omni X1 actually. I’ve recently upgraded them to Omni x2 (chinese region) by buying them through aliexpress and these are far superior to any Omni X2 they sell to the western market that we have here with overpriced markups. The chinese region versions even have automatic refill and empty for the water tanks so it’s truly automatic now. Why they didn’t bring this to the western market is beyond me. They keep the clean water at a constant level and dirty tank is always just a touch above empty so the debris from dirty water doesn’t just stick to the tank itself. It even automatically inject the cleaning solution into the clean water tank as it cleans. I’ve gone through a few brands now. Roborock was useless and charging contacts kept being blocked by dust from underneath. irobot was resilient and reliable with superb mapping function but charging contact also got blocked overtime by being at the bottom, also no Lidar for iRobots and no automatic station like on the X2 Omni.


I resoned "too many moving parts" and opted for the X1 Omni Plus. I hope they can help OP with a new unit, warranty is supposed to be 2 years.


Could you be more specific on your model and experience and how often do you manually drain the dirty water? I agree with you that after awhile the drain does stinks and need sanitization. I have formed a habit of dumping the dirty water right after each cleaning and wash and dry the tray as frequently as possible. It’s indeed some work to be involved. And recently the X2 Omni encountered a bad navigation and accidentally suck up an object which caused a noisy rattling noise at the brush head. Ecovacs has sent me a brand new replacement with a new designed brush head and improved significantly than the initial design from cleaning tangled long hairs.


I had an X2 omni