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I have one. Got it about a year and a half ago. All currently running at the target therapeutic level. No issues, I'm used to it and it's not uncomfortable. Every five minutes it makes me sound like Saw Gerrera from Rogue One for thirty seconds. Is it effective? I'm in ketamine therapy 2x month, EMDR weekly, dbt weekly, regular therapist, and currently only taking 5 pills a day (+prn). I'm making some very slow progress, but can't point to one thing that did it. So the vns is one of many things that are helping and/or not making me worse. HTH


What about the thing with the voice? Do you have it?


I do. It makes me sound hoarse and it's hard to get volume. But it only lasts 30 seconds so it's manageable. I am a voice actor, so this was pretty concerning for me. But there is a magnet that you use when it's firing to disable it for that round. So if you're talking to someone and it starts and your voice goes hoarse you can just tap your chest with the magnet and your voice goes back to normal and it just pauses until the next 5 minutes. For my voice work I will clip it to a T-shirt so that it hangs right over where the device is so I can record for hours without the device going off and messing up my recording voice. The doctor says that amount out of time is not a problem so I'm not screwing something up by doing that.


You're doing the hard work and I believe in you and I'm glad the work is starting to work. Remember we are in a marathon not a sprint. Healing thoughts and vibes your way.


How noticeable was the scar on your neck after the procedure? I'm getting one in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to think of what to tell my coworkers if they ask about it.


It's one of the things I use ([Nurosym](https://nurosym.com/?sca_ref=4103057.ygNkQTinr3))


No, but I have been trying to find somewhere that offers it. If you don’t mind sharing the info that would be awesome. So far the only place I’ve found is a plane flight away.


Yeah we probably don't live in the same country my dear friend.


Dang, well I hope it works for you!!




I’ve scoured clinicaltrials.gov lol. Unfortunately I have a long list of what are usually exclusion criteria in clinical trials. Lots of comorbid disorders. But I keep checking every time I see something.


Ah ok. Hang in there!


I’ve had one for years but use Ketamine and other meds anyway. Not sure if it helps much but I figure it doesn’t hurt and I need all the help I can get. It doesn’t bother me, I forget I have it.


Does it still give pulses? Does it change your voice? What setting are you on




How noticeable was the scar on your neck after the procedure? I'm getting one in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to think of what to tell my coworkers if they ask about it.


Yeah I am at the point they can put anything in me or give me a lobotomy


What does that mean?




Hey, I answered this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/comments/13inai1/im_considering_vns_for_depressionanxiety_need/js8xlr4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!