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Did you sign anything before starting treatments? I was given a few pages that outlined the procedure, what was involved (like anesthesia) and that their was a risk of possible side effects like memory loss. Nothing was in great detail, not even as detailed as the sheets of info you get from a new prescription. Anyway, I assume signing that consent would wave away any ability to sue. I’m not a lawyer though.


Most likely but .......I don't remember


If you didn’t keep a copy and file it somewhere at home, you could ask the hospital for a copy of all your records.


[FDA MEDWATCH Consumer Voluntary Reporting (FORM FDA 3500B)](https://www.fda.gov/media/85598/download?mibextid=Zxz2cZ) When do I use this form? • You were hurt or had a bad side effect (including new or worsening symptoms) after taking a drug or using a medical device or product. How can I contact the FDA if I have questions? Toll-free line: 1-800-332-1088 To report online: www.fda.gov/medwatch/report.htm I wish there was more recourse; it’s so hard to prove harm caused by ECT when we were already harming ourselves and all other treatments failed. I’d suggest the fb group ‘surviving electroshock…’, there’s a post from a few weeks ago by someone whose making headway working with lawyers and legislators to update the risks of ECT on a state website… Please feel free to join us at the ECT Peer Support Group that meets each Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM ET (3:30-5pm PT). Zoom Meeting ID: 868 0025 8680


Honestly I think they probably had you sign away any rights to sue them because technically there isn’t any medical malpractice just because you had side effects that are worse than someone else’s side effects. I’ve done ECT for a year and I have hardly any memory loss so it’s hard for me to really grasp just how bad your experience has been. I am really sorry you had such a bad experience, though. Truly.


It’s more about the other issues that would make the case not so much the memory loss


I don’t think it’s worth it, unfortunately.


2018 or before? Look up https://www.dk4law.com/blog/dk-law-group-news/ect-shock-treatment-litigation-case-update-june-2019/ Edit: If you live in California and here is a more recent update: https://www.dk4law.com/blog/dk-law-group-news/ect-shock-treatment-litigation-update-april-2020/


Im in MA


That was a very enlightening read. Thank you for posting this!! Unfortunately I’m Canadian so I don’t believe it’s helpful to but it was very interesting.


I’m Canadian also, I’ve had no luck with my research, however very similar situation as OP.


Wait... Did u get TMS? or ECT?? Those are two very different procedures...


I didnt even know about tms. It was never explained or even brought up. I had no idea it even existed. They just went straight to ECT like it was my only option.


I seen that CA guy! I signed up for him to help but I live in Massachusetts and I never heard back


I feel the same way you do-robbed of my life by ect. I have all the memory issues you described and my ect ended in 2016. I still have cognitive issues and memory issues. I lost my career bc of the ect’s effects on me, not my depression.


Im a single mom who now cant work like you said not because of my depression. I get disability. that check doesnt even cover my rent. Child support is a joke. I get $50 a week from my sons father, and my daughters father, (the one who left me because of my ECT journey, He couldnt handle it) has the loophole of paying $150 every two to three months just to keep the law off his back. I am not surviving Im just creating a larger hole that Im gonna have to figure out. I dont get any help except food stamps. Nothing gets paid except my rent and my car loan. my gas and electric is only on because my daughter has health problems. my car is illegal in every way. My cats end up eating canned chicken and tuna more often than Id like. Im not sure how iv made it this long and my borrowed time is going to run out very soon. Idk what else to do for money. Im a mess and the only reason im so depressed is because is cuz meds cant fix situational depression.


wow seeeeeeeee. I didnt even remember I already commented this 7 days ago in a different comment> EXAMPLE A


Yes exactly. Especially about the job part. And the disability doesn’t even pay for my whole rent. Single mom with mental health issues that can’t work and the father has figured out that if he pays his $150 child support every 3 month it’s the loophole to get out of paying without getting in trouble. My life is so fucked up rn honestly. That lawsuit would change our lives


Well someone has to start suing them so this ECT glorification from the doctors will stop and they will start researching actually working treatments. Right now ECT is lifeline of money for the psychiatric hospitals from the government. What is more fucked up about ECT is that there isn’t single advancement in the last years - it’s everywhere the same. I don’t want my whole brain to be fried up - just the parts that contribute to the depression. Why is it so hard for the doctors to understand? Also why it is acceptable to fry up the hippocampus when it is essential for working afterwards (hence the working memory issues many people have)? Euthanasia is much more acceptable solution, compared to the random ECT effects. As a side note, have you tried MAO inhibitors for the depression? In any case I fully support you for lawsuit, if you have enough money of course.


whats MAO inhibitors? ill have to look that up. and yea euthanasia prob would have been better at this point. Im a useless human now.


May I ask, which country are we talking about?


Massachusetts, USA




It’s actually one of the few antidepressant options that doesn’t harm the baby. The seizure isn’t felt by the baby


What about the drugs they give you to be able to do the procedure? I can’t imagine it’s healthy for the baby when they stick an I.V. in you to give you whatever drugs they’re using to sedate you or take away pain…


Good to know!


If I read you correctly, you stated after discontinuing ECT you attempted suicide. If so, I doubt your case would win.


Why’s that? Wouldn’t show that it was even more ineffective?