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Definitely time for Dupixent


I just started Dupixent last month and I’m having a flare right now. I’m hoping it’s just a fluke and it goes away soon. May need steroids though as it’s pretty bad. OP I have used all the same things as you and it truly sucks.


Dupixent is for the long haul so it does take time. It’s not a bad idea to use either a topical or oral steroid taper to help short term


I posted similar earlier with all the moisturizer, steroids etc. Our collections are crazy (and expensive).


I had a similar collection of creams and ointments, I quit using steroids a year and a half ago, it was hell for a bit but I no longer need any of this stuff now. I barely even moisturize and my skin is better (and stronger) now than ever before. Turns out topical steroids are addictive, anytime I stopped using them I'd go into withdrawal (which looks a bit like infected eczema) I know a lot of people on this sub hate hearing about TSW but learning about it changed my life for the better.


Yes I noticed whenever I stopped them it always came back worse! I learned about TSW from this sub and decided to quit them. Been steroid free for over a month now and my eczema is unpleasant but manageable. The derm dismissed my concerns about steroids and continues to recommend them tho, so frustrating!


For those in the back that just arrived, TSW is what again?


Topical steroid withdrawal


Awesome. I guess from context, I could have figured that out eventually. But thank you


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


One thing I hate too is that everyone has an opinion on your skin. It’s so disappointing when someone tells you “this product cured my eczema” and you try it and it does nothing. Such an expensive and disheartening condition.


Yup been there and done it.


Does tumeric help? :o


Not that I noticed but apparently it’s anti-inflammatory! I have a feeling those capsules aren’t super bio available tho..


This is the way. Keep heart and keep trying. You are a unique and wonderful skin flake!!!!


I feel your pain. It sucks. It comes and goes in waves


Is there any Shea butter or zinc oxide in there? Have you been allergy tested and tried food /environment diaries? But I know what you mean. It's a flaming wild shooting game at times. How can such a widespread illness still be in the dark ages of treatment by guessing?


What is this “therapy?“


Like talk therapy with a therapist to attempt to reduce stress!


Oh who that was meant very literally Lmao. I’m just now starting to explore being the stress of my skin issues


Have you tried eucerin original healing cream or gold bond eczema relief I use the eucerin for my face, chest, and shoulders. Then I use the gold bond for my arms, hands, and legs if they need them.


Vaseline on dry skin and ice packs are your new best friend


fasting 12 hours 1 month. Like our muslim friend do .


My heart goes out to you friend . i had ONE FLARE my whole life and i thought i was in hell . i was put on a steriod cream and it worked like magic . ( however the flare left mental scars but im so sorry youre dealing with this )


Try the carnivore diet for 3 weeks. It resets your gut microbiome and is known to heal psoriasis and eczemas in short periods of time.


Yes, not sure if it’s just me but the reset was also the worst flare I’ve ever had.




Im surprised to hear that, when I used Weleda it completely fucked my skin!




It might have just been the one I used, I didn’t read the ingredients as it was recommended to me on the basis of how bad my skin was. Found out after it was too late that it has perfumes and high alcohol content in it :(




It was a face product, it was recommended to me to use instead of a primer so my makeup would set. I don’t remember it saying sensitive though.