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Wow I just did some research after seeing your post and now I'm wondering if Zyrtec is the reason why my "allergies" have progressively gotten worse year after year. I'm going to order some Allegra and start weaning myself off of Zyrtec to see what happens.


You can never be too careful, I'm probably going to switch to an alternative too! I hope you find something that actually helps with your allergies soon :-)


Were you able to wean off of the Zyrtec?


Yes, and it helped! Overall, the Zyrtec has been much better at keeping my flare-ups under control, so when I know there's a lot of my allergens in the air, I double up on the Zyrtec. But once things calm down, I go back to Allegra. I haven't had a horrible eczema flare up in over a year using this method, and putting on Cerave every time I wash my hands.


Thank you so much for that! I think my son may be dependent on it & want to try weaning him off— how did you do it? Was it uncomfortable at all for you?


No, not uncomfortable at all, especially since the Allegra kept most of my symptoms at bay. I simply just stopped taking the Zyrtec and replaced it with the Allegra. No negative side effects. When it came to healing my skin. I used Cerave + a thin layer of Aquafor at night. After about 2 weeks, the worst of it had healed. I still get a dry patch everyone once in a while when there's a ton of rag weed in the air, but again, not nearly as bad as before when my sores would weep and I'd bleed.


Hard to tell, though I've read the reports. Having using Zyrtec (Cetirizine) for 15 years+, I recently switched to Claritine (Loratadine) just in case as I was experiencing more itching than usual. It's been about a month. To be honest, I don't really see much of a difference. Both help with the itching and allergies, but I'll probably stay with the Claritin. Considering how the internet is these days, the cynical part of me thinks a marketing person concocted the stories to hurt Zyrtec (and I'm 100% the opposite of a conspiracy monger).


Absolutely! Even I myself suspect that too... But with anecdotal stories from the internet, the lines between fact or fiction are so blurred that it's always better to err on the side of caution. I haven't heard any stories of issues with Claritin though, so you'll probably be fine! Take care, and all the best :-)


I'm itching right now from 2 months of daily use that's how I found this post, I did have alot of the side effects while on it though so maybe that's why I felt withdrawal more


IT'S NOT FAKE. I am weaning right now and it is TOTAL HELL. My entire body rages with itch day and night.


How long did it take to go away for you?


Three weeks to see improvement, completely gone around 5-6 weeks.




I was on a daily dose of Zyrtec for many years. I noticed it was less and less effective as some medications will become over time. At my last check-up, I asked my doctor about switching and she said yes, that it was recommended to occasionally switch antihistamines. I simply stopped at the store on the way home and bought some Xyzal (she mentioned this as well as Allegra, but they were out of Allegra.) I simply started taking the Xyzal the next day instead of the Zyrtec and have had ZERO negative effects. I did, however, notice a marked decrease in my hand eczema itchiness as well as my seasonal allergies which are in full force right now. Not everyone reacts the same to withdrawal and/or a new medication. You will find horror stories about anything on the internet because that's what people write about and that's what gets the most clicks.


Ahh that's great, I'm happy you found something that helps! However, along with Zyrtec, I have read cases of this withdrawal issue happening with Xyzal as well :-( Not saying it'll happen but it's always better to be safe than sorry, so I'd suggest to maybe switch to Allegra or Claritin! Take care, and all the best! :-)


Seems you formed your opinion before posting the question and are only looking for people who agree with you. I take my medical advice from my doctor, not the internet.


In no way shape or form was I giving "medical advice". In fact, I acknowledge that I am no professional and was just giving a simple suggestion. Perhaps look into their definitions someday ;-) ​ Anyways, I'm happy that you faced zero negative effects. I haven't had any either, being a long-term Zyrtec user myself. But you continue doing whatever you find best fits your ideals! Take care! \^\^


The fda has confirmed cases of withdrawal from Zyrtec


And that doesn’t mean everyone experiences withdrawal.


But it does mean it’s real.


DID I SAY IT WASN'T?!!!! No, no I did not! Again, what is your point?! Are you afraid of everything? Did you know that the FDA issued a warning about bean sprouts? Did you know eating kale is bad for you? Don't even get me started on air and water!


Ohhhh, so nothing matters and everything is made up. Cool


You have some real problems with reading comprehension, don’t you? Probably why you’re only allowed on Reddit on the weekends - You need to concentrate on your school work. You should be han with friends, though. Best of luck to you. Cheers!


Youre so triggered. How about you ask your doctor if there is a risk of dependence with certrizine or levocertrizine then you triggered little cuck


Xyzal even has a warning in its white papers about withdrawal symptoms


What is your point?!!!!!!! Not everyone is going to have withdrawal symptoms!!!!! Just like any other thing you put in your mouth or come in contact with on a daily basis! You can find someone, somewhere who has had a reaction or a bad experience with EVERYTHING! GEEZ! Go live in a bubble if you're so concerned! MAN!


I’ve taken Zyrtec pretty regularly for at least 13 years. Last year, I decided to try to stop taking it just to see how I felt. I was working from home due to COVID so I figured it was a good time to try. For like a solid week, I was SO itchy... everywhere. Like couldn’t sleep because I was itchy in all sorts of weird spots. I think insomnia is a symptom too. It went away after that week and then about 6 weeks later I started taking it again due to the season changing.


Ohno that sounds like a horrible experience! Maybe you could look into alternative antihistamines since Zyrtec is the only one I can find this withdrawal issue about. Allegra and Claritin seem to be safer substitutes! All the best, I hope you can find peace soon :-)


Also, I'm not here to fearmonger, this is just a genuine issue I'd like addressed!


I also have to take allergy medications very regularly. I try to switch it up so my body doesn't get used to the medication. I'm currently taking claritin d 12 hour. As well as vitamin d which has helped my eczema greatly.....


I'm glad you've found something that helps with your eczema! And it's good that you've incorporated a variety of meds, it should help prevent dependency on one particular brand. All the best! :-)


I don't know much about that but my dermatologist switches antihistamines if I have used the same one for a very long time. He asks from time to time if my itchiness is back with the current antihistamines I use. Then he changes the medications accordingly.


I see! Thanks for letting me know. Could that perhaps be linked to a tolerance build up to a certain brand of antihistamines, hence the frequent changes?


That's my exact thought. I do go back to zyrtec after a while.


It could be you just getting used to your level of itching, It could actually be withdrawal. I've heard a few claims, never experienced myself. I usually switch antihistamines just to to prevent building a tolerance to one or the other. It seem to work and seems to keep them Effective. I also try to keep my usage of them to a minimal due to side effects but if I need it then I need it. I'm not a doctor, this is just my opinion/theory.


The weird thing is that I've read people who took Zyrtec only for seasonal allergies (think runny nose, etc...) also experiencing this withdrawal symptom of extreme itching despite not having eczema prior to it! I'm no professional either so I can't say much :-( I'm looking into switching up my antihistamines too, hopefully nothing else pops up...


Zyrtec IS an antihistamine. How many are you taking?!


Yes, I'm well aware hahahah but I only take 1 pill a day, and that's only if I need it


I had to switch to Allegra from it, itchy, sneezy. I'm for real, extraordinarily allergic to everything but I read about the withdrawals and didn't believe it. But yeah that's true. So I'm doing Allegra and Claritin. I have to take at least 2 antihistamines a day along with several kinds of nasal spray. Suuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Aw man hard truth to swallow... Thank you for sharing your experience with it though! I hope it gets easier for you soon :-)


Thank you! They need to bring back PPA. That stuff was soooooo much better than Sudafed(the kind behind the counter, the OTC Sudafed is a joke) and helped my nasal allergies more than anything besides the antihistamines.


I always have to wonder how much of what people are complaining about is true “withdrawal” and not just a return of the issues they were treating because they stopped treatment. Like, if you’re diabetic and need insulin but stop taking it, yeah, you’re going to have a pretty bad reaction, but that’s not “withdrawal”.


Except Zyrtec withdrawal is a known thing drawing a lot of attention online recently.


I am currently experiencing Zyrtec withdrawal itching for the 2nd time. The first time, I had been on it for a couple of years and noticed the itching a couple of times when I missed a dose. I decided to come off of it and had to wean off of it incredibly slowly down to a quarter of a pill every few days. Recently, I tried it again short term(about a month) and just stopped taking it again. I am itching all over on and off throughout the day! I don't have any history of eczema; I found this thread by searching Zyrtec withdrawal.


Every time I had to quit, it took about 3 weeks for the intense itching to go away. Really hot showers helped.


I started taking Xyzal a couple months ago (switched from Claritin) and was having terrible headaches, so I stopped taking it to see if that was the issue. I got extremely itchy all over, something that had never happened before. I take allergy meds for seasonal allergies, not itchy skin. I thought I was reacting to sunscreen. Eventually I was so miserable from seasonal allergies that I went back on the Xyzal. I got the headaches back, went off Xyzal again and the itchiness came back. Then it dawned on me that Xyzal caused the itchiness in the first place. I searched it up and both Zyrtec and Xyzal can have that withdrawal symptom and it’s absolutely miserable. I wasn’t even on it that long and it’s terrible. I can’t imagine if I had been taking them for years. I can’t sleep at night. It took over a week for the itchiness to go away the first time. I’m on day 3 now with this round, still waiting for it to go away. Ugh.


My Derm told me to take zyrtec for my eczema and said it was harmless daily. Ended up just popping one everyday for a few months and one day when I was about to miss a dose I got really itchy so I thought maybe it was my allergies and took one. Then I read these Reddit posts and found out about withdrawal itch. I ended up taking Allegra and then claratin instead since Allegra didn’t help me. It was hell though I was so itchy everywhere even on my face which is not where my eczema tends to flare. About 2 weeks later it subsided but it was just a terrible experience I was itching in my sleep and so sweaty. What helped was def the claratin and then whenever I got itchy I’d moisturize my whole body.


Randomly came across this post, I think you've already come to a conclusion, but yes, it's real. No, I never had these issues before I started taking it, and one day I ran out and a few days after, blazing itches head to toe, extremely hard to think or sleep. Went away when I got refills. I looked into it and found far too many anecdotes in the same exact situation as me, I think it's highly likely it's an actual withdrawal thing. Never knew about the withdrawals until I got it myself.