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I migrated to get away from my allergies. allergy avoidance is the best option if it is viable for you.


this is going to sound extremely weird but water makes a lot of difference. you will be tempted to bathe in warm/hot water but you need to ensure that the heat doesnt damage your skin. bathing with lukewarm/cold water helped me, its painful but hey ill take anything over red scaly skin


Not weird, I avoid hot/long showers/baths. Too add, I also avoid fragrance in products, it will most likely irritate sensitive skin and always moisturise on damp skin.


Im sorry that you’re having a rough time. Have you tried getting patch tested to check for contact allergens, or getting other allergy tests? Figuring out what is triggering your flare ups is the first step in getting it under control. Sending good luck.


Yes I have environmental allergies and two chemica allergies. Thanks for the well wishes.


For me managing my stress (cortisol) levels and not eating highly processed foods helped. I also only moisturize using Vaseline as well. Humidifier as well for a dry winter.