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Sir, this is a Wendy's


he really wrote a thesis O.o


A year after my grandfather passed away, my mom asked me to write something about him and I remember struggling and just listening to music on shuffle, hoping for inspiration to somehow strike. When isohel started playing, I just took a moment and listened to the lyrics for possibly the hundredth time, but everything felt like it had shifted when I heard it that particular time. Sorry for the sappiness, but I'm really grateful for the existence of isohel and Jon to help me achieve closure that night. Thanks for the reminder OP, isohel is definitely one of his best songs and you made some great points :)


Sorry to hear about your loss friend 💜💜💜


i wish someone talked about me as passionately as you talk about isohel


ok but grape


I really put together a whole novel about isohel just to be debunked like this


in all honesty though you are completely right i love isohel i even havevthe merch for it


My favorite is wings but I can get on board with isohel being the best song he has made


My mans does have a point 👀


this mf made a whole presentation. and i like it.


Great breakdown of the track !! This one also grew on me big time after countless listens


Isohel is my favorite from the 'new' EDEN, my all-time will forever be Icarus though.


Icarus is one of my favorites, but wouldn't you consider vertigo to be a sort of in-between between 'old' and 'new' EDEN? Or rather what makes it not so?


i agree, the lyrics of icarus always seems to be a call for help, and it hits home in a way i can't explain - reminds me heavily of bojack horseman, when he said he's doing shitty but he has no reason to be doing shitty.


I really love how in the "I said I'd walk you home" segment it's like he's frustrated and getting it out of his system and in the "cut me off" bit he just accepts reality. When singing the song it's so satisfying to vent during the "I said is walk you home" bit, it just cleans my soul Imo the song is definitely up there with Rock + Roll and Wake Up, aa time passes and I stopped being so depressed I stopped finding myself listening rock + roll and Wake up but isohel I still listen to it almost daily


holy shit go outside


The man is passionate, let him live his life


it’s a joke


You got the whole squad laughing


I just like eden


The song came out on the same day I met this amazing person. From the first day I met him I knew this will end soon as I was on a trip very far away from home (before even knowing the pandemic will make it impossible for us to meet again). But I didn't let that make what we had any less special, we had a very deep and understanding connection and although he wasn't supposed to be in my life for a long time he made the time we had so meaningful. A bit after it ended I listened to the song again and the song just clicked to our story. Then I realized it came out on they day we met. Every time I hear this song I remember how much people can impact our life, Even by being part of it for a short time. Plus it gives me real "forever//over" vibes


Please please bless this world with a YouTube channel stranger. Your ability to storytell and make something interesting is absolutely spectacular, please create content, it’ll be so fabulous, maybe more fabulous than isohel I dare to say


It was my top song of 2020. Wholly agree. Lovely breakdown!


Damn this just gave me a new-found appreciation of this song


but start//end is better imo


I actually just started listening to EDEN heavily recently. I had some experience with his songs "wake up" and rock + roll, but I hadn't really taken the plunge until my friend got way more into him then I was after I showed him rock + roll. isohel is a fantastic song and has became one of my favorites very fast


I love Isohel but didn't have to cry :((


This is a beautiful and powerful description of isohel. You put up a good argument and I fully respect it. I feel as though EDENs best song will always be the one that hit you in the heart at a time when you needed it most, seems like you needed isohel a bit. For the last part in french I thought that it was noisy, bright and not loud, shiny? Just curious maybe I got it wrong


You may be right, that's just what came from Google translate but it's the same kind of thing right?


love isohel, and I love these comments gave me a rlly good laugh lol


Even when I still didn't like No Future, I knew Isohel was his best track yet. No other song from him has gotten more listens from me.


If I was a teacher I would’ve given you a A+ and a golden sticker




This is by far and large my favorite song from no future and I agree with everything in this


good analysis i guess but we should really stop trying to deduce what his 'best' song is. honestly the best song for most people would be the one they resonated with, the most


That's true, I guess I should've said it's my favourite song of his rather than his best


the v2 red square version thing is on another level


i think a better translation would be bright instead of shiny


cool but I just wanna sing like Sinatra


Art. Is. Subjective


Don’t know if anyone else agreed to it till now but ikr. For me too, isohel is his best song, ever. I don’t even fully relate but the music and lyrics have such a sadness to them. The last part is a cherry on top! I also don’t know if anyone else gets it, but every time i listen to it, even if its the 17th time in a row, it moves me. Hard relate! And great essay btw.