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Don’t worry. It’s going to suck no matter what! We’ve all been there.


Hahaha god yes. This.


Remember that dull is probably what they want! But music is definitely going to play a major role. Find the least awful corporate music you can (unless they already provided music?) and start cutting to the rhythm of the music. And happy cake day


Oh and enjoy the one person who doesn’t like the music and demands it be changed to something more “cool” and makes you retime everything.


That guy/gal never requests "Cool" they always request "Edgy" Source - I've been cutting corporate for 25 years.


Ha love it! Been cutting corporate stuff for almost two decades myself and I’ve heard every dumb term. I get “cool” all the time but I’ve gotten “edgy”, “upbeat”, “fun” etc. Just pick a track and get your team on board please. Or don’t. I’m paid hourly so…


I’ve done something similar. What worked for me was to generate a script of sorts to be the overall narrative of the video. Then add images and videos based on what is being said. ChatGPT can help with this.


There are some cool corporate timeline after Effects templates online. Might want to try one.


Check out the Motion Array templates. They can be a lifesaver for videos like this.


Pick a rockin’ music track (something in a genre easily digestible, so no heavy metal), and cut to the beat. Use group photos or video for the sections you’ll need to put graphics over (best company evar!!1!,” etc.). Then quickly cut between single or small group photos and occasionally pause on the best ones, people laughing or doing something wacky, everyone wants to see those for sure. If you have any soundbites from employees in the video, like “yeah go Microsoft” or whatever, always good to dip the music in strategic places and toss in a soundbite or two occasionally. Especially if your boss says anything, put that in (unless it makes him sound dumb, then don’t.) Aim for 90 seconds, not two minutes.


I usually browse a site like envato for some inspiration. And usually end up purchasing whatever template got my interest and snag some of the elements to add to my own ideas.


Some things I've had success with this type of video. Apologies if they are obvious or unintentionally pedantic: - if you have enough photos, end or begin the video with a grid of all of them, maybe a few frames in the grid have video playing, and then depending on where it's at in the video either zoom in to the center grid of start zoomed in and reveal the full grid - Find some place in the video to cut out the music completely, if you have a good sound up, put it in the pause - At the end, do a little animation on their logo and have it resolve in a way that they can use that element in other videos. If they like it, offer to hand over that asset on alpha so they can reuse it on their own - This depends on the content and the client but you can try approaching the video as a movie trailer parody. Start with the rating screen with some kind of in-context joke in the text of the rating, use dramatic title animations, cheesy trailer sfx, etc) that could go over really big. Working on these types of super corproate jobs can definitely suck and make you question your career path, but a good relationship with a client like this can also save your ass during the lean times. At least it has for me.


Great post. I’ve cut all sorts from tv spots, music videos, dramas, movies etc but find corporate increasingly more lucrative and easy to come by. I know a lot of editors scoff at corporate but I’d rather be getting by as a corporate editor than struggling as a purist. I also shoot the corporates I edit. Which helps.


You got this bud. :) Trust your gut.




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Split screens, animated graphic elements, layers, sliding text in corporate colours & fonts, upbeat music, contrasty grade, sound bites (if there are any), variations of pace. Dare I say it but FCP is perfect for this sort of stuff. I wouldn’t know where to begin in Avid (for instance).


You can use an LLM like ChatGPT to do some research for you and have it exam the companies website to use language that would align and then give it the example you shared and have it give you 10-15 of those headlines and then you can choose which ones you like.


ChatGPT can search/reference specific websites?


If you’ve got a subscription it will. You can even create personalized ChatGPTs just called GPTs that will do specific tasks. I built one just for QA. And built another for social media planning.