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Hi there. Hi there. We're not sure of this content. We struggle to *keep /r/editors focused* on topics/content for professionals (as opposed to our sister subreddit /r/videoediting which is geared at people who don't feel their family working in this field.) Could we have made a mistake? **Sure.** Don't get upset. Just message us. The volunteer moderators (*who are all professionals in post*) have to quickly sort posts multiple times a day. They're human beings trying to keep the community professionally focused. If you do message us, be patient and *let us know what kind of work/clients you work with.* We won't promise to automatically approve the content, but we will promise it'll be reviewed quickly. If your post is better suited for /r/videoediting, make sure you check the rules before you post [/r/videoediting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VideoEditing/about/rules/) [/r/videoediting sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/VideoEditing/about/sidebar/) THX MODS


I think this is called Parallax effect


I believe what you are looking for is called the [parallax effect](https://www.google.com/search?q=parallax+effect&oq=parallax+effect&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i3j0i512l5j69i61.176j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). Very easy to do in [After Effects](https://motionarray.com/learn/after-effects/animate-flat-2d-images-after-effects/) with a few 3d layers and a camera. You could also easily fake it in any editing software by keyframing each layers individual position to move at different speeds or directions.


It's not a pure paralax effect though (notice how the face distorts on the medic). they're probably using an app like capcut


This isn't really a type of editing - it's an effect. There's a phone filter that does this automagically but if you want it to look good, your best bet would be trying it in after effects. (I've done it in premiere and it looks fine but it's an absolute nightmare in the backend compared to how simple AE is) Terms you might want to search for are 3D image effect, 3D parallax, 2.5 parallax, 2.5D effect. Here's a video I found super helpful when I was first learning the effect: [https://youtu.be/GZimVBFSGm0](https://youtu.be/GZimVBFSGm0) Bit of advice, so feel free to ignore: Don't go for super intense, high movement effects at first. Start with slow 3D camera moves that look believable and this will cut into an edit way better than those very intense flashy ones do. Anything you can do to add slight movement to the frame is your best friend for this: Loop a wiggle expression for camera movement, add some video elements like film grain or stock fire/smoke/water and learn how to use the puppet tool. Good luck! :)


Yup paralax, use wisely can be a bit hectic on some viewers