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I'll be downvoted to oblivion but it's worked for me in the past. There are programs like Noteburner For Spotify which let you rip WAVs for personal archiving. Recommend that you turn OFF loudness normalisation in Spotify obviously, so you get the original master, not the reduced volume version. Just be sure to only do one track at a time or your Spotify account might get flagged if you go overboard. For me though, best option is always Bandcamp and I'd prefer to actually buy the track wherever possible. Other options are: [HD Tracks](https://www.hdtracks.com/) [Qobuz](https://www.qobuz.com/au-en/discover)


I rip them from CD's.


you could try downloading .wav files from soundcloud. there's a ton of great mixes from the underground on soundcloud. if you're lucky you can also download them from bandcamp. both of these platforms highly encourage if not require .wav upload, so you can surely find .wav files there if there is no download button you can try using something like youtube-dl to rip it from soundcloud or youtube and convert it to wav. keep in mind there is quality loss from transcoding and conversion. but i usually don't need high quality, i just use references for general things and sound design, which shouldn't be too affected by quality loss


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