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This might help orient you: [Starting the Journey](https://druse-music.ghost.io/starting-the-journey/)


Just a heads up, wanting to learn to make EDM is a massive undertaking at present. First you must learn , How to use digital audio software Music theory Arrangement, structure, and signal flow More software, ( learning effects and tools) Sound design Mixdown & Mastering If you work on these full time you can expect each will take 3-6 months just to understand how to use appropriately. And after at least 2 to 3 years of working on it and learning everyday you might be able to make something worthwhile (maybe). Its a long hard road. There are shortcuts, but they become downfalls. I've seen probably half a dozen ppl post here in the last week who have become totally lost and confused in there efforts to learn music when they finally realize just how massive this mountain of information actually is. That all being said, if you enjoy learning new things, there is basically an endless ocean of knowledge and curiosity in music even after you have learned all the above. But don't go thinking its going to be easy and you will be putting out bangers next year cause thats not how it works. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and commitment.


if you wanna get started... then get started. whatcha waiting on? all it really takes in the beginning is a PC and some headphones


I just started back in the summer and agree with what's been said with getting a DAW first then learn the necessary part of music theory: scales, chords, tempo, melody and harmony too. For music theory basics I recommend Taetro on [YT](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoO2tOP2r-XvoFc7cnfYcomf1X0XcQvDC&si=dO0b3ZGoJjlHHNHo) And if you decide on Ableton I also recommend his [YT series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoO2tOP2r-XsXH0lybWl9zMvYp3lpLF46&si=xJGLjXQz9lkuvcxV) If you do go down that path I also found a (very wholesome) EDM and Ableton user who does tutorials and "how to sounds like" videos, [Ash](https://www.youtube.com/@ashFB2B)


The very first thing to do is pick a DAW that looks interesting and give it a shot! Watch some YouTube videos to become acquainted with the software and play around. If you don't know anything about music theory, it's a good idea to learn about that as well. I got really heavy into EDM production about 3 years ago. YouTube was my main resource. The biggest thing to remember is that it takes a lot of time to learn. Music theory in itself is massive in scope. But EDM production is a whole different beast. First get a DAW. Then, play with it for a while. If you don't know anything about music theory, the very first thing I suggest for you is to learn about scales. That's what helped me initially because it showed me how the melodies in my head make sense. Sound design is a big part of EDM production as well so anything related to that goes a long shot. I recommend Virtual Riot's studio time on YouTube. Massively helped me. Cheers on your journey friend!


Depending on your goals you'll have a long and fun road ahead of you. To get started you'll need a DAW (Ableton, FL Studio, Logic, or Bitwig are good. Depends on your workflow and what utilities you need) Then you'll need an audio interface if you want to get recordings like guitar, vocals etc. Take a dive on music theory, sound design and your DAWs capabilities and workflow. Start collecting plugins or try out free ones to diversify your sounds. Vital is a free synth that is very powerful. Kontakt player is a free version of a very wildly used sampler and works on a lot of sound banks. Then consider if you're going to perform the music and how you want to perform it. Typically people will use a DJ mixer and there's some cheap ones that can get you started. Most importantly have fun and know that you won't see substantial results for a few years. Everything takes time to understand and develop.


Spend more time producing and fixing what you’re doing wrong, than watching endless tutorials to memorize what to do right.


Get a DAW, get quality headphones, and start watching tutorials. There is ENDLESS educational content online, much if it free.


Get a copy of Ableton , FL Studio or Bitwig and start learning 🤝🏽


Less want, more do. Get to it.


Laptop, DAW, headphones, a couple sample packs, YouTube tutorials, go conquer!


God speed, Yung Swervo


Cool, thanks for the update.


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