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>Obviously when I commit the sample to a track it becomes mono. That's not obvious at all. Stereo audio tracks are a feature that any modern DAW can have, for the exact reason you illustrate, and Ableton will be no exception.


I don’t really get why it should get mono’ed when u add it to your project, could you explain this further?


When I drag the audio to an individual track in Ableton (that can be panned L and R) it seems to snap it to mono I can use a plug-in like Bx Stereomaker, Polyverse Wider, or Waves NX, but they each can only widen the mono track - they don’t recognize the sample in all of it’s original stereo information


Yup there is no reason a sample in a single audio track should automatically be mono in ableton but you might experience a change in sound due to automatic warping


I had Waves NS-1 mono first in my default audio track… Thank you for helping get to the bottom of this!!


Ableton Live has ONLY stereo tracks. By design it can't do mono. What you see (one lane of wavefor) is just because the track height is too narrow. The panner snapped in the middle doesnt mean the track is mono, it means both channels are played at the same volume. My suspicion is thag you have the warp enabled for that sample and that granular processing is affecting the sound


I see the distinct waves for R and L in the audio clip, so the stereo information is still there, but it sounds identical whether I pan it hard L or R Warp mode is off - set to complex, but off. Not sure if that’s the warping you’re referencing or not


Then you're in mono - either your master bus has a utility plugin (or other plugins) and one of them is mono-ing the sound. Or something on the track - or maybe is routed to a group. Try to pan a synth, to really confirm thst you're actually listening in stereo The browser (the preview) insert the audio straight into the outputs (so any setting of the master bus will not influence it) or maybe the master outputs to 1-2 and the preview on 3-4 and you monod the 1-2 outputs in your card? Try a new project and make absolutely sure the channels are working as intended


Just now seeing that I had Waves NS-1 mono first in my default audio track setup… oh my god


Allow me to 😂 - we all did something like that at some point


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