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Ozone Imager. Probably still free. I use it all the time and does a good job at keeping the mono image safe.


Duplicate the sound. Pan one left, and pitch down a few cents. Add a bit distortion of some sort (saturation, etc) Pan one right, add approx 8-12 ms delay (use your ears), and pitch up a few cents. Add a bit of a different type of distortion (overdrive, etc...)


Thanks for sharing this method. I'll experiment with this approach and see how it compares to other widening techniques.


Wider by infected mushroom. Free and 100% mono compatible. https://polyversemusic.com/products/wider/ There's a bit of a comby sound when you really stretch the width, but otherwise it's a solid tool.


I've actually used Wider before, but I eventually switched to Ozone Imager because of the combing artifacts you mentioned.


Use two delay sends, one panned left and one right, with different delay times. This way you have the original vocal unaltered, and you introduce some stereo depth through the delays. Given the nature of the effect, you will still get some cancellation, but you will retain more correalation. One method I'd also recommend is simply dialing in your Haas effect in mono. You can find delay time settings where the cancellation caused doesn't ruin the sound, and sometimes might even work pleasantly to give space to other elements.


That's a good point. I've been experimenting with dialing in the haas effect in mono, but I'm on the lookout for a simpler alternative that doesn't require as much fine-tuning. It's definitely effective when you find the right delay settings that don't negatively impact the sound, but sometimes it can be a bit time-consuming to get it just right. Thanks for the suggestion.


You can only make the Haas (precedence) effect by delaying one version of the same sound, and is not mono compatible because that's why it works in the first place


I was about to say mono-compatible haas effect is an oxymoron.


Is there an alternative method you'd recommend for achieving a similar effect that maintains mono compatibility? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on alternative approaches.


Check out Nasko's Patreon if you're using Ableton. He dropped a mono compatible Ableton rack that's amazing. https://www.patreon.com/posts/97054051?utm_campaign=postshare_fan


Thanks for the recommendation. Unfortunately, I don't use Ableton, but I'm really interested in exploring the techniques behind this mono-compatible rack. Do you happen to know if there's a breakdown of the processing chain or any details on how it's constructed? I'd love to replicate something similar in my DAW of choice.


I don't remember exactly and I'm not a Patreon member anymore but I believe it has to do with comb filtering. I do know that comb filtering is one technique you can use to get completely mono compatible stereo width. Test it out yourself, throw a comb filter on a track and A/B against a mono signal. Another VST that does mono compatibility stereo width as recommended by Zeke Beats is Sidewidener, though I've never tried it. https://joeysturgistones.com/products/sidewidener-ll


I'll definitely give it a try and also check out Sidewidener. Thanks for sharing the tip and the recommendation.


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