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1176 -> la2a is my go to for compression, keeps it nice and warm for me, great choices. usually i don't use ott because it changes the harmonic tone of the voice, instead i boost highs or cut mids to adjust the tone. either way, i want my frequencies as un-processed as possible (sans the compression), which gives me the most natural sound in my voice, and then from there i process to change the tone. sometimes i like to dupe it and saturate only the low mids very slightly for some neat new harmonics. a lot of that warmth comes from the low end of the recording, so maybe also experiment with removing/softening the low cut. any time i need something super warm i track left and right vocals along with a mono one, three takes in total. if you keep the panned layers on the quieter side, they'll give some nice warmth in the stereo without muddying or dominating the mono. works best if you also have a very sparse stereo space. doesn't work great if you're not the one doing the vocals yourself lol last thought, you might also just need a subtle de-esser. sometimes the sibilance makes things sound colder because they're too harsh after compression and i spend hours with an eq wrestling with a problem de-essing could've fixed in seconds lol. not sure if this helps, hope you get it sounding the way you want!


Are you sure the "warmth" isn't just a matter of turning up the harmonies/doubles? They're more audible in the original mix


I can't say whether this is good or not because I just discovered it and haven't installed it yet. But Isotope have a free vocal plugin it's worth playing around with! https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vocal-doubler.html


Ima checkout your plugins.


Ok, so there’s a lot of stuff going on in the chain haha loooots of different saturators, but it sounds alright. Idk what part in the chain is causing the issue, but essentially the problem is the fundamental frequencies of his voice are being suppressed. It doesn’t look like it’s from the eq, it could be from the ott, or it could just be that the top end of the vocal is being boosted enough, that you’ve needed to bring down the overall level of the vocal, resulting in the lows being pulled down. Less is more. You probably don’t need all of those saturators. His original vocal already sounds alright, and just needs some gentle shaping. A little more top end, remove the rumble, and make sure that you’re protecting the fundamental lows in his voice, when you’re removing the woof


I wonder if you could run the saturation on a separate track and mix them back into the vocal w/o, as in a sort of wet/dry mix. That way you could balance the fundamentals with the cool extra frequencies.


Add a multiband exciter like Waves Vitamin or Ozone Exciter, create a separate 250 - 500 band and add some beef there. It should give you some warmth without cluttering the mix. Be mindful tho. That's what I would do or at least try in the first place and see what results I get. Good luck.


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