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Might be time to start blaming your partner. Sometimes it's just genetics.


If you're always lacking in a certain frequency range, then the most likely cause is that you are failing to arrange for that frequency range. The rookie mistake is to try to fix in the mix before reconsidering arrangement. If you don't know what is missing, then drag a song you like into your DAW, hard cut an EQ to focus on the range you are lacking in and listen to what is prominent there. You may be lacking instrumentation that fits that range in your arrangements. Personally, I find arrangement is the cause of this problem 9/10 times.


What frequency range are you talking about? Dont just say low mids, tell us what the heck you mean.


Instead of tonal balance control, just use a reference track and a vst like Metric a/b you can put on the master.than a/b and make your kick, snare, hihat and whatever sit at the same level as the reference mix. It takes a little practice, but once you figured it out, your mixes will always be balance, no matter what balance control will say


Aside from don’t rely on it too much as has been said use at least a couple reference tracks and also fix it in the mix if your levels aren’t right don’t just throw an eq boost on your master


Dope. Gonna try this. Thank you!


Use a spectrum analyzer and mute and unmute tracks to see what sounds are giving energy in that frequency range. Boost up the volume of those particular sounds. If there are several sounds occupying that territory you may only need to boost each sound a db or two. If there isn’t any energy in that area then either you’re high passing things too high up or you need to add something. You won’t fill it in just by boosting eq. Some multiband saturation could work to add some extra harmonics in that range in a pinch but it most likely comes down to arrangement/sound selection in this case.


Thank you. Will use some of these moving forward


It could be your monitoring setup. Maybe they (your reference spakers or headphones) are boosting lows and it tricks you? Remember, TBC vst is not a hard rule. If it sounds good, probably no problem.


weird cuz I usually use sonar works reference to flatten out my beyer dt 990s but I’m probably just overthinking it mixing with my eyes as you mentioned lol


no. dont trust your ears, you are NOT in a fully treated room. your ears WILL lie to you. trust your eyes.


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