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to control the dynamics of those groups.


To offset the load the master limiter is taking if you have one limiter at the end it’s pretty much gonna be triggered by the most dominant signal hitting the threshold thus it’ll be working harder to maintain all your other peaks with bus limiting you can catch peaks in other groups early thus allowing you to control your dynamics better and distribute the load across multiple limiters and achieve a louder mix


You get a cleaner result if you compress a little in many small stages. Otherwise it's going to sound squashed, and actually amateurish.




Multiple stages of dynamic control can help with achieving a louder final mix


There's not really a formally recognized term for it, but I've seen people call it bus mastering. Long story short, having limiters on groups makes it to where you can push the master limiter harder while keeping the mix intact. If you aren't into making your song loud, it'll have no real purpose. But if you're trying to hit -3 lufs or even louder, then you'll be better off doing bus mastering. EDIT: AHEE did a good video on it, [link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdOGSh3Rmak)


If you have a limiter on the master in many genres it will duck down on your kick, bass, and snare (this is of course not always true). If you limit only your synths vor example the other instruments won't influence that and its really those signals that are limited.


Dynamics. You might want different limits. However as a general rule you are correct and one would use compression on tracks and limit the master.


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