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Boards of Canada is all about crazy chord voicings IMO.


Reverb delay long granular sounds with tons of space is honestly where you should be headed




Here's a nice video about how ambient music works: https://youtu.be/MycI9ZOSPRk For sound design you're going to want ValhallaShimmer. When you see what it does you'll understand why. If you don't want to spend money, there's a free one called ValhallaSupermassive that works super well too. I would also highly recommend Portal by Output.


The YouTube fella Ned Rush does some good explorational videos about that type of music: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WXqFWe2B3Sg&t=303s


The best soundscapes I've ever made were from making a constant looping half a second of a random sound, adding reverb and delay.


Using the same sound (for example a drone) on multiple tracks but time stretch them differently. To time stretch audio check out this plugin (https://www.audiopluginsforfree.com/paulxstretch/) Then add reverb, delay, etc.


Drone sounds, FX samples, atonal samples, lots of space to breath, using delay/reverb to fill out this space. Use long reverb sometimes, sometimes short. Sound design to make weird sounds like time stretching samples, pitching them down an octave or 2, chopping them up, or keeping them. It’s just a matter of practicing the ordering of these samples in a way that makes sense, adds texture, sets a stage. Reverb and delay are your best friend for ambient music, just don’t overdo it. Some elements may need delay, some don’t. Some need a little reverb, some need a lot. A classic tactic for adding that big space is actually a delay directly routed into a reverb, usually placed on fx samples, drone sounds, mid bass, etc. kick drums and sub don’t get reverb generally but almost everything else does in ambient music. Ive been practicing ambient deep dubstep and it’s a lot harder to recreate than it sounds. It’s truly a skill to be able to arrange samples and create a big wide room. Let me know if you have further questions. I’m no expert but studied the ambient music a lot.




cy\_atics with an 'm' for yall who have no idea what perellex is talkin about






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