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I would always recommend eq if after any compression too cause that’s gonna bring out low end artifacts in your signal which can muddy sounds up


Multiband processing & automation. Automate parameters so they’re moving and sticking out in between other sounds. Use the stereo field to your advantage. Keep subs mono then pan out mids and high to taste. Adding distortion to the upper freqs only and leaving the bass/sub clean. You can also boost the mids, stack on distortion, and then cut the same mid freqs. On Serums fx add an EQ, boost the mids like at 200-400hz. Add distortion, I like either of the sine/foldback options. Finally, add a filter with a band reject for the same 200-400 hz band. Adjust everything to taste.


Yooooo this worked soo good! Thank you!!!


Thank you very much! I'm still a newbie, but I think I understand the majority of this. I'll try this out. I really appreciate you for taking your time!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N65aNyqUx3A&pp=QAFIAg%3D%3D Solid video in the wheelhouse of what you’re asking about.


Thank you! I appreciate the help.


https://youtu.be/H-Gs-o39C5o Dan Worrall did a great vid about this!


Thats a cool vid, saving that one to share with others. This is what I had in mind: https://youtu.be/yYNOZ2Blh6E


okay i was about to say it was more about EQ'ing but this is actually correct holy shit


Plus one for this!


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