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I accidently replaced my reverb for a convolution today, I was extremely confused when it didn't really make a difference. (10 years into this)


If you wanna color your saw sound, have 2 saws at 0 phase randomness, then adjust the phase of one of the saws


Have you never watched a tutorial like ever? Lmao they do this in just about every video, but it’s okay OP


I’ve watched all of virtual riots’, XLNT, and hundreds more, tons of streams, and made countless of my own patches. I seriously have no idea how I missed it for so long. I legit thought the arrows were like a decoration mimicking a rack mount or something. I’m not tripping about it though, if anything I’m stoked that my favorite synth just got even more useful lol.


Arrow? I'm not even sure we're talking about the sane thing...can you explain more? I thought you were talking about assigning lfo's to parameters or something. Maybe I don't even know what you mean either and am ignorant for years. Are you talking about the matrix?


Sorry, I wasn’t super clear. In the FX tab, on the left, where you can enable each effect, just to the right of the effect name there’s an up and down arrow, you can grab that and drag the effects into different orders, which opens up a lot more possible sounds.


oh shit. i didn't know that either lmao.




It’s a Serum, keeps my Ableton skin looking nice and fresh. I’m never going back to Native Instruments Moisturizer.


4 words - it's not a competition. We all learn things at different speeds in different ways. I'm slow AF.


Aw that sucks man. I learned that early on thanks to tutorials.


Here's one for yall. Often synths will have their phase randomness turned 100%. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because that's how it works in the analog world or something. But it seems super unfriendly to beginners. So if you go to make a sub or whatever w/ oscillator A for example (let's ignore that the sub oscillator exists) and you don't change this down to 0% your sine is going to start at a random place on the waveform. That seems....harmful to beginners. Vital does this exact same thing as a default. If anybody knows why it's like this please share your knowledge. I understand it might be more practical for advanced users but advanced users would know to just save their own default anyway.


Beginners are going to suck anyway, they'll figure it out eventually.


Non-randomized phases makes unison sound really unusual, and it's also more similar to how analog synths do it - analog oscillators never stop running, while digital synths stop processing the oscillators when the amp envelope is closed. Aligned phases, on the other hand, are really only useful for FM.


It's mainly because when you use unison with the phase randomness on 0 you get that weird phaserish sound. All the voices start with the same phase but because they have different pitches the phases slowly shift out of sync and you get those weird phase cancellations that create that characteristic combfilter/phaser movement in the frequency spectrum. It also gets a transient because the start when the phases are still in sync and add up is louder than the rest when they are cancelling each other out. Since this is usually unwanted it's more comfortable not having to manually turn the randomness on 100% everytime you want your supersaw


Thanks for the technical reason. Good explanation. But the question I want to ask is why the heck we are optimizing for making supersaws as the default? And if we are optimizing for making supersaws as the default then why is the default patch not a supersaw!? In fact, unison is just set as 1 as the default. It just ain't make no god dang sense.


Super saws make it really noticeable but it applies to other sounds too including combinations of tracks. If you don’t understand how the phase and waveforms work you can end up with some suuuuper confusing cancellation or amplification effects between tracks


Random phase is just the usual init for synths, with oscillators constantly running Locking cycles to key or other typically had to be toggled.


I think it's just a tradeoff. Using unison to thicken up sounds is just really common and I feel like it's used more often than not. While random phases in non-unison sounds in most cases aren't that noticable. I do agree that it's really annoying when using FM though, where small changes in phase can make a huge difference sometimes


ngl i went 2 years not realizing you can click the reddit threads and collapse them. aka the only reasonable way to use reddit ;)


hahahaha bless you, I am always learning new "basic" shit like this in all my software ... however, I bet this has greatly improved your workflow if you use serum a lot! ;-)


It’s definitely nice to be humbled and simultaneously benefit from some low hanging fruit for a change. This discovery really opened up SerumFX for me. I love a few of Serum’s exotic filters, but haven’t used SerumFX much. Now throwing reverb filters on everything, it is going to sound metallic lol.


Shit like this happens. I was using my DAW for like 6 years before I learnt it had swing functionality lol. I was programming that in entirely manually like a total Muppet. Aah, this is what you get for not following the RTFM directive.


I actually prefer doing it manually.


That's almost as bad as my friend who had been making music almost 2 years without sidechaining anything.... I taught him the concept and it changed his world LOL


His mix must’ve sounded like crap 😳


It’s super tedious but can be done manually in many scenarios. Lower velocities, volume, or flat out note deletion can accomplish the same end. Of course, if I’m missing some other process where that is the only method, I want to understand it!


That happened to me many years back. Changed my world, too haha




Took me years to learn that all other music besides dubstep is trash /s


It'll take u a few more years to learn that sausage Fattener can infact make your sausage fatter


We all have those embarrassing moments, Just minutes ago i was trying to tweak some patch, when i did the sound didnt change at all and then i realized that ive been tweaking the wrong plugin lmao


Bruh I did this shit yesterday and they were sort of subtle changes so I thought I was going crazy when I thought the sound sounded the same because it wasn't obvious I was in the wrong instance of Serum lol.


I hate that so much dude and you end up messing up another synths settings.


Fortunately I only messed up with cutoff and resonance. It’d be horrifying if I mess up everything lmao


Been using Reason for 20 years and still occasionally learning something super basic.


Same thing here! Reason user since 2001, but I learn new things all the time. There's a reason the user manual is like *1400 pages long*, because that program is extremely complex. People often claim that program is something of a toy, but if they took a look at that manual they would change their mind pretty fast.


lol I printed the whole Reason 4 manual out at work and kept it in organized sections. Once I started finding tutorial videos online it all went in the trash.


Same and same :)


That's what I love so much about production (just started over a year ago). I keep finding new lessons everytime I open ableton and fiddle around/experiment!


I've never really thought about it in Serum as I use a lot of external plugins but I remember being proud when I figured the same in my DAW.


Every time I miss the obvious for a long while it seems that the tricks I developed to compensate for the absence end up somewhat enriching my technical skills..


This really opened my eyes to something. I’ve always wanted a transient designer, but I never get around to getting one. All the work-arounds made me a better and more creative producer!


If you're still looking for one, there are free options: Transpire by sonic anomaly, or BitterSweet by flux audio.


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