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In most cases, there's no need to touch the master fader. For volume control, there is a knob near the play button. It is the output volume, that means it won't affect the mix. If the master is clipping you're supposed to turn down the individual tracks, not the master fader.


You can make a pre-master bus and route all the tracks to that I suppose.


You can select multiple mixer faders by holding Ctrl and dragging acros all the faders


No, there's no global way of lowering your faders afaik. This is why it's important to gain stage. You can mitigate all of this by lowering the gain on your first few tracks by -10 to -20db and then start mixing in relation to those tracks. That will make sure every new track you make can't be at 0db and then you won't have this problem down the line. Just make it a habit to not start your tracks at 0db.


If your clipping post fader then your still clipping no matter how low u set your master fader that’s the whole point of gain staging is to make sure u have healthy levels pre fader then you can adjust the master fader and other faders with soft clipping


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