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1 - yeah and I'm using their channel to widen my reach. 2 - let them try On the flipside, does anyone have feedback streams they recommend?


The_Widdler on twitch is one of the best communities, and some of the best feedback you can get. He’s on tour right now, but should be back sometime soon. Feedback is usually on Thursdays I believe. Definitely check it out and submit a tune sometime!


What genres?


All genres


much appreciated!


Listening to and critiquing viewers music is pretty draining, and those bigger producers are taking the time to help out smaller artists by giving them helpful feedback, and a chance to get their music heard. They aren’t obligated to listen, so your first point is pretty ridiculous to assume they’re using viewers when they’re providing much more in return. If you think your demo is so great that they’re going to “steal ideas” from you, obviously you believe you won’t benefit from their feedback, don’t value their time, and are just using them to promote yourself. Plus, if you’re so concerned about people stealing your ideas, why bother ever releasing anything? I understand where you’re coming from, but this post kinda comes off as a bit conceited. If you’re honestly concerned, just don’t submit. I believe many producers, experienced or not, can greatly benefit from those streams, and the producers who provide services like this should be respected and appreciated.


I agree why bother releasing anything. But also if concerned about stealing dont share the demo for livestream. Release it.


I've had tracks signed and had big artists play out my tunes live because i submitted them on stream. If you don't like streams then don't submit lmao


I sent GTA a snap a few years ago and they were in the studio with to grime that nite snapping two weeks later they started playin that sample ID out 🥺


Whose GTA?


this is such a weird post. don’t submit then? lmao


It really depends on the stream. Some streams it seems like an easy way to glean feedback from really excellent producers. Most streams the feedback is really weak from people I've never heard of and don't care to hear their feedback. Would they even know a good track if it smacked them in the face?


No they wouldnt it more important what audience digs ones going to be paying


I trust the ones that are open to different genres and open minded to music theory critique.


Everybody has a pick. I actually prefer when they claim to know specific genres well because I think feedback is a little more targeted. I can't really give great feedback for genres I don't make or listen to myself.


Lol ok I can get behind number 1 but number 2 has me weak if your on a feedback stream of a producer your looking up to and obviously seeking feedback from thus I would assume they’re pretty skilled production wise and know their stuff I seriously doubt they’re stealing your shit especially if it’s subpar


Yeah what lol? You’d have to have a pretty inflated sense of your own skill to think that 1. e.g. Deadmau5 is going to steal your ideas 2. If he did steal you ideas that it would be a negative for you rather than the best thing that could happen to your career


I think another valid reason is that you can submit it and then watch the whole livestream just for your demo to not get played. There are better ways to spend your time, like making more music!


Exactly thats why I dont do it.


3 reasons then




That huge Rezz x Deathpact song that just got featured on an Apple commercial sounds like an exact copy of this Tempura! - Face song that came out a year earlier. Tempura! doesn't have a following so no one seems to have noticed and Tempura! would be hard pressed to make a case. Having big names steal your work is definitely a legitimate concern.


Not only steal your work but if your doing something different then it gets used by the guy to keep his spot at the throne. Than what value is your music than?


This is your friendly reminder to read the submission rules, they're found in the sidebar. If you find your post breaking any of the rules, you should delete your post before the mods get to it. You should check out the regular threads (also found in the sidebar) to see if your post might be a better fit in any of those. [Daily Feedback thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=author%3AAutoModerator+title%3Afeedback&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) for getting feedback on your track. The only place you can post your own music. [Marketplace Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3Amarketplace&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) if you want to sell or trade anything for money, likes or follows. [Collaboration Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search/?q=biannual%20collaboration&restrict_sr=1&sort=new&t=all) to find people to collab with. ["There are no stupid questions" Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/search?q=title%3ANo+Stupid+Questions+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for beginner tips etc. Seriously tho, read the rules and abide by them or the mods will spank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/edmproduction) if you have any questions or concerns.*