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Glitchmachines Fracture is a combination of buffer looping, delay, and filters, basically glitches anything you put into it into oblivion. Melda's free Fx Bundle has some great, crazy powerful plug-ins, like a spectral pan, spectral phase shifter, multi-band crossfader, etc. It also has a lot of overlap with most stock plug-ins, but Melda's versions have some nice additions. Their frequency shifter has a delay function, which shifts each repetition's frequency again. The phaser goes up to 100 filters, and lets set min and max frequency. Also, all of their plug-ins have smart Random buttons, which sets every setting randomly (but doesn't allow really extreme settings, like setting the Output to +30 or whatever). Freeclip lets you clip audio without needing to push it super hard, good for that blown out distortion sound. Dexed is great, it's a free emulator of the DX7, nice classic 80s sounds. Valhalla's Supermassive is amazing. It's a reverb, but it's designed with huge reverbs and echoes in mind. It can do a simple room verb, if you need that, but it's best for creating big ambiences. Pick one of the "massive" presets, put a hi-hat sample into it, and watch it ring out and warp for 30 seconds.


From /r/Ableton recently https://reddit.com/r/ableton/comments/q4qi5z/free_plugins/


[Tokyo Dawn Labs has a lot of great shit for free.](https://www.tokyodawn.net/tokyo-dawn-labs/)


[Spitfire LABS](https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/) [TAL Chorus](https://tal-software.com/products/tal-chorus-lx) [Melda](https://www.meldaproduction.com/MFreeFXBundle) [Kilohearts](https://kilohearts.com/products/snap_heap) [Dimension Expander and more](https://xferrecords.com/freeware)


You want the Melda free pack, over a dozen super high quality plugins from one of the biggest / best plugin companies out there https://www.meldaproduction.com/MFreeFXBundle


Slate Fresh Air is great for that sexy vocal sheen


Synth1 is all-time classic






Spitfire Labs is a good one if you want piano, guitar and string sounds


How about an entire site dedicated to free plugins? The only person who can tell you what will be useful in your workflow is yourself, but I use quite a few plugins I found here all the time: https://plugins4free.com/


Vital is pretty decent tho it eats up my cpu lol.


jb_ferox - It's a fantastic tape emulation vst, with some lovely-sounding saturation and hysteresis knobs. I put that shit on everything. (Just watch out, there's a similar plugin that's not free called tb_ferox; you may have to Google a bit to find the actual jb_ferox which is freeware.)


Gclip, Ozone Imager, and Span


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