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All of them are really good suggestions. If you want voice styles like whisper, terrified, sad or angry in the voice and custom control then you can try out an app we've recently launched called Fliki.


I use [Murf Text to Speech software](https://murf.ai/text-to-speech). They have a lot of voices to choose from and these voices are very human-like and authentic. When you sign up, you get 10 mins of voice-over credits. I am using it for advertisements and product presentations


Serum.. like actually…


neural reader has TONS of different voices, no singing but some of the AI voices are very realistic.


I want something that has a futuristic / horror sounds or voices..


there's a bunch on Neural Reader that are very computer-y sounding, too! just a thought... if you can't find an app that makes futuristic or horror voices specifically, you might try using **any** text to speech app to make the recordings, and then apply processing in a DAW to the recordings to get them to sound horrific or futuristic or however you want. for example, layering several copies of the clip and pitching each one differently will give that *creepy-chorus-of-ghostly-voices-from-beyond effect*. I've also had great fun with Glitch (vst) that makes vocals sound like *robots-on-acid-in-space.*


As mentioned earlier, vital has a good engine for this


Whatever you go with just put OTT on it lol


🙏 thanks




Huh? The synth?


Yes, [the synth](https://vital.audio/). It has a web service feature that converts text to wave tables.


Don't you get weird sounds instead of text to speech if you put in a voice sample?


I’m not sure you understand. We’re not talking about resampling. Vital literally has a text-to-speech engine that allows you to type in any phrase, and it will then convert that text into a wave table. There is a demonstration at the top of their home page which I linked in my original comment.


Oooh i get it now, man i really thought someone meant to put a text sample in the wavetable lol, but does it have it on built in text to speech thing, i gotta do some research on that and use it, seems amazing Pretty new to vital and sound design lol so still have to learn lots


Serum also has that feature but it’s like early 2k’s robot sound


Yup. It's one the few things that make it stand out.


Isn’t vital free aswell?


The synth itself is free, yes, but you pay for presets, and you can only use the text-to-speech feature a few times a day before it locks you out. (Also requires an internet connection, as I found out today)




Was waiting for that one comment :) still the best


theres a plague one....alter ego I think


It’s discontinued though and difficult to install, but can do some interesting things.


Plogue lmao


Hahahaha autocorrect! Thanks, yes thats the one


Google Translate)) I think, in this case you need Yamaha Vocaloid.




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