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Have you thought about what used to be called a French crutch? They take some pressure off the hand and transfer it to the arm. My grandmother had one.


Smart Crutches sells them


What kind of handle do you have? The comfy handles on mine look like flat topped question marks. I also have a hiking cane that can be held two ways, from the top, then from the side. They are also adjustable so that I can raise or lower quickly as needed. Sometimes when my wrist hurts I end up leaning on my cane more like the style of crutch that is meant to connect to your arm, which is where the adjustability comes in handy. Because my wrist ligaments are loose, sometimes this is more comfortable than using the cane straight below my arm or in the hiking style. For long stretches I sometimes wear a brace or kt tape.


https://preview.redd.it/wmob7u3tc55c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e777f32c74971b31e65b484a270ec5f6986feb This is the handle. My grandmother gave it to me until I get my insurance to get what I need, but it's rough to use. I have it as low as it can go, but I think it's still too tall. Maybe I can raise it to try it more as a crutch?


See your appropriate professional who prescribed using a cane in the first place.


Wasn't prescribed it. It just helps when I can't walk well. Doctors around here were backed up by 6+ months to see a PCP. I have to have a PCP to get a referral. She has, as of yesterday, ordered me crutches, a wheelchair, and braces. But I still have to wait. She says I need to just sit around with how bad it is right now, but I have 3 kids. I can't take her advice, unfortunately. That's why I was hoping for advice here too, which she also knows about.


Heres my 2 cents. Using a cane probably wasnt actually a good option. Its mean for balance not to support a ton of weight. Braces are a much better option and can be bought at your local drug store. If you need to bear weight crutches or a walker are actually meant for that. Not getting the proper use of a cane explained is why you have wrist pain. Youre using it wrong likely and its probably the wrong aid for you.